Question...i was wondering if i was the only one


Registered Member
Have you ever thought back on a certain point or period in your life and while you were thinking you stopped and realized that it almost seems like you were thinking about somebody elses life but you weren't it was yours. Possible reasons being you can't believe you acted a certain way or did something , or just that it was too good to be true? Just wondering because i have a couple of points in my life like that.
Yes. I have different personalities for different situations. They serve me and are actors for my higher, truer self. I have in the past also acted in ways that I cannot relate to. Lost in a reality-tunnel that served material and selfish facets of the ego.
That character almost killed my soul and led me towards the non-spiritual fulfillment of a self-gratifying material model... a soap personality.
I had to let him go :D

I habitualy step out of myself and behold the material me as a singular character. That helps me find my way in reality. By distancing oneself from the "I" it becomes natural to guide oneself after the heart and soul.

Since "reality" is "the veil of maya" it is easy to loose oneself in the material consumer theatrics that make up everyday world. Desire is what drives most ppl, and also makes them act heartless or plain dumb.

Stepping out means you become a observer of the moment, and clears away the material desires. You act closer to the real you, unmuddled by physical propaganda. Become your heart and soul instead of just trying to listen to it.

Transcend :)
Something ugly lifted and then peered from under The Mask? A web search for "Theories of Personality" might help.
No more so than any other individual. <img src = ""> Everyone has a monster or two locked in their closet.

I doubt I'll transcend, but this little equation sure helps keep things in perspective.

Whenever I attend a class reunion I'm always amazed that so many people confuse me with someone else. ;)

You are not alone.
If you ever check back this thread, I'd answer your question this way. First of all it's a valid question to ask, whether when things happen to you in life you're the first and only to whom those things happened. There are so many patterns that we can fall into, and be a typical sort of person. I'd say if you're some sort of typical person, then you just have little to say about things, but it's not the end of the world. In a way you want to fit some pattern as long as this pattern doesn't determine your life so much that you're just a puppet.
On the other hand, if you stand back and ask yourself questios about your life then it's somewhat more interesting. The conclusions that you reach make you different from all those befor who have been through the same thing. So even if your life is the same as others', if you realize that then that very thing makes you different from them and gives you a different perspective.
Well I am six persons, all at the same time, in one Banshee.:D

Guess most humans have an outer personality in which they just show what they want other humans to see and as soon as they are home, in their own secure living environment, they can put off this outer personality and be themselves.

As far as they figured out who they really are, deep within.

But that counts for nearly the entire human race, so it is Natural behaviour to make sure they won't get hurt too much. :p

For as far Banshees six persons go, I never know who is talking...;) :p

"Me" is an illusion, but by golly it's painfully convincing, even when i know i know better.


I turn into someone else for a couple of days once a month and I don't like the bitch.

Not today though! :) :) :) :) :) :D

Good karma sent to all...
Well Teri, what are you saying now????

A bitch....???:p :p

Don't tell them that, they immediately know it when you want to go like that again, then again, perhaps not...all those personalities must have to keep up. So once in a while some of them will slip and forget which one was talking.;)

No idea which one of the six Banshee personalities is talking now any way, take your pick.:D :D

Good Carma to you Teri.
We simply adapt.

Our personalities to different situations. We pick out the qualities needed and enhance them.
But what you are talking about Khjavy8 , is just transcending yourself. And that is a very good thing to be able to do, and that many people are unfortunately missing.
It gives you a very good perspective on life.

Bansheee....:D , six persons? Do they have any characteristics so that we can tell them apart? :D

Teri2, instead of becoming a bitch during that period...:p, I become a SOB, which is worse..., so be glad that you are a bitch! :D

We really should acknowledge that we do present different images of ourselves to different people. I mean, you don't curse or swear in front of your old grandmother because you know it would shock and offend her, but with your close friends you can say whatever the hell you want.

The strange thing is on these forums, I'm not worried about what anyone thinks of me, but I do worry about offending anyone. Sometimes the written word doesn't turn out they way you want it to, and you've ended up writing something that could be taken the wrong way.

Then there are other days when you don't know who you are yourself (that's usually those couple of days I was talking about earlier). Sometimes I actually feel the change when it starts and god help anyone who says the wrong thing to me. The other day I lost track of my due date and burst into tears at the most ridiculous thing, I went home wondering who the hell I was that day. It became clear the very next day; but what strange things hormones are!

Then again, in these forums we could take on a number of identities - male, female, gay, straight, young, old, arrogant, timid - and no-one would really know the person they're taking to. I always wish everyone would put their real ages, sex and where they're from on their profiles because the wonderful thing is the diversity of the people writing in. We're all sharing this planet and somehow September 11 seemed to bring that to everyones attention, (at least it started me thinking along those lines).

I love posting in this forum..... Uh-oh....:eek: I'm beginning to ramble. I'll sign off before I write a book. Happy Karma to you all.

Teri :) :D ;)
Bebelina, I really don't know. You will have to ask a certain other member of the Sciforums about that.
Have no clue which one is talking now, they seem all the same to me though.:D :D

Hey Teri, just try to relax those day's of the month, but I can imagine what you are going through. Not nice at all is it...;)

Sciforums is a wonderful place to hang out, oh yes. But never ever do I play a character here. I am who I am, just like that. No more, no less.:p
My girlfriend did her sociology thesis on everday interactions and multiple personalities. People create different identies in different situations and swap between these. So MuliBoy what your suffering from is highly normal - it just happens that your aware of it.

You should stop thinking of these other parts of you as other identities you can't relate to, i don't think thats good for you.

Its entirely different from the real MPD disorder, brain scans show that the entire pattern of thought in the persons mind changes. Unlike where someone pretends to be a different person where there is little visible change.