Question about Feeling Someone's Pain


Registered Senior Member
I am currently dating a man and last week his best friend died tragically. Yesterday I had a very strange experience:

The viewing is tonight and the memorial service is tomorrow. However last night at 6:21 I had a sudden stomach ache and visions of the man I am dating viewing the body of his beloved friend. I thought this was strange since I did not think he would see the body until tonight. He called me later that evening to tell me he got to see the body. I immediately asked him what time it was and he said it was about 6:15/6:20. He told me that he was hurting very badly seeing his friend's body. I told him about what had happened to me at that exact moment.

I guess what I want to know is what does all this mean? Has anyone else experienced another person's pain before? I have never in my life had a feeling like this and it was very eerie. Thank you for your insights.
Do you feel very close to this guy you are dating? That was a very unusual experience alright. I seem to be able to feel other people's pain but only when I'm near to them. I don't know what to say to help you understand this experience any better. Have you come to any new conclusions since your last post? :confused:
I did talk to a psychic last night and she said it meant that we have a very close bond. While we have only been dating a month, we were friends first. And I am very crazy about him. However, I am completely unsure of where the relationship is going at this time. I do hope however that this is a sign of some sort and that things will go well. Thank you for your response.
You did already know that he had lost someone close to him, yes? This sounds more like you just got to thinking about how this must be affecting him, someone you care about, and it made you sad. That you should have a flash fo him standing over his friends dead boy and feeling awful dosn't really mean much in terms of psy phenomina if you already knew this was going to be happening soon.

My own mother had someone who she worked closely with for years die recently, and I do know I spent some time feeling as if I were feeling her pain because I knew she must be hurting pretty badly. Its sympathy, not really psychic phenomena. I have an Identical twin brother, and I’ve never "Felt his pain" in any sort of non-mundane way, if that counts for anything.

There were times when I experienced another person's pain. Sometimes it was emotional pain and other times it was physical pain. Not always the same person.
SpyMoose said:
You did already know that he had lost someone close to him, yes? This sounds more like you just got to thinking about how this must be affecting him, someone you care about, and it made you sad. That you should have a flash fo him standing over his friends dead boy and feeling awful dosn't really mean much in terms of psy phenomina if you already knew this was going to be happening soon.

My own mother had someone who she worked closely with for years die recently, and I do know I spent some time feeling as if I were feeling her pain because I knew she must be hurting pretty badly. Its sympathy, not really psychic phenomena. I have an Identical twin brother, and I’ve never "Felt his pain" in any sort of non-mundane way, if that counts for anything.

Its just the timing that I am amazed by. It may still just be coincidental but without the timing the rest can easily be explained.
Like SpyMoose says, it is not too surprising that you get this thought. The timing is coincidence.

And no, it is not a very unlikely coincidence. Thousands of people are in such a situation every day. Such coincidences must happen often. As it were, it happened to you.

What little knowledge people have on emotional Psychic related ability. There is no room to say what exactly happened. We don't know if this type of feeling can just be for the people we know. None of you nor myself have a clue about how to tell whats going on.
Like SpyMoose says, it is not too surprising that you get this thought. The timing is coincidence.

And no, it is not a very unlikely coincidence. Thousands of people are in such a situation every day. Such coincidences must happen often. As it were, it happened to you.

Well if u actually work out the chances that this girl would have a dream about her boyfriend viewing his dead friends body in her life it would be quite small. The chances of her having this dream the week after he died must be multiplied by this figure and then the chances of her having the feeling in the same 5 minutes as her boyfriend saw the body (without her knowledge) is very very low. So it IS a very unlikely coincidence (thats why she posted here and why this doesn't happen too often).
As u say though, these things must happen so if this was a once off then fair enough. I think however this could be archived with many other peoples reports of the same thing aroiund the world and then, only then can we say that this phenomena was truly statistically significant.
"Well if u actually work out the chances that this girl would have a dream about her boyfriend viewing his dead friends body in her life it would be quite small."

her bfs dead friend is the most important thing in her life right now, of course shes gonna dream about it

it happens in twins because they are both similar, and therefore have similar thoughts, nothing psychic
John Connellan said:
Well if u actually work out the chances that this girl would have a dream about her boyfriend viewing his dead friends body in her life it would be quite small.
Do you mean to tell me that you don't understand the special circumstances she was under? Yes it would be mildly unlikely that she dreams of her boyfriend standing over a dead body under normal circumstances, but in this instance she *knew* that this was going to be happening, and *knew* that his thoughts were preoccupied with events like this, and hence through her empathy for him she thought about these things too. I think it would have been unlikely in this instance of the lost of a loved one to not have such dreams. It doesn’t seem in any way like special psychic phenomena to me, just special circumstances.

As I mentioned earlier I have an identical twin brother, and I have yet to experience mysterious alclarity with him. We do complete each others sentences and both speak at once and know what the other one is thinking, but that is because our genes are identical, and our upbringings were nearly identical, of course we turned out so similar! I don't have a little psychic radio link to his brain, and he does have the power to surprise me. We arn't reading eachothers thoughts or emotions, just acting on inductive reasoning based on behavior we have seen from eachother in the past, and the assumption that our past similarity will mean future similarity.