Question about deja vu dreams...


Registered Member
Im new as you can all see and I'm sorry ahead of time for posting about something thats probably been posted before... So after talking to my one of my friends for a while he and I talked about deja vu and I told him that I have had dreams about things that happen in my future and thats what I consider a deja vu when I realize I had the fimilar feeling from something I dreamed to be the same. Now he had no clue what I was talking about in this and I was wondering if having these dreams is anything thats out of the regular. I guess im asking if it happens to everyone and some people just forget or if its something thats rare? Because its hapened to me A LOT and I consider it strange because most days when I fall asleep I just wake up either with a feeling of not dreaming or just thinking I had my eyes shut for a long time. I guess kinda like dreaming of a neverending void of darkness that I see when im asleep...

Thanks for reading
Hello, and welcome.

Not sure if I'm reading you right, hence the asking. But are you saying here that generally, after you wake up, you don't appear to have any conscious memory of having dreamt at all - it's only later, when y'get this feeling of de-ja-vue that you consciously recognise an element of something dreamt....

Is that you're experience your relaying?
Mr Anonymous said:
Hello, and welcome.

Not sure if I'm reading you right, hence the asking. But are you saying here that generally, after you wake up, you don't appear to have any conscious memory of having dreamt at all - it's only later, when y'get this feeling of de-ja-vue that you consciously recognise an element of something dreamt....

Is that you're experience your relaying?

What im saying is that normally after I wake up I dont feel like I have been dreaming or feel like I just woke after a few minutes of sleep. Whenever I have a dream that seems to be a deja vu(being a dream that later happen) I do remember it after I awaken from it. And sorry if my posts are hard to understand its hard for me to find words to explain it...

Not to worry about that, many people would say it's just the problem of the person reading and just leave it at that - though nothing like as politely.... ;)

No, reason I'm asking is to ask you - if you're not consciously remembering your dreams unless you experience something during the day which brings on this sense of de-ja-vue - how do you know you actually dreamt it, except for the sense making you feel that y'did?
I remember the dreams as dreams when I wake up after having them and then at a later date I experence the dream tho they sometimes the outcome is differnt from the dreams becase I make sure certain things dont hapen that hapened in the dream... does that make any sense??
Right, kind of forewarned is forearmed. With you.

Could you recall an example at all, be as specific as y'please, would help noodling what it is you're experiencing if y'could. Ta in advance.

A ;)
I have the same dreams. I can also give a few examples.

Once i dreamt my daughter would fall from a fence and hurt herself. A couple of weeks later while she was out playing in the garden i remembered the dream and ran out to see if she was ok and she was up on the fence.

Another time i dreamt i was being attacked by a group of lads with bottles. They were smashing them over my head one after the other. Again a couple of weeks later, my best friend got into a fight while out drinking. We were in the house drinking and were called by another friend. All of us were going to meet up and find the lads who had attacked him but something told me to stay at home. Instead my other good friend was hospitalized after having bottles smashed over his head by a group of 12.

I get these kind of future dreams frequently and usually remember them just before something is about to happen which means i can change it.
yes just like that alto min dont seem to have any connection to anything like your examples are of when you are someone else were about to get hurt mine are just kinda random like I once had a one where I was talking to someone about some random even and the after going on for a little bit the person got upset and left. When the acctual act took place I changed what I said and ther person didnt leave at all. that kinda stuff... I have also tried to keep them on track just to see if what I had dreamed would really hapen but since I know what will happen it kinda makes it hard..
Yeah it happens like that for me too but i used those examples to show the more extreme things the dreams have prevented. Do you feel relieved when you realise you remember or do you panic trying to think of what actually happened?
it depends on what had happened in the dream ... mostly im calm I havent really had any that were extreme yet so i just kinda go with it.
Y'know, originally, on first reading, I was kind of erring towards some psychological sounding woo-woo explaining these sorts of experiences as examples of anticipation - the brain, marvellous thing, see's half a thing with the other pieces to it missing and immediately starts piecing together what the missing pieces look like.

Does have a part to play, not the whole story. De-ja-vue, there's a whole host of reading to be had on the subject. Very common perceptual experience.

Then I read your description , for which much obliged. Realised actually, yup. I get those types of dreams too. Meetings, conversations, places, events, people - the reality is suddenly recognised as being similar enough to something previously dreamt as to prompt the sense similar in feeling to De-ja-vue.

Yup, had 'em all me life. So too has everyone else I've ever met, well, everyone I've ever met and got to know them well enough for the conversation to broach the subject.

The common link throughout? The sensation of De-ja-vue.

Y'know how you can look at a caricature of someone and immediately recognise, with a good caricature at anyrate, exactly who the picture is of? What you're looking at when seeing a caricature isn't a portrait, it's a collection of actually abstract shapes arranged in such a way as to convey the same impression of the person who's features these shapes convey. Not in the literal sense as when viewing a portrait or a photograph, but the impression of a "likeness."

When we dream, what we experience is a free flowing, self generated "narrative" of sorts, drawn exclusively not just from what we know from memory, but also what we think and feel. Fears, anxiety, bits and pieces of the everyday the brain processes through and we experience these things as dreams.

That they echo our actual lives, really, shouldn't be a mystery to anyone. We are, literally, the sum total of everything we think, feel and indeed experience in dreams.

That equally actual life experience can occasionally prompt us to recognise something merely dreamt, in the same way as recognising the "likeness" of a person depicted only in caricature, and respond to it as being "as the actual thing" - this, essentially is where we get this recognition, this sensation of De-ja-vue.

And most times, this really is along the lines of what's going on here.

I say most times.

I often have pretty freaky dreams... ;)
Yeah. You make a good point. It could simply be just that but i have often wondered when it happens if it is just coincidence or did i really see the future?

I have also had conversations with dead relatives in dreams. I cannot prove i was actually communicating with the dead but it intrigues me enough to want to know alot more about dreaming.
Yeah, I've done that too. Not just relatives, I was catching up with a dearly loved dog of mine the other day and couldn't get over how nice it was to see the old fella well and happy - the experience wasn't recycled memory, and I can't think of a single damn thing which would have prompted me to suddenly start thinking of him after so much time, he died about 6 years back.

I can site other dream experiences. I first saw my partner in a dream, literally. We'd been corresponding for weeks, never actually clapped eyes on the woman once and the first time I did I recognised her instantly without having to ask who she was. She never did describe herself before hand but I had a very clear sense of exactly what she looked like...

We do these things. We have remarkably intuitive insights all the time, not just in dreams. We're constantly thinking, figuring things out, extrapolating information from the merest crumb of knowledge. Not just as part and parcel of our conscious, waking mind, but right the way through to where we think sub-linguistically - in dreams, the conscious mind is plunged into this incredibly rich, incredibly vivid and immersive aspect of the way our minds work.

Certainly, dreams provide us with insights we consciously may remain completely oblivious to were it not for the fact that, through sleep, almost half our conscious experience of existence itself is experienced through this mindscape of dreams.

It's little wonder they hold a fascination. A good portion of our lives is spent in this mental realm, really the place where we, as individual people, actually exist - what we see, hear and feel there is bound to have an effect on us in how we perceive the wakeful, exterior world.
wow ok i dont have extreme versions like that, but my deja vu seems to be in little snipets of time, i will have in a dream wake up and remember. then a few days, weeks, months later the exact same thing will happen, and i think oh yeah i remember dreaming this, no major events tho
[FONT=[SIZE=2]Times New Roman]mine would be much the same as Ceri327 however, should I have dreamt a negative outcome, that is not always the end result. For example,... Having a conversation amongst friends and an arguement ensues (in the dream) this is not always the outcome in the moment at hand. Everything is exactly as I dreamt it and I recall the dream because the events are fascinating to me. This is always somthing that happens months after the fact and does not happen often, per say, but over the course of my adult life. It can be unnerving at times and has happened with persons I have never met in my life. Not all the dreams are negative either but those are the most unnerving. I suppose it is good to know that I am not one of a few as opposed to what appears to be common place. Whew, thanks for letting me post,
Take Care and Fare Well
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