Quest of mankind


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Very thought provoking articles

Being born as a human, we are all interested to know the fundamental questions about our own existence that relate to our deepest inner nature. Who created this universe?. Did God create this universe or did it emerge without a creator? Is our world real or a dream? What, if anything, is true? Is there any purpose in life? Are we free, or are we entirely driven by fate?

These questions center around “God” and based on that we classify people to atheist and theist.

Atheist who do not buy the idea that a God created this universe and some supreme power governs our lives.
Theist who believe God created this universe and controls our lives.
The agnostics who are not sure of the truth , however will belong to either of the two group and they swing between the two groups based on the evidence they hear at a particular time.

Atheist use the scientific facts to disprove the religious beliefs of the theist. Theist are helpless in showing a physical proof for God, and so point out unexplainable mysteries for indicating presence of God, which atheist cannot just ignore .

In the western world, belief of God as the creator was questioned with the development of modern science overthrowing the religious dogmas in cosmology and due to the scientific advancements proving Darwin’s evolution of man. Solid evidence drive us to the logic that man has evolved from the lower organisms. We will later discuss how these lower organisms got created.

Meanwhile we will discuss how both theist and atheist belief’s contradict each other.

It is very interesting to see religious supporters have to swallow the solid scientific facts revealing the logical evolution of single cells organisms to multi-cellular organisms including human. Evolutionary theory has become almost irrefutable theory that all religious followers have only one option: either to trash their intellect and logic or to blindly embrace the dogma of God as the creationist. This leaves the religious person pathetically to hold on to a strong “belief “ system which is often shaken and overturned not only when attacked by questions of logical thinkers but also by one’s own intellect when meet tragedies, failures, setbacks in life. It depends on how strong the roots of belief system are severed that a theist may convert to an atheist overnight.

Another pitiable situation that theists encounter is when they undergo religious conversion (gets converted from one religion to another). God’s marketing sales representatives offer lucrative materialistic and “better life” prospects not only in this life time on earth but also in future lives in unknown “Heaven” land. In return the religious marketer is happy that he had earned enough credits to be closer to God during his stay in heaven. It is a pity that both of them live and die in a belief system which is not real.

Now look at the atheist who always derive pleasure in mocking at the theist whose dogmas lack logic. Like the theist when atheist confront failures and tragedies they start to understand that something “more” in control of their lives. Those atheist who do not have inner strength yield to the belief system of a God controlling everyone. While others who have inner strength overcome the setbacks in life and might look beyond life as just as a struggle for existence. Those who do not have this vision merely live and die without knowing the mystery of life.

Who knows the Truth?

If either the theist not the atheist know the truth, who else does it?. Spirituals who are different from the theist or the religious sect only know the Truth. Spiritual is like a Judge in a court and theist and atheist are the two opposing lawyers. The lawyers cannot see the truth of the case because their whole thought process is to defend their view point. On the other hand a Judge comes “innocently” (without any biased opinion) to the court and listens to both the lawyers and finally sees the Truth.

“Judge ye not”. ----- Jesus Christ (not the Christian version , but Jesus as the spiritual person)

A spiritual is one who enquires about the “Truth” without any pre-conceived notions (beliefs), like a Judge in the above described example. A spiritual person can be from any professional , cultural, geographical , national, cultural and even religious background. The only qualification he or she required to be spiritual is to be unbiased and see the truth as it is..

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