Quest for 'Superhero DNA'

Plazma Inferno!

Ding Ding Ding Ding
Some people appear to be born with 'superhero DNA' that cancels out genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, say researchers.
An international team of scientists studied the DNA of close to 600,000 people, trying to find individuals who carried damaging genetic mutations. But rather than focusing on those who succumbed to illness, they looked at an even smaller sub-group who beat the odds and remained healthy.
Researchers found (lucky) 13 who should have developed debilitating diseases, but did not.
These people were born with a genetic predisposition towards developing serious and debilitating conditions such as cystic fibrosis, but something in their genomes caused them to still be resistant to the illnesses.
However, this is where the tantalising story ends. The scientists were unable to go out and find the lucky 13 because of the consent rules signed when their DNA sample was taken. It means they do not know what is protecting them against disease.
. . . And while Dr Scott Hebbring, from the University of Wisconsin, described the study as "fascinating" he also cautioned that diseases can present very differently even between patients that have same mutations.

The marketing industry behind medical treatment -- and assorted social pressures driving demand for the ever more businesslike diagnosis (efficient via decreasing tolerance for doubt, ambiguity or the added complexity of alternative considerations) -- seem to guarantee into the future our frequency of slotting a particular human's problems in a "one analysis, approach, remedy fits all" generalization. As well as crouching evaluation of these good-bad health effects and outcomes from the individual person's genes / lifestyle / diet / environmental interactions in such abstract "ignore the local contingencies" strategy.

"Think global: We must force groups of humans to be as identical as groups of sub-atomic particles. Subject to universal or in-common properties, rules, and predictions. If some resist, hammer them into their nearest applicable or convenient category. Do this or face the wrath of cost-effectiveness, cultural engineering, and a confusing tangle of data inferences and contrary litigation movements beating barbarian-like at the gates!"