Question on Religious Symbols and Nazi Swastika


Home grown and Psycho
Registered Senior Member
Just saw an article on Reuters
Giant Swastika Trampled Into Cornfield - Germany
A police team discovered the 230-foot Nazi cross on a routine helicopter flight earlier this month and alerted their colleagues on the ground.

The hooks on the cross actually pointed in the opposite direction to those on the swastika used by Adolf Hitler's Nazi party but it was still being treated as an illegal symbol.

It reminded me of something i heard a while ago and wanted to confirm.

A friend of mine wayy back in high school mentioned once that the Nazi Swastika was the same as a religious symbol with some form of meaning along the lines of peace etc only reversed to point the other way.
They felt that Hitler may of done that on purpose just to take the pee.
Of course as with many things you hear in high school you talk about it but never stick much to it until you back it up and it wasnt something i chased.
But the only reason i remember this is because some 6 months later going through China i remember seeing many more of these symbols around temples and mountain ranges, a Swastika only pointing the opposite way.

Now 1 of 2 things may explain this:

1) This is a symbol for some eastern religion, if so can anyone tell me which and what it means (pure curiosity)

2) It was a conincidence that 6 months after the conversation i happened to pass through a part of china inhabited by retarded Nazi's who got their symbol backwards =/

Which was it.

It seems like many cultures used the symbol quite a bit in their art work.

In Europe, the swastika existed as variation on the cross, but to represent the same idea of "death to the most pure". I dunno, but the cross is not a peace symbol, to me the cross is a savage murder tool for the most pure, and it's quite depressing to see so many people parading such a thing on their chests. it's like me wearing a picture of an electric chair.

I wonder why Hitler chose that symbol in particular. and whether it had any religious reasoning?
Broken swastika

Originally posted by Flores
I wonder why Hitler chose that symbol in particular. and whether it had any religious reasoning?
(Good morning, Flores. Here's my two-cents worth from what I've read. Hitler started out as a Catholic, but in later years he fanatically gave up Catholicism. He chose the "cross" as the Nazi symbol but designed it with the four ends broken backwards. This has a different meaning than the opposite symbol with the ends pointing forwards. Native Americans use this symbol which, I think, is a directional sign for N-S-E-W in clockwise motion. It's a symbol of the constantly moving "medicine wheel." I wonder if Hitler gave up Catholicism, why was the Vatican on his side during the war? Yeah, I know it was all political. Have a great day!)
The swastika is an ancient symbol (older than Nazi Germany or even Christianity) that once represented the sun or good luck. Around the turn of the last century the swastika was being used to represent German nationalism and as we all know it was then adopted by Hitler as an official emblem of the Nazi party.

"Until the Nazis used this symbol, the swastika was used by many cultures throughout the past 3,000 years to represent life, sun, power, strength, and good luck."
"In the 1800s, countries around Germany were growing much larger, forming empires; yet Germany was not a unified country until 1871. To counter the feeling of vulnerability and the stigma of youth, German nationalists in the mid-nineteenth century began to use the swastika, because it had ancient Aryan/Indian origins, to represent a long Germanic/Aryan history.

By the end of the nineteenth century, the swastika could be found on nationalist German volkisch periodicals and was the official emblem of the German Gymnasts' League.
In the beginning of the twentieth century, the swastika was a common symbol of German nationalism and could be found in a multitude of places such as the emblem for the Wandervogel, a German youth movement; on Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels' antisemitic periodical Ostara; on various Freikorps units; and as an emblem of the Thule Society.

In 1920, Adolf Hitler decided that the Nazi Party needed its own insignia and flag. For Hitler, the new flag had to be "a symbol of our own struggle" as well as "highly effective as a poster." (Mein Kampf, pg. 495)

On August 7, 1920, at the Salzburg Congress, this flag became the official emblem of the Nazi Party. "
In the 1800s, countries around Germany were growing much larger, forming empires; yet Germany was not a unified country until 1871. To counter the feeling of vulnerability and the stigma of youth, German nationalists in the mid-nineteenth century began to use the swastika, because it had ancient Aryan/Indian origins, to represent a long Germanic/Aryan history.

Interestingly enough the ideological brother regarding this identity-forming within Germany , has used ancient symbols in order to promote national identity and historical-ancient roots as well . This identity is alive and wel today :


The usage of it as a national item was born within the same period as Aryanism was born , with ideologically equals (anti-semites) but a different ethnic/racial (so was imagined) background .

Ofcourse Germans are not Aryans , and ofcourse Germans with Jewish heritage are not Hebrews . The imaginary belief was needed to create national unity and national identity , and in both directions political movements have been formed .

Has there ever been a difference between Hitlerjugend and Betar ?

The greatest difference would be the religious attribute of the Hebrew identity in regards to the Aryan identity , however as Judaism was depicted as Yiddish folkculture rather than a true Hebrew national Identity , all this within anti-semitic perspective , one can imagine the irrelevancy of the religious attribution .

Todays religious zionists (in oppositon to todays Likud zionists etc) are of today , they are a rather new movement who do not represent the original zionists that based a national ideology on a Hebrew ancient culture picturing teh Hebrew national symbol , the star of David .

The Jewish Question
Originally posted by Ghassan Kanafani
Interestingly enough the ideological brother regarding this identity-forming within Germany , has used ancient symbols in order to promote national identity and historical-ancient roots as well . This identity is alive and wel today
Germany and Israel are hardly alone in this. Here are a few more:"national+symbols"&btnG=Google+Search

I've come across Swastika references from I think Scandinavia to India and Africa. It is a very old symbol.

The cross and swastika are still mixed together with the Jesus Christ Christians. An actual cult, which is actually the Nazi's under the cover of the constitution. I saw this on "A secret history of Nazi's in america" on the Hist. channel. There compound is in West Virginia, but I believe they are all over the USA. Don't forget that the concept of good and evil being light and dark was right up Hitler's alley. The previous posts do a good job of showing why they chose this symbol, world domination. It is also interesting to see that americans(before colombus) have a common religious symbol with Asians, and Europeans which I think shows communication between continents, possibly many times in the deep past.
Su Asti, Supreme BE-ing


Buddha's Foot Print, Path, the way he walked the Earth, Buddha Nature, Spirit.

Su Ast, Well BE-ing, Good BE-ing, Supreme BE-ing.

Buddha was endowed with the Spirit, the Nature, Buddha walked is the Spirit of God, Supreme BE-ing.

The legacy of man kind hidden inside, around about the Pyramid,
hidden in Plain sight?

Sacred Geomtry, the Square, the Triangle, the Circle, the secret to which is the cross.

The Pyramid, Triangle, a perfect square, a square that has no corners.

The Cross and all variations, are perfect Squares, Squares that have no corners.

Anyone know the symbol for God, what is the symbolic meaning of a halo?

The Holy Grail the vessel that held the Blood of Christ.

The Spirit is in the blood, the Blood of the Christ is the Spirit of God.

The Holy Grail, the vessel that holds the Spirit of God.

The Holy Grail, the Spirit of God, Man's Salvation.

The Spirit of God, Freedom, is an effect that is without cause,
The Reality of First Cause.

God is Nameless, God is not a Material, Physical BE-ing, God is a Spiritual BE-ing.

If you looked upon the face of God it would be as if you had been made blind, God has no Face, No Name.

If you looked upon the face of God you would see Nothingness, Emptiness, Boundlessness, God is without form, Void.

Would you like to see the Face, the Spirit of Good, Look into the Empty Vessel, The Perfect Square, the Square that has no corners, the Holy Grail.--------------->O

God is a Free Spirit.
Re: Su Asti, Supreme BE-ing

Originally posted by wayne_92587
(Although I agree with some of your statements, I don't understand your point in some of them.)
Buddha's Foot Print, Path, the way he walked the Earth, Buddha Nature, Spirit.
(Are you trying to say that the path Buddha walked was one of nature and spirit? What does this have to do with a swastika? Please explain.)
Su Ast, Well BE-ing, Good BE-ing, Supreme BE-ing.
(What is "Su Ast?" Please explain.)
Buddha was endowed with the Spirit, the Nature, Buddha walked is the Spirit of God, Supreme BE-ing.
(Doesn't this just repeat your first statement? Please explain.)
The legacy of man kind hidden inside, around about the Pyramid,
hidden in Plain sight?
(This one is totally disjointed. What do you mean?)
Sacred Geomtry, the Square, the Triangle, the Circle, the secret to which is the cross.
(Please explain what you are trying to say!")
The Pyramid, Triangle, a perfect square, a square that has no corners.
(What is a "square that has no corners?")
The Cross and all variations, are perfect Squares, Squares that have no corners.
(I understand you're talking about shapes, but it just doesn't make sense.)
Anyone know the symbol for God, what is the symbolic meaning of a halo?
(What is the symbol for God. The "halo" means "infinity" or the bent circle that looks like a sideways figure 8.)
The Holy Grail the vessel that held the Blood of Christ.
(The Holy Grail (Mary Magdalene's womb) held the "blood" (children) of Jesus.)
The Spirit is in the blood, the Blood of the Christ is the Spirit of God.
(Okay, this one I understand. The One Spirit of God is in the blood of the human race. Therefore, God is the human race.)
The Holy Grail, the vessel that holds the Spirit of God.
(OUR blood is the Holy Grail--the San Greal or Sang Real.)
The Holy Grail, the Spirit of God, Man's Salvation.
(Our blood contains the One Spirit of God, and because we are alive, this IS our salvation.)
The Spirit of God, Freedom, is an effect that is without cause,
The Reality of First Cause.
(Okay, I lost you again. What do you mean?)
God is Nameless, God is not a Material, Physical BE-ing, God is a Spiritual BE-ing.
(I agree with this.)
If you looked upon the face of God it would be as if you had been made blind, God has no Face, No Name.
(I disagree with this. If you look upon the face of God, you would see the human race. If you looked upon God and expected to see something OTHER than the human race, you would be blind to the truth.)
If you looked upon the face of God you would see Nothingness, Emptiness, Boundlessness, God is without form, Void.
(Absolutely NOT!)
Would you like to see the Face, the Spirit of Good, Look into the Empty Vessel, The Perfect Square, the Square that has no corners, the Holy Grail.--------------->O
(What do you consider the "Empty Vessel" to be?)
God is a Free Spirit.
(God is pure spirit, pure energy, positive energy, quantum energy. God is in everything. God is everything. The human race was the only creation made in God's image. Therefore, the human race is god on Earth.)
(wayne, I think you have good ideas and want to express them, but please don't be vague. That's so confusing. Please just blurt out whatever it is you're trying to say, and I think you'll see more concurrence from the forum.)
Originally posted by Raithere
Germany and Israel are hardly alone in this. Here are a few more

Ofcourse you understand that the commonnes lies within the national adaption revival (fabrication) of an ancient identity , and that based on this the star of David/Swastika are used within representation of Zionism/Nazism .

I havent see similar states to that although I have seen the similar attempt to adapt a fabricated ancient identity by a group of peoples amongst Black Amerikans . These idenity's deal with ancient Kemet as well as ancient Israel . The difference rather is that they are not in a postion to use of any of the ancient symbols within national perspective as they have no nation .