Questions for Atheists


Believer in God
Registered Senior Member
There are many questions I have for atheists. Since I don't know any personally, I'll post some here:

1. What is your definition of morality?

2. Does the "end" justify the "means"?

3. Does the fact that you don't see God cause you to disbelieve?

4. Can you see love? If not, does it exist?

5. Should we base our beliefs (or lack thereof) on other people's past indescretions?

6. Who determines what is right and wrong?

7. Can you truly imagine yourself NOT existing?

8. Why are there no atheist Hospitals?

9. What is worse? Religion or Government?

10. The 10 Commandments. In fairness we will not discuss the ones that deal specifically with God. There are 4 of these. That leaves 6 commandments that deal primarily with human interaction. Which of these do you disagree with?

a. You must Honor your Father and Mother
b. You must not murder.
c. You must not commit adultery.
d. You must not steal.
e. You must not lie about others.
f. You must not jealously desire other people's possessions.

[By the way the 4 other ones are: Treat God's name with respect, Put nothing above God, Do not worship idols, and Keep the sabbath as a Holy day]

11. If there was no more religion in the world, would the world become good.

12. Is evil in the world in spite of religion, or because of religion?

I really want to know what you think atheists. Fire away!

1.) An unethical thing is something that ends or makes life unpleasant for another person without justifiable reason

2.) Not really, I feel you have to look at both.

3.) No, the fact there is no proof and the concepts are contradictory cause me not to believe.

4.) I don't really know what you mean by "can you see love", in some ways you can, watching human relationships etc. But if not it still can exist just I don't belief it is a spiritual thing, simply a biological need converted into a social/psychological one.

5.) Yes and no, I'm not really sure how to answer this. You should find things out for yourself.

6.) We as human beings do, besides I think there are things that we can tell that are inherently wrong. Atheism doesn't mean the end of morality, human beings are not that idiotic as to not be able to tell when something is just wrong for their society or just fr their species.

7.) No, there is no possibility of imagining it, that's the whole point. Can I believe it happening eventualy, yes.

8.) Bad publicists ;)

9.) Both are evil and good at the same time, I feel religion is worse simply cause the concept isn't supposed to be for controling people but really is.

10.) A, E, F

11.) No, its destruction would not truely make that big of an impact, seriously.

12.) The evil in the world as relation to religion is that many times evil has been done in the name of religion, somehow justifing it for some people. But really evil is there anyway religion didn't create bad.
1) "The quality of being in accord with standards of right or good conduct."

2) Sometimes. Sometimes not. You would agree that saving a human life is good, right? If I said that to save an innocent life you had to punch a man in the shoulder - I would say the ends justifies (or, outweighs) the means. If I said that to save an innocent life you had to kill 12 innocent lives - I would say the ends does not justify (or, outweight) the means. Make sense?

3) No.

4) Love is an emotion. Love can actually viewed through chemical reactions in the brain and brainwaves.

5) Nope.

6) You mean morally? I do for me. You do for you. Joe does for Joe...

7) Sure. I can picture a reality without me. Do you mean something else though?

8) I have no clue what you mean.

9) Depends on the religion/time and government/time. For instance, the Catholic religion was horrible during the Crusades. The government of the USSR during Stalin's time was also horrible. But there's been good governments at times and good religions at times. Overall I'd rather get rid of religion. Getting rid of government would destroy society. Getting rid of religion may very well improve society.

10) (a) - What if your parents abuse you. I think in general it's a helpful rule but it certainly has large exceptions.
(b) - Good call
(c) - Good call unless your partner is okay with you doing it
(d) - Another good call.
(e) - There are exceptions. I would sooner save someone's feelings some times with a lie than hurt them needlessly with the truth.
(f) - Useless. I fail to see how desiring a material object harms me unless I let the desire control me.

11) Hell no. There are bad humans with or without religion.

12) Some of it is because of religion. Some of it is for other reasons.

Glad to oblige!
1) Self-imposed standards for belief and conduct.

2) Sometimes.

3) Nope.

4) Can't see it. It exists. Ask a psychologist/neurologist.

5) Nope.

6) Me.

7) Yes.

8) There are.

9) Religion is worse by far.

a) Yes, if they deseve to be honoured.
b) Usually I'd agree.
c) I agree.
d) Unless absolutely necessary.
e) Fair enough, in most cases.
f) Fair enough, in most cases.

11) The world would become better.

12) Neither. It just is. "Evil" predates religion.

EDIT: Because it is apparently necessary, I must add that when I say there are "atheistic" hospitals, I mean there are hospitals which are not run by religious orders. Perhaps, as has been pointed out, I should use the term "non-religious" or "secular humanist".
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Heya, welcome to Sciforums. Please keep your hands and feet inside the car at all times, and do not attempt to feed the animals.

1. What is your definition of morality?

*Xev makes mental note not to answer such questions after reading "Twilight"*

To live without causing unjustifiable harm to another human being.

2. Does the "end" justify the "means"?

Depends on the end, the means, and whether the abyss looks back at you.

3. Does the fact that you don't see God cause you to disbelieve?

No. I don't "see" air either, yet I believe it exists because there is evidence for the existance of air. Would you like to see such evidence?

4. Can you see love? If not, does it exist?

No more than I can see the stars during the day, but I have evidence for it's existance. Would you like to see such evidence?

There is no evidence for the existance of your God.

5. Should we base our beliefs (or lack thereof) on other people's past indescretions?

Only if the indiscretions were caused by such beliefs.

For instance, the Nazis used Nietzsche's philosophy to justify themselves. This does not invalidate Nietzsche because he was in no way a Nazi.

But if Freddy had been a Nazi, that would change things.

6. Who determines what is right and wrong?

Logic and reality.

7. Can you truly imagine yourself NOT existing?


8. Why are there no atheist Hospitals?

Because hospitals are not about religion, they are about healing.

Funny, all the doctors I have known personally are athiests or agnostics.

9. What is worse? Religion or Government?

Religion. Government usually helps mankind.

a. You must Honor your Father and Mother
b. You must not murder.
c. You must not commit adultery.
d. You must not steal.
e. You must not lie about others.
f. You must not jealously desire other people's possessions.

A surely depends on the father and mother in question, no? I must say that this commandment and attitude is evil when not qualified.

And C excludes the occasional threesome.

11. If there was no more religion in the world, would the world become good.

Nope, it would become better but not good.

12. Is evil in the world in spite of religion, or because of religion?

Neither. Evil exists because humans do not subjegate unethical self-interest to the demands of reason.

Basically, because we evolved to be selfish, and not all humans are rational enough to abide by moral principles.

Many evil things are the result of religion, but not all evil things are.
Hmmm...I'm a theist so I won't answer those questions.

Anyway, there is no such thing really as "evil or good" it's all relative to different human perspectives and within context.

Evil does not actually exist. People do not do evil deeds on purpose, they do it because they thought it would help. We kill, because we think the world would be better without this person. Hitler thought he was improving germany. All these evil deeds are not evil in the minds of the person. Nobody ever does anything with the intent of pure evil, only to help.

But, the real question for all you atheists is this:

On the balance scale of Good and Bad*, what side does religion weigh more on?

I personally think we needed it in the past for countless weak-minded individuals. But in present time? Religion isn't needed, but we still have weak-minded people that need religion's "help" to get back on their feet.
Originally posted by ~The_Chosen~

But, the real question for all you atheists is this:

On the balance scale of Good and Bad*, what side does religion weigh more on?

Actually, I think that is a very important question which all theists must ask themselves.

As far as I'm concerned, religion has done far more harm than good. It is an unecessary division among humanity, which we could well do without.
1. What is your definition of morality?

Anything that enhances life is good, anything that detracts from life is bad.

2. Does the "end" justify the "means"?

Too vague to answer with any reasonable accuracy.

3. Does the fact that you don't see God cause you to disbelieve?

Why believe in an imaginative idea as if it is true when no one can show the idea is anything but a fantasy. The issue goes beyond not seeing anything, the idea itself is absurd.

4. Can you see love? If not, does it exist?

Love is a set of emotions. I don’t understand the question.

5. Should we base our beliefs (or lack thereof) on other people's past indescretions?

What we believe should be based on independently verifiable facts.

6. Who determines what is right and wrong?

Anyone who can think clearly and rationally.

7. Can you truly imagine yourself NOT existing?

Yes, and it isn’t attractive.

8. Why are there no atheist Hospitals?

Because there is only a tiny number of atheists who until recently have been significantly discriminated against and remain illegal in some states for certain activities. There has not been an appropriate critical mass of atheists to make such institutions possible. However, the Red Cross is probably the world’s largest Secular Humanitarian organization of its kind.

9. What is worse? Religion or Government?

For what purpose? Government has a definite role to play, whereas religion has no value.

10. The 10 Commandments. In fairness we will not discuss the ones that deal specifically with God. There are 4 of these. That leaves 6 commandments that deal primarily with human interaction. Which of these do you disagree with?

a. You must Honor your Father and Mother
b. You must not murder.
c. You must not commit adultery.
d. You must not steal.
e. You must not lie about others.
f. You must not jealously desire other people's possessions.

None. They are all commands allegedly issued by an imaginary authoritarian entity for the benefit of that entity. For any of these commands to have any value they need to be re-worded so they reflect the needs of humans.

[By the way the 4 other ones are: Treat God's name with respect, Put nothing above God, Do not worship idols, and Keep the sabbath as a Holy day]

11. If there was no more religion in the world, would the world become good.

No since there still remain irrational people in the world. The sudden removal of religion would also leave a void that many weak-minded people would find disturbing, that void would need to be replaced by some more useful acceptable guidelines for their benefit.

12. Is evil in the world in spite of religion, or because of religion?

Religion has probably been the greatest impediment to human progress in the history of mankind. I would therefore rate religion, as one of the greatest evils mankind has ever had to endure. Evil can arise because of many factors, but a move towards rational thought as opposed to religious superstition should increase the chance of reducing evil.


Evil does not actually exist. People do not do evil deeds on purpose, they do it because they thought it would help. We kill, because we think the world would be better without this person. Hitler thought he was improving germany. All these evil deeds are not evil in the minds of the person. Nobody ever does anything with the intent of pure evil, only to help.
You need to get out more and meet more people.

I have met truly sinister and evil people who take enormous pleasure in harming others. Do not delude yourself about the existence of such people, it could be to your detriment.

Originally posted by Cris

You need to get out more and meet more people.

I have met truly sinister and evil people who take enormous pleasure in harming others. Do not delude yourself about the existence of such people, it could be to your detriment.



It is all wraped around understanding. Describe this "truly evil people" you have met. What happened during their childhood? Are they insane? Why have they become irrational? I have read People of the Lie by M. Scott Peck. Evil people lie and are dishonest. It is a very interesting book. But evil is relative, there is no such thing as "pure evil." We just name someting evil that does not conform to our moral standards.

Doctor Peck mentions a case of possession in his book. I don't know the validity of that claim but he is a very respectable person. Pure evil originates from religion, in other words, the only pure evil there is, is Satan or the Devil - if they exist.
Ekimklaw, can you explain what you meant by this question? I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't understand what you're asking.
8. Why are there no atheist Hospitals?
Which did you mean to ask:
- Why are all hospitals named after theists/saints?
- Why are there no hospitals named after atheists?
- Why do all hospitals contain at least some religious artifacts? (crosses, statues of saints, etc...)
- Why are there no hospitals that heal atheists? (ok, now i'm just being silly. I'll stop.)
- Something else???
There is no real need for me to repeat many answers which i mostly agree with, but...

10. The 10 Commandments. In fairness we will not discuss the ones that deal specifically with God. There are 4 of these. That leaves 6 commandments that deal primarily with human interaction. Which of these do you disagree with?

All of the six "commandments" are also in the Hamarobies Code, which by the way came before the Ten Commandments!
Originally posted by Ekimklaw
1. What is your definition of morality?

A system of ideas of right and wrong conduct:

2. Does the "end" justify the "means"?

It depends on the end and the means.

3. Does the fact that you don't see God cause you to disbelieve?

Can’t see, smell, touch, taste, hear, or detect in any other way or detect in any way any affect that would indicate his existence as anything other than a human generated idea.

4. Can you see love? If not, does it exist?

Love is a concept that includes a range of emotions. We can see something of the affect of these emotions but it is not a something that exists independently of the individual.

5. Should we base our beliefs (or lack thereof) on other people's past indiscretions?

Beliefs should be based upon evidence and logical reasoning.

6. Who determines what is right and wrong?


7. Can you truly imagine yourself NOT existing?

Sure. It’s like being asleep without the dreams.

8. Why are there no atheist Hospitals?

You mean as opposed to say a Lutheran hospital? Well, I would have to assume that any hospital that isn’t supported by a religious institution must be agnostic or atheist; no?

9. What is worse? Religion or Government?

They both have problems. However, government is necessary and religion is superfluous so I would have to say religion.

10. The 10 Commandments. In fairness we will not discuss the ones that deal specifically with God. There are 4 of these. That leaves 6 commandments that deal primarily with human interaction. Which of these do you disagree with?

I think they're all pretty good rules but some of them need some qualification. For instance: a. I don't see any reason to Honor an abusive parent. d. I don't have a problem with someone stealing food if their family is starving. Things like that.

11. If there was no more religion in the world, would the world become good.

Probably not but some conflicts would go away.

12. Is evil in the world in spite of religion, or because of religion?

In spite.

Great answers... thanks. I've enjoyed reading these things.

By the way...

Atheists have no moral imperative to create hospitals. Or anything else for that matter.

Parents are to be honored as long as they do not encourage or practice immorality, illegal acts, or plain evilness. This concept is taught in detail elsewhere in the Bible.

Again thanks! Very interesting.

Re: RE: Questions for Atheists

Originally posted by Ekimklaw

Atheists have no moral imperative to create hospitals. Or anything else for that matter.
This is one crazy assumption you've made. Where the hell do you get these nutso ideas?

All decent humans have a moral imperative to look after each other, which includes creating hospitals. It's in our nature. The same is true in most cases for most species.

As for hospitals in particular, I suggest you get out more. Most hospitals in Australia are either pivate or government operated, and have no backing from religious orders.
Atheists have no moral imperative to create hospitals.


As athists, we know that we only get one shot at happiness and life, so we would want to let everyone have a fair chance at life and happiness.

Athists are the ones making major breakthroughs in genetics.

Thiests namly christians "have no moral imperative" to help promote the use of stem cells in research for cures for many illnesses.

...Or anything else for that matter.

Because there is only a tiny number of atheists who until recently have been significantly discriminated against and remain illegal in some states for certain activities. There has not been an appropriate critical mass of atheists to make such institutions possible. However, the Red Cross is probably the world’s largest Secular Humanitarian organization of its kind. not attempt to feed the animals.
Religion CREATED evil.

Hehe this quote just seemed funny coming from an atheist named "dr evyl" ;)


My answer to the questions would only be a rehash of what has already be said, so I'll spare you that. However, I wonder what your answers to these questions would be....this all seems like a not-so-veiled attempt to implicate "atheism" as fundamentally immoral or something. If so, how do you think you have fared?
