R.I.P. Fred Phleps

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I'm not willing to surrender my principles just because this man's opinions are unpopular.
Thread, you are disappoint - I came here expecting to hear that he'd been horribly mutilated by a pack of wild badgers... and here I find he isn't even dying yet...
The sack of crap is 81 years old, and just take a look at the guy..

I doubt he will be around much longer anyway.. (Which is a good thing).
Am I the only one that doesn't want him dead? It's great comedy, and it unites the two parties in opposition. Can we please end this violent rhetoric?
Everytime I see the coot...I think of the creepy preacher from "Poltergeist II"

Everytime I see the coot...I think of the creepy preacher from "Poltergeist II"

Yeah, I do see the resemblance...Maybe he was an actor before he turned nutter.:p

Probably related to the mortician from the "Phantasm" movies as well..
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I live in Kansas City. So whenever he dies I'll be there too. We'll hold a celebration outside of his funeral.
Why end the violent rhetoric? It doesn't do anything.

Spidergoat said:

Am I the only one that doesn't want him dead?

No. People are apparently feeling futile in the face of what they despise.

It's great comedy, and it unites the two parties in opposition.

True. Instead of killing homosexuals, Democrats and Republicans alike can rally against Fred Phelps and simply agree that gays are second-class citizens.

Actually, the comedy for me comes in contrast to a strain of Christianity I refer to as "Loving God". It's not a sect, but an attitude that exists in several. You know those people like Rockin' Rollin and such who go around with the 3.16 signs? That he who believes shall be saved?

You know, the one that leads atheists to ask, "Does that mean if Hitler believed in Jesus, he would go to Heaven?"

Yeah, that one.

Think about it. God loves us. God wants us redeemed. He had his Son murdered in order to redeem us. He doesn't want us to perish in Damnation.

To the other, that doesn't mean he has to like us.

Perhaps Fred Phelps lives because God knows the alternative is an eternity of sitting around in Heaven with the dumbassed preacher.

Or, to put it simply: Fred Phelps lives because God don't want 'im.

I know, it's a mild chuckle. But come on, it's God and Fred Phelps. Not much to work with.

Oh, right. And, besides, in the hands of his ill-educated, insecure children, the movement might only become louder and more desperately juvenile, and therefore more annoying.

Can we please end this violent rhetoric?

Why? There's apparently no reason to. It doesn't cause any problems, and besides, it's become of late not only acceptable, but rather somewhat fashionable.

Indeed, since words in political rhetoric don't mean anything or have any effect on people who aren't already ardent followers—because, you know, you have to be a sympathizer or adherent of an idea or movement in order for them to affect your actions; if you're not on the mailing list, there's no way anything people say can affect your behavior—there really isn't any reason to start assembling maps with small bonfires marking GOP legislative offices, and inviting people to eradicate the disease.

And if somebody sets something on fire, it can't possibly be related.

There's absolutely no reason we need to end the violent rhetoric. It doesn't do anything. Let people call for one another's murder. At worst, makes someone you don't like feel better about their own futility in justifying their existence.
No. People are apparently feeling futile in the face of what they despise.

or empowered by an example of what not to do. ;)

True. Instead of killing homosexuals, Democrats and Republicans alike can rally against Fred Phelps and simply agree that gays are second-class citizens.

Actually, the comedy for me comes in contrast to a strain of Christianity I refer to as "Loving God". It's not a sect, but an attitude that exists in several. You know those people like Rockin' Rollin and such who go around with the 3.16 signs? That he who believes shall be saved?

when i first read this i thought you were talking about me. i like to think i have a rock n roll ministry. but then i read this...

You know, the one that leads atheists to ask, "Does that mean if Hitler believed in Jesus, he would go to Heaven?"

Yeah, that one.

and i definitely don't reflect that sentiment.


your resident narcissist

Think about it. God loves us. God wants us redeemed. He had his Son murdered in order to redeem us. He doesn't want us to perish in Damnation.

To the other, that doesn't mean he has to like us.

Perhaps Fred Phelps lives because God knows the alternative is an eternity of sitting around in Heaven with the dumbassed preacher.

Or, to put it simply: Fred Phelps lives because God don't want 'im.

I know, it's a mild chuckle. But come on, it's God and Fred Phelps. Not much to work with.

Oh, right. And, besides, in the hands of his ill-educated, insecure children, the movement might only become louder and more desperately juvenile, and therefore more annoying.

belief is not something you recite in order to push your agenda. faith is actually contrary to one's own agenda, and anyone who knows god knows that. i mean, god may ask you to do something (seemingly) ridiculous like build an ark, right?

fill it full of gay people, and serve them. tend to their every need until the cataclysm is over, so that they may be empowered to do what god ask's them to do, and repopulate the planet. and then everyone can get the fuck over themselves, and get on with life.
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Or....Just hire a hitman..:cool:

Hell, at 81, you could probably just yell BOO, and he'd drop dead..
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