Question for Bible Belivers.

A Canadian

Why talk? When you can listen?
Registered Senior Member
If one does not follow LAW & ORDER according to U.S.A or Canadian LAW, yet still follows the "LAW" of the bible, would they still go to "Hell"?

Something that is morally wrong... yet is not mentioned in the Bible, yet will get you in jail if caught...

Would you be condemned to "Hell" for it....

I will not elaborate on the """crime""" in question, but I am quite curious.


Let me make it easyer....

Law vs. Religion.....

It has been almost 24 hours since I posted this... and none of you have replyed to this....

I find this hard belive....
If you have something in mind, talk about it. Give examples.

Otherwise, if nobody's interested in your topic, nobody's interested. It's sad when it happens, but it happens to all of us!
A Canadian said:
If one does not follow LAW & ORDER according to U.S.A or Canadian LAW, yet still follows the "LAW" of the bible, would they still go to "Hell"?

Something that is morally wrong... yet is not mentioned in the Bible, yet will get you in jail if caught...

Would you be condemned to "Hell" for it....

I will not elaborate on the """crime""" in question, but I am quite curious.

A Canadian said:
If one does not follow LAW & ORDER according to U.S.A or Canadian LAW, yet still follows the "LAW" of the bible, would they still go to "Hell"?
Well if I don`t reside in those nations USA and CANADA what`s the reason for following their laws and orders. And it does not mean one follows the laws of the Bible and he is justified in the eyes of God. It is God who judges according to His mercy and truth.
Guess you need to read the Book to find out; to find out what law is, what justice is and which is which. You also need to figure out what hell is. So, just read the book but forget about religion.
This is the first time i have seen your thread. I don't live in the USA or Canada and also why not just give the example you are holding back? Maybe you will get more definite response.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
A Canadian said:
If one does not follow LAW & ORDER according to U.S.A or Canadian LAW, yet still follows the "LAW" of the bible, would they still go to "Hell"?

Something that is morally wrong... yet is not mentioned in the Bible, yet will get you in jail if caught...

Would you be condemned to "Hell" for it....

I will not elaborate on the """crime""" in question, but I am quite curious.
The bible tells us to follow the law of the society since it is (at least in part) inspired by God.

Sure anyone can make laws and they don't have to be in accordance to Gods will.

If I make a law "Go kill everyone" then don't follow it. Common sense also get's you a long way!
Who are you meere man to put a question like that , you will know the answer only when you are knocking on Heavens door - then the Lord will give you your verdict !!!
You have the paraclete inside you - and you know yourself if your deeds are right or wrong.
Gods disclaimer : unless you are retarded,in coma or psychotic !!!

In the old Soviet Union you could go to jail if you were a fanatic christian - but you probably ended up in Heaven anyway !!!
A Canadian said:
If one does not follow LAW & ORDER according to U.S.A or Canadian LAW, yet still follows the "LAW" of the bible, would they still go to "Hell"?

Something that is morally wrong... yet is not mentioned in the Bible, yet will get you in jail if caught...

Would you be condemned to "Hell" for it....

I will not elaborate on the """crime""" in question, but I am quite curious.
About law in the bible:

Rom 2:
12 All who sin apart from the law will also perish apart from the law, and all who sin under the law will be judged by the law. 13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous. 14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law, 15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.) 16 This will take place on the day when God will judge men's secrets through Jesus Christ, as my gospel declares.

Titus 3:9
But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless.

The law of society is considered less than the law of God (of course).

Kings in the past sometimes made dangerous laws, and people then were ready to die for the law of God. When a king ordered not to follow the law of God then they had to die for it and not obey the law of the king.

But conscience and common sense can help you decide which laws are to follow in society. To follow the law gives wisdom for the unexperianced.
Paraclete said:
Who are you meere man to put a question like that
It's a good question!


Look at it this way:
Everyone has their `thing´ and just because someone else haven't got the same thing the other has doesn't mean that it doesn't exist!!! It doesn't exist for you (or it does but you don't realise it or do not follow it). So rest! It was never about thinking for 45 hours and never getting anywhere resorting to jabberish. Rest, someone else might have something to say.
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