Quick question.


Registered Senior Member
What's it called when one believes all denominations of Christianity are equally right and for Christianity to have denominations is un-biblical?
:confused: :shrug:
The first means that more members can be counted to make the numbers higher and the second part means that only Catholics are in the right.
No, I mean is this Christian Unitarianism or Free Masonry or what?
I'm asking this because I'm trying to find a name for what I believe.
What's it called when one believes all denominations of Christianity are equally right and for Christianity to have denominations is un-biblical?
:confused: :shrug:

The belief that there should be no denominations is Biblical. I believe i am a memeber of the Body of Christ. I do not belong to any denomination.

The belief that all denominations of Christianity are equally right does not exist. At lest in any denomination that i know of. Some denominations will proclaim that other denominations while being wrong on some points are right on enough point for them to be saved.

The Organised movement to unite religions is called ecumenism.

It comes in two forms;

1 ecumenism that seeks unity in diversity. It does not call upon different religions to change creeds simply seeks to unite them in an organisational way

2 ecumenism that seeks unity by getting different denominations to negotiate common positions on doctrines the is a unity by conformity kind of ecumenism.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days