Quantum wormholes could carry people


Registered Senior Member
Japanese and Korean scientists are screwing around with quantum wormholes that could trigger a new universe forming in our universe.

Quantum wormholes could carry people

Exclusive from New Scientist

All around us are tiny doors that lead to the rest of the Universe.
Predicted by Einstein's equations, these quantum wormholes offer a faster-than-light short cut to the rest of the cosmos - at least in principle. Now physicists believe they could open these doors wide enough to allow someone to travel through.

Quantum wormholes are thought to be much smaller than even protons and electrons, and until now no one has modelled what
happens when something passes through one. So Sean Hayward at Ewha Womans University in Korea and Hisa-aki Shinkai at the
Riken Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan decided to do the sums.

They have found that any matter travelling through adds positive
energy to the wormhole. That unexpectedly collapses it into a black hole, a supermassive region with a gravitational pull so strong not even light can escape.

But there's a way to stop any would-be traveller being crushed into oblivion. And it lies with a strange energy field nicknamed "ghost radiation". Predicted by quantum theory, ghost radiation is a negative energy field that dampens normal positive energy.
Similar effects have been shown experimentally to exist.

Delicate balance

Ghost radiation could therefore be used to offset the positive energy of the travelling matter, the researchers have found. Add just the right amount and it should be possible to prevent the wormhole collapsing - a lot more and the wormhole could be
widened just enough for someone to pass through.

It would be a delicate operation, however. Add too much negative
energy, the scientists discovered, and the wormhole will briefly
explode into a new universe that expands at the speed of light, much as astrophysicists say ours did immediately after the big bang.

For now, such space travel remains in the realm of thought
experiments. The CERN Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland is expected to generate one mini-black hole per second, a potential source of wormholes through which physicists could try to send quantum-sized particles.

But sending a person would be another thing. To keep the wormhole open wide enough would take a negative field
equivalent to the energy that would be liberated by converting the mass of Jupiter.

Charles Choi

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I think that is exactly what was described in 3001:Space Odeyssey. Somebody is reading their SF books before going to work....

I wonder if proton size wormholes form as natural as cloud around earth all the time?

I wonder what happens when a stray neutron hits one of those....
Originally posted by Banshee
Japanese and Korean scientists are screwing around with quantum wormholes that could trigger a new universe forming in our universe.

if ive said it once, ive said it a thousand time
its all fun and games until someone creates a big bang and destorys the universe life as we know it:rolleyes:
welcome B\W TheDon

YAY more Aussies to take over the world:D

seriously, i should have gessed you were an Aussie by your name

do you play?

i used to but don't get the time anymore

what state you from?
Hey man
Im from Melbourne as well

Do i Play? play what? Football? Used to but now i play soccer and tennis.

u at school asguard?
i used to play soccer for school, but im at uni now so im not playing this season - just tennis, bit of a bummer

Actually im half Italian so i took my name from the Godfather movies "Don Corleone" Don meaning "Sir" or typically the guy who is in charge or the mafia! lol
*sheepish look*
i thought you ment SIR Don
the cricketer

and i was asking if you played cricket

No im not at school

i have just started a chefs aprentiship as of this week (Sometime, when i sign the forms)
Re: Re: Quantum wormholes could carry people

Originally posted by TheDon

if ive said it once, ive said it a thousand time
its all fun and games until someone creates a big bang and destorys the universe life as we know it:rolleyes:

If this were possible the new universe would immediately break away from the parent universe
hey all
how cool is that :)

it does seem to me that if humans can create it then it already exists.
err for...
are we the through off of such an experiment and under observation for question of continuation?
he he he :D

how many people in the world would commit suicide or mass genocide if this proved to be the case?

how strong is the average human mind...???
not very i think!!!

cool topic Banshee :)

keep groovin all :)
Fortunately we can't actually make one expand into a new universe, yet. It would take too much energy.
It would take as much energy as you would get from converting jupiter to energy just to send one person through.
For the curious:
  • Converting 1 kilogram of matter into energy, with 100% efficiency, would result
    in 90 quadrillion (90,000,000,000,000,000) joules of energy. Jupiter has a mass
    of approximately 1.9 octillion (1,900,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000) kilograms.

    Travel through a worm hole? I'll let you do the math. ;)