Quick justice by police

firstly the women who said there was no sign of trauma was an idiot, he had two fractured vertabra and they dont just happen themselves

Secondly as to YOUR post they guy was CHARGED not convicted.

Thirdly i hope they catch the basteds who did it because NO ONE is above the law, not even the cops
firstly the women who said there was no sign of trauma was an idiot, he had two fractured vertabra and they dont just happen themselves

Depends on what tests they performed, hey?
a visual examination will show trauma to the neck. Brusing, catusions, lacerations. Its very hard to hide strangulation or other neck trauma because the skin bruses so easerly

Story in short: Guy kills cop, guy jailed, 10 hours later he dies in cell, alone.

End of story...
1) might have been some sort of justice if
he killed the cop
his killing the cop was solely his responsibility and was not a response to violence on the cop's part
and his being killed this way does not lead to further problems distrust vigilantiiism, etc.

So I think it is unlikely it will end up being justice.

2) it might have been the police, but at the very least they needed the collusion of the guards who are the more likely suspects.