question of curtousy


do you ever do things for strangers? like...holding doors open? its just kind to wait and hold a door open for someone. it's a friendly gesture that requires a mere few seconds of your time.

some could look upon this as they would tipping. its gratuity. the persons job is to bring you your food. thats why theyre paid. why hold a door for someone who never held it open for you?

well, this shitty guy i work with who has his head up his ass opened the door and i wasnt far behind him, then let it close. only at the last second did he turn around and open it for me and said "oh". i had just said hello to the man at the vending machine and we both walked away from the break room at the same time. why he "forgot" to hold the door open, im not sure(other than he has his head up his ass). i mean...holding doors open isnt a requirement. i shouldnt care that a person isnt willing to hold a door open for me, but anyway i want to hear your thoughts.
Another interesting nice thing to do is to leave coins on the ground with the heads side up.

I notice some people feel as if it's "good luck" or good fortune when they find the coins. Try it sometime, it never hurt no one, and it just may make someone's day end on a happy note.
generally if i'm going in/out of a public place, i'll hold the door opened if someone is close behind me. rarely do i get a 'thank you' though.
One thing I've noticed is that a guy won't hold open a door for another guy. . . that's just weird (well unless maybe he's carrying something and doesn't have his arms free). If a guy is holding the door for a girl and there happens to be another guy near buy, what he'll do is just sort of give the door an extra little push as he walks through, so that it's still open when the other guy gets there, but he isn't holding it open for him.
Originally posted by Mystech
One thing I've noticed is that a guy won't hold open a door for another guy.
Hmmm. Where do you live? I've lived and worked on the West Coast, East Coast, Midwest, Southwest, and a couple of big cities in Canada. I've always noticed that men extend simple courtesies to each other. Agreed, they will go out of their way to be nice to women of any age, even when the situation isn't even remotely conducive to a pick-up, it's just a habit. But men hold doors for me, especially if I have my hands full. They hold the elevator if they see me coming, all that stuff. There is even a large minority of male drivers who will make way to let me out of a driveway or across a gridlocked intersection, or let me walk in front of their car when it's really not my turn, or let me turn my car through the crosswalk because they can see it will be my last chance for a while, when it's really their turn to walk. I treat them the same way. I'm white, and I definitely notice that men of color and men who seem foreign go way out of their way to be courteous to me, but I do the same thing for them. It just seems like ending racism is one of those things that has to be done one heart at a time.
Originally posted by kajolishot
Another interesting nice thing to do is to leave coins on the ground with the heads side up.

Yeah, I sometimes leave coins face-up on park benches. The only difference is I super-glue them there. :D :cool:
Originally posted by Redoubtable
Yeah, I sometimes leave coins face-up on park benches. The only difference is I super-glue them there. :D :cool:

LMAO... i was about the post the same thing.

oh, and i always hold doors open for other people. i let them in first. i help the old ladies i my apartment complex carry their groceries in. i do it, just to do it though. i don't expect shit in return.
You evil demon spawn of hell!!!! so on and so forth....


Originally posted by Redoubtable
Yeah, I sometimes leave coins face-up on park benches. The only difference is I super-glue them there. :D :cool: