Question about innate immunity


Registered Senior Member

I read following good link on Innate immunity:-

I also read other links. I also tried elsewhere, but I could not get relevant information on that:-

How innate defence response can be altred--weaken or strengthen? Which factors can be responsible to it?

Can we consider stem cell system as a part of innate immunity?

Best regards.
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I'd think that over time scientists could develop drugs that could enhance our immune system better than they have developed already. Since there are drugs to boost our immune system today there will be improvements made in the future to strengthen them and make more superior drugs.
I'd think that over time scientists could develop drugs that could enhance our immune system better than they have developed already. Since there are drugs to boost our immune system today there will be improvements made in the future to strengthen them and make more superior drugs.

Yes but it is to be checked, if they are trying to boost innate or adaptive immunity.
How innate defence response can be altred--weaken or strengthen? Which factors can be responsible to it?

You will have to be more specific. Whole books and journals are devoted to answering those questions.

Very broadly speaking, innate immunity is modulated by a large range of factors:
-- your genetics
-- your health, diet and lifestyle
-- pharmaceuticals /chemicals
-- pathogens
-- environment

Can we consider stem cell system as a part of innate immunity?

I suppose so, in the sense that stem cells give rise to the specific cells that participate in innate immunity. Epithelial stem cells produce skin and other epithelial cells that provide the physical barrier component of innate immunity. Haematopoietic stem cells produce the blood cells that provide innate immunity, such as phagocytes, NK cells, antigen presenting cells etc.

Transplanting haematopoietic stem cells back into a patient’s bone marrow after chemotherapy is a valuable clinical therapy for restoring both innate and adaptive immunity in the patient.

I'd think that over time scientists could develop drugs that could enhance our immune system better than they have developed already.

There are a variety of drugs that are very powerful stimulators of the immune system, such as colony stimulating factor and gamma interferon. These two drugs are pivotal drugs for reversing the effects of cancer treatments that kill the bone marrow and, thus, severely degrade immunity.
You will have to be more specific. Whole books and journals are devoted to answering those questions.

Very broadly speaking, innate immunity is modulated by a large range of factors:
-- your genetics
-- your health, diet and lifestyle
-- pharmaceuticals /chemicals
-- pathogens
-- environment

Thanks. Except genetics, whether other four factors effect innate immunity within one's life time or into next generations(to justify its innate nature)?

I suppose so, in the sense that stem cells give rise to the specific cells that participate in innate immunity. Epithelial stem cells produce skin and other epithelial cells that provide the physical barrier component of innate immunity. Haematopoietic stem cells produce the blood cells that provide innate immunity, such as phagocytes, NK cells, antigen presenting cells etc.

Transplanting haematopoietic stem cells back into a patient’s bone marrow after chemotherapy is a valuable clinical therapy for restoring both innate and adaptive immunity in the patient.

Stem cells based new therapies are on the way, even not limited to above cells. Hence, can we consider that we have lost or losing or made dormant our normal stem cells system due to opting of various environmental & lifestyle insults?

There are a variety of drugs that are very powerful stimulators of the immune system, such as colony stimulating factor and gamma interferon. These two drugs are pivotal drugs for reversing the effects of cancer treatments that kill the bone marrow and, thus, severely degrade immunity.

How can we assess the status of our innate immune system--weak or powerful?
Thanks. Except genetics, whether other four factors effect innate immunity within one's life time or into next generations(to justify its innate nature)?

Passing an acquired trait on to the next generation requires modification of germ cell DNA. Mutagenic chemicals might achieve this.

Stem cells based new therapies are on the way, even not limited to above cells. Hence, can we consider that we have lost or losing or made dormant our normal stem cells system due to opting of various environmental & lifestyle insults?

You will have to re-phrase this as I do not understand the question.

How can we assess the status of our innate immune system--weak or powerful?

There are a very large number of well-characterized laboratory and clinical techniques for monitoring immune system functioning. There is so much information on the internet I don’t know where to begin. Maybe start here as an example?
Passing an acquired trait on to the next generation requires modification of germ cell DNA. Mutagenic chemicals might achieve this.

Few alt. systems base on constitutional prescribing--eg. ayurveda. Do these constitutional prescribing base on the status of innate immunity?

You will have to re-phrase this as I do not understand the question.

Sorry. I meant, whether we are weakening our stem cell's system due to opting modern environment & lifestyle? Hence normal re-generation in getting effected?

There are a very large number of well-characterized laboratory and clinical techniques for monitoring immune system functioning. There is so much information on the internet I don’t know where to begin. Maybe start here as an example?

Thanks. Btw, can you awnser it;