

Registered Senior Member
Has Anyone Heard?

I Am just slightly divided in what I know of These "Quasi Crystals"
compared to what has been disclosed to the public by your representatives; it just don't jibve!
To this day Id be hard pressed to explain the unique electrical,
optical, and physical properties of Quasi Crystals and why so much
of the research is classified. Even the unclassified research is
funded by agencies like the Department of Energy and the Department of Defense.
Why is the US Department of Energy and Ames Laboratory so vigorously
pursuing research with Quasi crystals?
What is the DOE New Initiative in Surface and Interface Properties of Quasi crystals?
Below is The Comparison.....
This Is What Your Organization & The DoE have Disclosed to date:
"Our goal is to understand, and facilitate exploitation of, the
special properties of Quasi crystals. These properties include (but
are not limited to) low thermal and electrical conductivity, high
hardness, low friction, and good oxidation resistance."
Thats the unclassified part. What are Quasi crystals?
Here is What I Believe......
In 1984 a paper was published which marked the discovery of quasi
crystals--Two distinctly different metallic crystals joined symmetrically together.
By 1986 several Top Secret advanced studies were going on funded
by DARPA with leading scientists already working in the field.
In classical crystallography a crystal is defined as a three dimensional
periodic arrangement of atoms with translational periodicity along its three principal axes.
Since Quasi crystals lose periodicity in at least one dimension,
it is not possible to describe them in 3D-space as easily as normal
crystal structures. Thus it becomes more difficult to find mathematical
formalisms for the interpretation and analysis of diffraction data.
Penrose tiling' became the prototype of very powerful models explaining
the structure of the Quasi crystals discovered in rapidly quenched metallic alloys.
Fourteen years of quasi crystal research has established the existence
of a wealth of stable and meta-stable Quasi crystals with five-,
eight-, ten-, and twelve-fold symmetry, with strange structures
and interesting properties. New tools had to be developed for the
study and description of these extraordinary materials.
Quasi crystals are promising candidates for high energy storage
materials, metal matrix components, thermal barriers, exotic coatings,
infrared sensors, high power laser applications, and electro magnetics.
Some high strength alloys and surgical tools are already on the market.
One of the stories I was told more than once was that one of the
crystal pairs used in the propulsion of the Roswell crash was a
Hydrogen Crystal. Until recently, creating a Hydrogen crystal was
beyond the reach of our scientific capabilities. That has now changed.
In one Top Secret Black Program, under the DOE, a method to produce
hydrogen crystals was discovered, then manufacturing began in 1994.
The lattice of hydrogen quasi-crystals, and another material not
named, formed the basis for the plasma shield propulsion of the
Roswell craft and was an integral part of the bio-chemically engineered
vehicle. A myriad of advanced crystallography undreamed of by scientists
were discovered by the scientists and engineers who evaluated, analyzed,
and attempted to reverse engineer the technology presented with
the Roswell vehicle and eight more vehicles which have crashed since then.
I think I have herd of these crystals things, but not in this much detail, but the following MAY related to want you know.

Here it is

Revelations of the Clementine Moon Mission

To begin, the Clementine moon mission revealed most unusual info, which was promptly censored by NASA, but, as always, the news leaked out. Those gigantic crystal structures, a couple of hundred meters tall, are none other than Gravitational Landau Wave
Transducers. I’m sure our Soviet colleagues agree on that. Since, as un-romantic as it may sound, the moon is not a true satellite of Earth, but merely a highly sophisticated spacecraft, built of steel and titanium, it was concluded that it was placed th ere as a
gravitational stabilizer for Earth. By whom? Obviously by a pre-eminent and extremely advanced civilisation. It is obvious that
there is atmosphere in there, because of the dust, the undulations in the flags (suggesting wind), the footprints, and the EM/IR spectra, which reveals molecular vibrations of oxygen, nitrogen and carbonic anhydride (carbon dioxide). Landau waves are
quantum mechanical relativistic phenomena related to gravitational pressure, in its most general, simple formulation.

What is most interesting is that crystalline structures can be, probably are, electromagnetic gravitational transducers (EMGT) that most likely stabilize the wobble and Chandler nutations of the Earth. Ya. I think that the crystals were synthetically gro wn, and are most likely silicium di-oxid, or quartz. This has tremendous implications in the use of synthetic crystals as gravitational and anti-gravitational EMGT. Therein, ladies and gentlemen, lies the secret of antigravity. In crystals! That is why mo st “UFOs” have fined-tuned crystals as their critical EMGT in addition to their magnetic motors. Maybe, some craft only use crystals as motors.
Klatu Barada Nikto? We wonder how Richard Hoagland is going to handle this one. He is playing a very low profile lately.
Wonder why... Please bear this in mind. Crystals and sound may be a simple way to create antigravity in the lab bench. Of course, this also links crystals to scalar waves, soliton waves, takyon waves and technology thereof. Remember this, ya? Ma ybe the New Age belief in crystals as “good luck charms” and “cosmic energy condensers” may not be too far off.

Electronic Surveillance Technology and EM Phase Conjugation

Now, let’s talk about electronic surveillance technology. You all saw or read “Mark from Michigan’s” video/info7. Well, in Germany, Israel and the CCCP, new technology has developed that now with microcrystal transceivers you can listen to anyone,
anywhere in the world. Example, you drop the microcrystal in the Piazza di San Pietro and you can hear any conversation of the
Roman Curia, the Pope or the servants in their quarters while sitting at a monitor in Sidney! Can anyone locate the microcrystal
transceiver? No! Only the one who placed it -- if he remembers exactly where! It is practically impossible to track or find its
location, for its signals go to a satellite first! The Israelites are the inventors of this gem, and it only works on one single fr equency, but not in the Hertzian EM spectrum. Solitonic Scalars! The Amerikaners NRO/NSA have a similar, but bulkier transceiver for
video surveillance, about 5mm wide. It is rumored that every house will have one of these for absolute video surveillance. For
audio, the ordinary telephone does a 24 hour surveillance on anyone while on the hook, its normal position. Taps are past history.
Also, there is a function in all TV’s that can be turned on remotely if a King or a President needs to address the coun try in an
emergency. There are also eavesdropping surveillance functions even if the TV is disconnected and unplugged from the AC
socket. Ladies and gentlemen, they have not missed one single small detail, and all of this was planned in the 1950’s and 19 60’s!

Next, the surveillance of currency, cash, gold and silver bullion/coins is truly masterful! Many countries, like Germany and England, have a metallic strip on the notes that is easy to locate. Removing it renders the note valueless. However, in Amerika, since there has been worldwide counterfeiting of US dollars, the method is now different. They have inserted a coded strip of platinum-mylar composite in situ. All denominations have that now. Where do people put their money in their homes? In their stee l safes, right? So, a “seeing eye” was developed to “see” what is inside steel walls. An x-ray laser micropulse, which diverges to about 90cm (36in), is sent to locate the safe. Then a narrower beam is sent where the safe is and the “read density” functio n is activated. Thus, the modulated beam can read the density of coded strips and know how many $100s, $50s, $20s, gold bars, silver coins, etc., you have in your safe. If you don’t have a safe, and you hide your money “under the mattress” or elsewhere, i t is even easier to locate.

Since all this technology involves phase conjugation non-linear electromagnetics, all of this takes place in about one to three minutes from a van/auto parked 1000 feet from your house! Phase conjugation means that the wave you send is self-referencing and
returns immediately almost at the speed of light. Obviously, they wanted to use this technology for the IRS boys, but only the
NRO/NSA/CIA have exclusivity to this amazing technology. The same thing can be done from a helicopter. Some of these machines are being used by immigration agencies at the Canadian and Mexican borders already since early 1993. When someone has too much cash hidden, they stop them and interrogate them. So, do travel “lightly” with not much cash on you. Travelers cheques are ok, because they are not yet detectable -- I think?

Dr. E: What about lining your safe with lead or hiding your money in a lead container?

Dr G: Not a very good idea! If they locate lead boxes/containers, they know you are trying to hide something. So? They can have
IRS officers come unexpectedly and force you to open your safe and impound your funds. Worse yet, they can come a open your
saf e easily, or even steal it. Remember, they are highly skilled super-technological professionals. And they are extremely
intelligent. They are not called “intelligence agencies” in vain! This is how they secretly locate, raid and rob the drug lords. They are the intelligence “robin hoods”. They do steal from crooks and keep it for their own agencies. They are masters at this. You’ll never hear this on the news, and no crooks or Mafioso is going to report it to the police, ya? They are after big money! The y have even robbed banks! You see, they have these space-time black boxes whereby they can come and go as they please anywhere in
the world. The average Hans Smith is not their target - only people they suspect or know they have lots of cask stashed away. I
think there is a new law in Amerika that says you can’t have more than $3,000 cash, or something like that.9 Other countries are
also instituting similar laws. Check and see how much is allowed. Not sure.

Ms Dr.C: This sounds terrible! How can I protect my 11-year-olds piggy bank? (Loud laughter). I think he’s got a few hundred
dollars put away for his favorite model airplanes. Can they take children’s money too?

Dr G: Well ... I don’t think they would steal piggy banks, but the IRS might !(laughter again). You see, Dr. C, it is the adults they
want to control absolutely. Children then are naturally controlled by proxy. But, interesting point, many professionals a nd adults have “dropped out” of the system. Some are radicals, others are religious fundamentalists, others paramilitary rebels, terrorists, or simply just patriotic citizens - patriots! If you drop out of the banking system, the best way to “hide your ca sh”, or gold bullion, since so many people invest in gold, the thing not to do is (a) rent a safety box in a bank and (b) don’t hide your money in your apartment or house if you live in as big city, or any city. You can’t hide it there anywhere! Move to t he suburbs or the country.
Here we have to borrow the lore of Ancient Magicians and blend it with high-tech -- Babylonian style!

U.S. Air Force 1993 and 1994 Reconnaissance Over the USA

Furthermore, you will remember that in late 1993 and early 1994, the Air Force conducted many national reconnaissance (operations) at very low altitude flights all over the country, but especially in the East Coast, Mid-West and Southwest. Our operatives inform us that these humongous black bombers are equipped with very sensitive infrared sensors and other sophisticated electronics to detect illegal drug laboratories or marihuana growing operations. Also, undergrounds and tunnels where paramilitary groups may have constructed hiding places or “stashed” firearms, explosives, food, or created tactical headquarters. All State and
National Parks are already “booby trapped” with electronic gear to detect fugitives, dissidents, criminals or radicals that “run to the hills” and hide from authorities or the system.

The Infrared Topographic Imaging Satellites (IRTIS) have already started their spying operations at the local, state and municipal
level. These satellites, as all satellites do, broadcast in the microwave range, and are capable of a thermal resolution of ± 0.5°C,
and are able to detect fluid motion accurately, within inches! In Washington State, in Clark County, Vancouver, the satellite spotted about 58,000 septic tanks that were defective or leaking, and this info was promptly related to the County Heal th officials for their use.10 In other words, ladies and gentlemen, now we have heavenly Federal spying via satellites at state and county levels. This is the next form of control and enforcement of the ridiculous and outrageous ordinances being passed al l over the country and the county level. The aerial infrared/thermal topographic and depth scans/photos can also monitor and detect underground sewer functions and provide a precise record on a monthly basis, which includes not only the cities but the co untryside as well.

So, you can’t get away from the government agencies even if you live in the forests! Lo and behold! No matter where you are,
you will be required to buy a permit even if you are building a dog house, for with their satellite monitors, they can spot and construction change within feet, even inches of resolution! 1984 again? Oregon is now being monitored as well. For some reason,
the Pacific Northwest is the testing ground for satellite surveillance operations.

To read more check out http://www.trufax.org/convers/conv2.html#clementine

[This message has been edited by Mana (edited February 28, 2000).]
And have you heard of the Echelon surveillance system?
Check out 'The truth will be told' in World forum.