Quid Est Veritas? What is Truth?


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When Pilate looked into the face of Jesus Christ and said those words which will always be remembered as " What is Truth" I wonder if he really knew that it was the man before him. Did Pilate realize that Jesus Christ was infact the Word of Truth? but simply chose to ignore himself and continue to go about his own way of establishing his righteousness?
There are 3 coptic ancient documents that contain the "Acts of Pilate"; the Greek Acts of Peter and Paul and as an appendix to the Gospel of Nicodemus in Latin.

It is just a letter that Pilate wrote to the Roman Emperor Claudius, on wich he states that he had to put Jesus to death because of political reasons, but not personal. He said that he did it because of the riots that the jews were doing, and there would have been caos if he didn´t sentence him.

But Pilate actually believed in Jesus words, I think this is true. Due to how Pilate acted in front of Jesus, asking him sincere honest questions, on which he didn´t contradict him. Finally, Pilate is reported to have said: "I see no evil in this man, if you want to crucify him, it is not from my command".
But Pilate didn't believe Him enough to say, "forget the jews and forget Rome, I'm following the truth" He may have believed but his actions show he never trusted him
But Pilate didn't believe Him enough to say, "forget the jews and forget Rome, I'm following the truth" He may have believed but his actions show he never trusted him

It is not that easy, if Pilate would have let Jesus go, he would have all the Hebrew Priests (the manipulators of the masses) against him and Rome. Pilate would have had to face a big riot; he preffered the easy way out and didn´t follow the truth, but politics.
Isn´t that what politics all around the world keep doing up to now?? They don´t follow truth, they follow politics.
When Pilate looked into the face of Jesus Christ and said those words which will always be remembered as " What is Truth" I wonder if he really knew that it was the man before him. Did Pilate realize that Jesus Christ was infact the Word of Truth? but simply chose to ignore himself and continue to go about his own way of establishing his righteousness?
M*W: As a rabid student of christianity, I am still researching the character of Pontius Pilate. Some say he might have been the Antichrist. Other's believe he was a fictitious character in the greatest myth ever created. In all the ancient history I have come across, not one time has the name Pontius Pilate ever emerged as a real human being. Maybe I have missed something in my reading, so can you prove Pontius Pilate really existed?
Ofcourse Pontius Pilate existed. your plea to help " help thou my unbelief" has not fallen on deaf ears.. lol.... look at this: "Proof of Pontius Pilate?
The Latin inscription "Pontius Pilate" is seen on this stone that was part of the dedication of a building in Caesarea circa 30 A.D. Pontius Pilate was the governor of the Roman Judea Province from 26-36 A.D. The canonical Christian gospels state that he ordered the crucifixion of Jesus. "

SINCE I CANNOT POST A LINK YET. GOOGLE - proof of pontius pilate

From the Discovery Channel website:

"Proof of Pontius Pilate?
The Latin inscription "Pontius Pilate" is seen on this stone that was part of the dedication of a building in Caesarea circa 30 A.D. Pontius Pilate was the governor of the Roman Judea Province from 26-36 A.D. The canonical Christian gospels state that he ordered the crucifixion of Jesus."

Stone with "Pontius Pilate" inscription dating 30 A.D.:
It is just a letter that Pilate wrote to the Roman Emperor Claudius, on wich he states that he had to put Jesus to death because of political reasons, but not personal. He said that he did it because of the riots that the jews were doing, and there would have been caos if he didn´t sentence him.

How do you know Pilate wasn't lying when he wrote that? He wouldn't be the 1st political appointee that told his higher ups something other than the truth to cover his ass.
How do you know Pilate wasn't lying when he wrote that? He wouldn't be the 1st political appointee that told his higher ups something other than the truth to cover his ass.

Because it is written in all scriptures that Pilate "washed his hands on the death of Jesus"; like it wasn´t his fault he was being crucified, but he put all the guilt on the Jewish people who were screaming for crucifiction. I don´t see why I should believe otherwise :shrug:
Didn't someone have to kill Jesus in order for him to be so fucking special? Who cares why Pilate did it; obviously, it was God's work anyway.
Didn't someone have to kill Jesus in order for him to be so fucking special? Who cares why Pilate did it; obviously, it was God's work anyway.

It was the Jewish Pharisees who did it; but yes, in a way, it was God´s will.