

Registered Member
I was reading the many interesting things people commented on about souls, religions, Gods, free energy, the brain connected to the soul etc.... I do not presume to have any of the answers, at least not yet. But to the people who believe we do not have souls because we cannot prove it, or that God does not exist because we cannot prove it does not mean it is not so. Humans should have learned by now that just because we don't know about something that it can't exist or be a true theory. Common examples "the world was not round until 1492", "we at one time were the only planet in the solar system", "there has never been life anywhere else in the universe except earth". These of course have all been proven wrong except the last, though we are now finding evidence that Mars is or was once habitable. So why do humans presumes believe we are so advanced to think that souls, God, etc... does not exist just because we do not have the means or knowledge to prove it yet. On the same coin, we cannot disprove it either. So until we can do one or the other, we should keep an open mind and not say souls, God, aliens etc... exist or do not exist. Because we can't possibly know.
If I may add to that excellent point....The forces of gravity, time, space, and inertia also existed and worked just fine before Einstien, Newton, or any other man learned to quantify or define them...and id like to point out they still arent physically tangible, we will never see them...we only see their effects on tangible objects. God being the energy and force that provides and sustaines life is much the same way...we see the effects but can not see the Energy. Even if we could ever hope to define or quantify Him. And like these other forms of energy He too is & does work just fine with out our understanding or believing in His existance.