Quantum Zen and Space Travel

Alsophia Theophilos

Registered Senior Member
How long will it take our space probe to reach the planet mercury? OK. Now let's go to someplace really interesting, say Sirius. Who's going to volunteer to enter whatever tin can we can devise for the trip, live their life out generating offspring whose main purpose will be to generate more offspring who might, if lucky, live to reach Sirius. Get the point? You'd have to put a pistol to my head to get me to go. And that is the problem with our physics. It just isn't adequate for space travel.
There are a few here on earth, however, that know that here is there and that when is now. In other words, the center of ALL time and space is always right here and right now. In other words, space travel becomes a physics of consciousness. Not to say that there are not "physical" aids to this process.
A hypothesis: The great pyramid as a "portal". A cosmis ray from "somewhere" whose outer fields of relativity are reflected off at the ratio of pi (pyramid made of granite/quartz sealed in limestone) and the sarcaphogus that never held a dead pharaoh. Just a passing crazy thought.
actually not that crazy. This was the Egyptians theory. U can bash it all you want, but it still stands there, in the dust. The pyramids are said to have been portals to other worlds, the underworld, and allowed "GODS" to travel to Earth.

Anyways, i agree with you that Teleportation and things of that nature are much more suited for Real Space Travel than any of our equational physics theories.

Time dialation is another way.
Thanks. You might check with Kula on his thoughts on the fixing of quantum states by some principle of consciousness. Time/space travel has all to do with quantum physics and very little to do with rocket propulsion. I mentioned the pyramid because it has some interesting characteristics that remind me of the E=MC squared thing. The electric/magnetic fields if reflected (speed of light squared???) could do some crazy stuff if they never reach a resolution (pi factor). And who in their right mind ever thought a pharoah was ever in that sarcophagus?? We have a terrible habit of bending all thought and research to match what is "commonly" accepted as truth.