Quite a lucid Dream


Long time ago though. Quite a long time ago.

I had this dream, right. I was in this house or something. I am trying to remember it correctly. Anyway I was absolutely terrified, I tell you-- TERRIFIED, because, first off it was a huge huge place. It seemed to be quite a nice "place" it was like a huge house, or something I am not familar with. So.... Well, I tell you I tried to escape from something. I may have been trying to go to sleep. But I continued to get trapped in the rooms. That is a close description, I tell you. I think I was sort of trapped in the rooms, right. Trying to go from one room to the next, to escape something. But they all lead me to the same terrifying thing. I am not sure what was terrifying, but I thought that I was trapped in my dream. I could not escape.... SOMETHING.

It has scared me towards the end of writing this.

I will give one more lucid dream. However I will post it later because it is posted in another thread!

Where are you at Freud!!!!!
Another thing. Last night I had a dream where J. P. Sartre was my school teacher at some kind of school. He was very friendly, at least he talked when ever you might expect him to. He sort of talked a lot. He was a role model. I sort of remember him today now in my dream. This little dude who talked like you wouldn't believe! That's just awesome trust me. He was amazing. He was amazing at talking, and you would get out of him that he was just the awesomest dude alive. ....

Actually, because I just woke up, the dream wasn't but a few hours ago. He told us of assignments to do, and of course he talked to us. Some of the people in the class were ignorant. He taught them things just by saying a few things, short things. And he was nice too, and made you want to laugh. I talked with him in private. I am smiling as I write this. I talked and walked with this small cool awesome dude, and asked him questions about the way he speaks. He says he was wondering about that the other day, or something, right. I was like, yeah, I knew he had shit too. But he thinks about it. He's damn good and it's damn respectable. Maybe I hold on to something that isn't respectable of a human being.

Dream Thoughts
Perhaps one dream answers the other. In one you're frightened, trying to get away from something and feeling trapped. I usually have dreams like this when I'm anticipating upcoming problems and my mind blows them all out of proportion. It's usually money-related for me. But in another dream a positive role model shows up, all calm, cool and collected. (I love it when my heroes show up in my dreams!) If you tie the two together, perhaps Sartre was showing you how to approach those uncontrollable things in your life, calm, cool, and with a sense of humor.

There's my 2 cents' worth.
I once had a dream where I was in a place where everything was completely white. There was nothing that wasn't white. And there were blocks, millions of billions of miles of white blocks. People were moving these blocks, and I sat on a ledge of some sort (it might have been a block, I don't recall). Anyway, I sat on this ledge and just watched and felt utmost terror and disbelief as I just sat there and and mumbled repeatedly, "Oh, my God." Over and over and over. This might have been when I was nine or ten years old, and I don't remember exactly how it went down, but that was the gist of it.

That may seem sort of random, but sort of looked like the "dream" thread so I figured I'd throw my two cents in.

What does a lucid dream emply? Perhaps Sigmund Freuds book on dreams would tell me the answer!
Freud concerned himself mostly with the contents of the dream, not the overall perception of the dream state. I think lucidity in a dream implies something more on the psycho-biological state of whatever triggers a dream, like brain chemistry or something.