Rabbi: Those who believe in Jesus are anti-Semites

Brian Foley

Valued Senior Member
Christians and Jews
CHRISTIANS have to make a choice - "either retain their present belief system and be antisemitic or form a partnership with the Jewish people."

This is the view of Bar-Ilan University's Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Hayman, who is active in Jewish-Christian dialogue and in encouraging modern Christianity to return to its Jewish roots by observing the Seven Noahide Laws.

"As long as Christians keep Jesus as God, they will be antisemitic because that belief must lead them to believe that those who reject Jesus reject God," he told the Australian Jewish News.

"That's how the process of satanising the Jews began. That belief is the root cause of 1500 years of the Christian idolatrous antisemitism which led to the Holocaust."

Proficient in New Testament Studies and Classical Greek, Dr. Hayman noted that at least five American churches have given up belief in Jesus.

Should someone inform the Rabbi that it was Jews who created Christianity and brought this religion to the West thereby self inflicting Anti-semitism themselves .
Perhaps people are oversimplifying what this Rabbi would actually wish to express if allowed to present an entire book on what he would wish to say.

yes, Paulist Christianity is inimical to Judaism. But Messianic Judaism which supposes Christ to have been the Messiah, presents a development to Judaism but is not hostile to it.

Christianity could certainly settle for Christ as a Perfect Man... a kind of Second Adam, Son of the Immaculate Conception -- a Christ that is short of being equal to God the Father, Eternal Creator of Heaven and Earth. It would require giving up the notion of Salvation by Divine Sacrifice, but Catholics have always been committed to Righteousness and Preparation for Judgment, anyway. Protestants would hate it, since without their Salvation, their Religion is reduced to not much of anything else but the annual Squaredance and pie eating contest.

Anyway, if we negotiated away the doctrines of Paul, I believe I could easily come to terms with this Rabbi fellow.

I think Catholics have a duty to. An Angel once came to me and asked me why Our Lady dresses as a Carmelite Nun. It took me a month of continuous thinking and research before I figure it out. The Carmelite Order was originally Jewish. the Crusaders found an order of Jews worshipping at a Chapel on Mount Carmel in the Holy Land, that was said to have been the sanctuary for the Blessed Virgin Herself. So when She wears the Habit of the Carmelite Order, She is expressing the Oneness between Judaism and Catholicism... or, well NOT any actual Oneness between the two, since there isn't any. But the Carmelite Habit is the Signal that there SHOULD BE a Oneness between the two.
I would say to Rabbi, Christian, Muslim....and all other patriarchists with head in respective Book....GET OOOOVEr IT!...wake up for gawwwds sake. will yaaa?
this is the TWENTY FIRST CENTURY!....did what a bind you are in. see the roots. understand that unless you see through the idiocy you are in there will be conflicts and potential conflicts indefinately

time to wake up now...or die.same thing
The Rabbi is correct in saying Christianity is anti_jewish. It is the ultimate heresy. It totally undermines the Jewish faith. Which is why Jews have always gone after Christians.

We rarely hear about their attacks. We sure hear a lot about the counterattacks.

The Toledoth Yeshu sums up traditional Jewish attitudes towards Jesus Christ.
Yes, quite. i hear ya loud and clear

so. what do you want?
another thousand years of one side callin the other 'hertics' in between the bombs?
is that what you want? seriously?

so ....the way i see it is to look at the roots where all this conflict SPRINGS from, no?
why are you clinging to these outdated beliefs that divide? cause daddy says so? why why?
Muhlenberg said:
The Rabbi is correct in saying Christianity is anti_jewish. It is the ultimate heresy.
actually, its the fulfillment of jewish prophecy, all the original followers were jewish, even Paul (born Saul (a jew), trained as a pharisee 'rabbi')

It totally undermines the Jewish faith. Which is why Jews have always gone after Christians.
the pharisees, saducees & sacarii (PSS) thought so, but not the thousands that converted post-resurrection. The PSS had to fight Jesus, it was changing their way of life & the thinking of the people. in the gospels, Jesus tore down 'formal' religion, so afterwards, that 'formal' religion, that had Him killed, needed to justify that ACT, tried re-writting His life, etc...

We rarely hear about their attacks. We sure hear a lot about the counterattacks.
Jewish PSS were fighting for their "old-time" religion, they were rapidly losing ground, they lost finally to the Romans, who evicted them from Palestine around 70AD & 136AD, after the Jewish War the Bar Kochba War

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Jesus never claimed exclusive divinity, and he never created Christianity, therefore, not everyone who believes in his teaching is a Christian, or anti-semetic. If people really understood what Jesus was saying, there would be no cause for conflict between religious people whatsoever. The people who killed Jesus are the same ones that started Christianity, those against mystical understanding of God in favor of a legalistic simplistic mind control word-virus. In this sense, Christians and Jews are identical, they are both looking for someone to do their work for them, they call it a messiah, because they are afraid to look for the kingdom of heaven within. A real messiah makes messiahs unnecessary, like Buddha. There is no need for Buddha to come back, he did it right the first time.
am i wrong in thinking that judaism and islam both think that jesus was a prophet for their god?
kenworth: am i wrong in thinking that judaism and islam both think that jesus was a prophet for their god?
M*W: Yes.
kenworth said:
am i wrong in thinking that judaism and islam both think that jesus was a prophet for their god?

I dont know abt judaism but in islam jesus who we call him prophet Isa is a prophet from god