Question - scientific or paranormal?


Registered Member
Hello all, I've joined this forum to ask a question and hope someone can answer it. If I'm in the wrong place maybe someone could point me in the right direction?

Right here goes....

A few years ago I stayed the night at my friend's house. I'd never been there before (or since lol)

We sat up chatting for a few hours and I was to be sleeping on a sofa bed. We said goodnight and my friend went off to bed. I then sat on the end of the sofa bed which was more or less floor level. I was just about to take one of my boots off when this small jar which had been on top of the Tv, flew off - it was like a bullet out of a gun, it was so fast. It landed (upright) at my foot. I saw it land, it was almost like it just appeared, but I'd heard the whooshing sound it made as it flew past my ear. It travelled about 5 feet.

It frightened the life out of me and I went home.

It's baffled me ever since. The next day I phoned my friend who then told me she'd had a few weird things happen in that house. I can't comment on any of that because I wasn't there.

Anyway, my question is, could it have been some sort of electrical charge from the Tv? It had been swithced off for at least 8 hours and wasn't on standby.

The jar was made of a type of china. ceramic - not obvious metal on it at all - very plain. :shrug:
That is strange. I don't know how you could study it scientifically. It would difficult to reproduce the same initial conditions.
Perhaps your friend or someone else was playing a joke on you.

No that's not possible as she was upstairs. We were the only 2 in the house and she could've not possibly made that happen. She wouldn't do that anyway. What for? We're grown women not kids. It was either some kind of electrical charge or paranormal. I want to know if the electrical thing is a possibility then I can lay it to rest so to speak.

I can't explain how bizzare it is to have something fly off a tv at you, land UPRIGHT (that IS possible I know, but still freaky) the bottom of this item was about as big as a coin and it was about 5 inches tall.

I want to know if it can be scientifically explained. Believe me when I say there were no windows nearby (not that that could've produced what happened) and it was not my friend playing tricks. She was nowhere near.
I think a lot of people have had something strange happen like that.

When I was in first year of college a buddy and I were in my room watching some movie on my computer. I handed him my lighter so he could light a cigarette and about three minutes later I asked for it back to light my own. He noticed that he had no idea where it was and started to search his lap, the desk, etc. For a few minutes we couldn't find it and we both became very curious and started searching frantically around my rather small and sparsely-filled room. For a good fifteen minutes we searched and couldn't find it. So we went back to my computer and started the movie again.

When the movie ended my friend left and I brushed my teeth and went to bed. About ten minutes after I'd turned off the lights I heard the sound of plastic hitting plastic loudly and got up to see what it was. I turned my lights and there, sitting directly in the middle of my computer's keyboard, was my lighter.

I have no idea on earth how that happened.
I think a lot of people have had something strange happen like that.

When I was in first year of college a buddy and I were in my room watching some movie on my computer. I handed him my lighter so he could light a cigarette and about three minutes later I asked for it back to light my own. He noticed that he had no idea where it was and started to search his lap, the desk, etc. For a few minutes we couldn't find it and we both became very curious and started searching frantically around my rather small and sparsely-filled room. For a good fifteen minutes we searched and couldn't find it. So we went back to my computer and started the movie again.

When the movie ended my friend left and I brushed my teeth and went to bed. About ten minutes after I'd turned off the lights I heard the sound of plastic hitting plastic loudly and got up to see what it was. I turned my lights and there, sitting directly in the middle of my computer's keyboard, was my lighter.

I have no idea on earth how that happened.

The 'scientists' will say you imagined it/your memory is playing tricks. :D
Lindsey, if you could tell us what 'weird' things happened to your friend that night after you left, that could provide some clue as to what was the situation.
Tyler, one possibility would be that the lighter was on your bed may be under some warping of a blanket or something, then you went to bed in the dark and moved your leg or something so the lighter flew and the computer was near your bed so it fell on the keyboard.
Lindsey, if you could tell us what 'weird' things happened to your friend that night after you left, that could provide some clue as to what was the situation.

I don't know of anything happening after but she told me of things that had happened before my own experience. She said lightbulbs had disappeared (vanished) from light fittings and that the kettle often switched itself on. Of course, I don't know how much of that is true and I can only comment on my own experience but I've no reason to think she'd make it up. She didn't live there for long and I did visit one more time after my experience. It was during the day and we popped out to get some lunch. When we returned there was a window open and she asked me if I'd opened it. I said no and she wouldn't believe me. She said she'd never opened that window before as it had always been locked. She really thought I was having her on but I wasn't - I don't go around opening peoples' windows without asking first!
Anyway, none of that really played on my mind as it seems easy (though odd) to explain. The experience I had that night was what puzzled me.

Based on that, I've always considered it to be paranormal (I'm a sceptic of such things) until someone suggested it could've been an electrical charge. That's what brought me here.
The lighter mystery is one that'll never be solved, nor do I need it to be. I would need something much more firm than that to begin suspecting actual 'paranormal' activity. It's just a fun campfire story, and like I said, everyone has one of these.

An ex-girlfriend of mine actually had family that lived in one of those famous listed 'haunted houses' in Toronto, probably the most talked about one in the province. A family member of hers is a priest and to hear him tell stories of staying at that house is great fun!
Paranormal phenomena is normal and well-documented, although science has no explanation for it, they have theories. Most people don´t believe until they experience something like that.

I personally believe is some kind of energy, not electricity, cause electricity don´t have those kinds of properties, not at all.

But then again, science has no clue of what happens to energy once it is free from a physical body.
Id place money on there being a strong electro-magnetic field around your friends house, you can almost always correlate these sorts of occurances with strong electro-magnetic fields.
She live near a fault-line?
Id place money on there being a strong electro-magnetic field around your friends house, you can almost always correlate these sorts of occurances with strong electro-magnetic fields.
She live near a fault-line?

Oh I wouldn't know - she no longer lives there either. Could that explain an object shooting across a room at force? Would love to know if that was a posssiblity
The older tube televisions do cause static, have you ever tried wiping the dust off of one? In fact if the set is encased in plastic it's easy enough to cause a charge by dusting.

As for why a "Ceramic Jar" flew off, well if it was a closed jar perhaps it contained something inside it, other than that some ceramic finishes are made by using certain metals within the process.

No matter though if it's been such a time I wouldn't really be too deeply concerned with it.

I wouldn't suggest paranormal as being an answer, as most people that tend to think of the paranormal "Believe" in the Paranormal the same way people "Believe" in Religion.
Oh I wouldn't know - she no longer lives there either. Could that explain an object shooting across a room at force? Would love to know if that was a posssiblity
There's a definite link there, although im not saying electro-magnetism causes tbese events, its really just a calling card i think.

I remember there was a guy who conducted an experiment whereby he set up equipment in room to generate a huge electro-magnetic field, and he almost instantly had all the classic poltergeist activity - knocking on walls, things flying across the room etc etc (i'll try and dig the article out).
There's a definite link there, although im not saying electro-magnetism causes tbese events, its really just a calling card i think.

I remember there was a guy who conducted an experiment whereby he set up equipment in room to generate a huge electro-magnetic field, and he almost instantly had all the classic poltergeist activity - knocking on walls, things flying across the room etc etc (i'll try and dig the article out).

Thanks, that would be great if you could