Quite a few Theories


Registered Senior Member
Well, I have been reading these posts for a couple days now. I must say that sciforums.com is awesome. You people are great trying to get your point of view across.

Anyways, I have heard many theories on religion(s) lately. Some may be outrageous and funny, others give you something to ponder on.

The theories/thoughts:

- Jesus was schizophrenic. He pretened he was the son of God and in time, people actually believed him. As we all know, some schizophrenics can be very convincing when they believe they are someone else or something of higher power.

- "God" is actually an alien. This is one of those things that people debate about in other threads and forums. Were we created by some sort of beings as an experiment so they could monitor our status and civilization? But, if this is true then the whole point of a one "God" does not make sense unless the religious people believe that their "God" created the aliens, too.

- Jesus lied about the whole son of God thing. Was Jesus lying just to get personal attention? Did he want to let then Roman Empire know that the Jews have a say in things too? Jesus was a real, loving person that was always helping people out in times of need but was not the son of "God".

- Adam is GOD.

:p actually, it's getting late and I'm pretty tired to keep typing.
Originally posted by -iLluSiON-
- Adam is GOD.
Man, that sucks. Being an atheist, I don't believe in myself. Does that mean I should suddenly go *pop* and cease existing? :confused:
As a logical athiest I swore to believe in God the moment I saw proof of him. If Adam is God then his post is proof of him. I must now go to the woods behind my house and build my shrine to Adam.
Adam, are you a vengeful God? Should I begin human sacrifices of the theists and athiests who fail to accept you as their creator? Or should I begin a ministry in your name and try to convince others to convert to our new religion because of my kind deeds? Or should I just annoyingly go door to door passing out pamphlets on the key points of Adamanity?
Originally posted by Angelus
As a logical athiest I swore to believe in God the moment I saw proof of him. If Adam is God then his post is proof of him. I must now go to the woods behind my house and build my shrine to Adam.
Adam, are you a vengeful God? Should I begin human sacrifices of the theists and athiests who fail to accept you as their creator? Or should I begin a ministry in your name and try to convince others to convert to our new religion because of my kind deeds? Or should I just annoyingly go door to door passing out pamphlets on the key points of Adamanity?

I am vengeful if you mess with my stuff. Bugger off, get your own stuff.

Sacrifice anyone you want, as long as I get a cut of their possessions afterward.

Sure, create a ministry. Convince people to convert by being nice or by torturing them, I don't care, as long as I get a cut of the "donations".

Pass out pamphlets??? Are you freakin nuts??? Those things cost money to print! I'm not giving anything away. If those heathen bastards out there want to be enlightened, they can pay for it!

PS: I did not make this post, because I am god and I ceased existing a few minutes ago...

Originally posted by Adam

I am vengeful if you mess with my stuff. Bugger off, get your own stuff.

Sacrifice anyone you want, as long as I get a cut of their possessions afterward.

Sure, create a ministry. Convince people to convert by being nice or by torturing them, I don't care, as long as I get a cut of the "donations".

Pass out pamphlets??? Are you freakin nuts??? Those things cost money to print! I'm not giving anything away. If those heathen bastards out there want to be enlightened, they can pay for it!

PS: I did not make this post, because I am god and I ceased existing a few minutes ago...

You can be my God if you send me $1,000,000 ;)

I'll make an alter for you and everything :p :D
Originally posted by Adam

I am vengeful if you mess with my stuff. Bugger off, get your own stuff.

Sacrifice anyone you want, as long as I get a cut of their possessions afterward.

Sure, create a ministry. Convince people to convert by being nice or by torturing them, I don't care, as long as I get a cut of the "donations".

Pass out pamphlets??? Are you freakin nuts??? Those things cost money to print! I'm not giving anything away. If those heathen bastards out there want to be enlightened, they can pay for it!

PS: I did not make this post, because I am god and I ceased existing a few minutes ago...

LOL... that is actually funny Adam! ;)

Occum's Razor:

Jesus was probably the product of Mary's affair with some guy (she was married and a virgin?!?!?!?!). Then he was a very active preacher with a small congregation. He convinced some of them that attacking a Jewish Money changer was a good idea, and so he and 10-15 of his followers did so. The rest was a product of 100 years of embelishment. It all depends on your position with regards to modern science. Either you take the position that the magical b.s. is possible and that faith healing is a fact- faith being the key word, or you see the emptiness that really pervades the Jesus stories. Give it a good read and count the repition of the words, "love" and "god." Then see through the lies meant to oppress the poor: "the meak shall inherit the Earth." Then ask how four stories are told and yet they disagree on some key details. More wisdom can be found from the local fortune cookie factory.

But obviously Christians would never care about knowing anything substantive about this person. This person has only come to embody everything that is right with their world. When was the last time you saw an image of Jesus as a carpenter?