quantum touch


Valued Senior Member
Came across this bloke on another forum, and now he is telling me about something called "quantum touch". Does anyone have a clue what this is?

Once again it was a journey for me. Patients in hospitals that didn't know zit, were treated and healed with QT.

A simple experiment you can to with QT is to change the qualities of beverages like wine for example. Five minutes and you can call any outsider and ask him to taste, and he will taste the difference. http://www.quantumtouch.com/

Try another one. Build a Pyramid frame, alighn it to magnetic North and put something under it like a tomato for example. Or milk works quicker. Put your "controlling" glass of milk well away from the experiment. Within three days the Controlling milk will turn sour and rotten if you continue. The milk under the Pyramid becomes like yoghurt. Some Slavish farmers have used pyramids for years to make cheese. http://www.lifepositive.com/Body/energy-healing/pyramid-healing/pyramid-healing.html Lots of links on this page.

The fact that science hasn't figured out how to prove some of these things yet does'nt mean it doesn't work.

If you do a search on "Scalar energy" on the net. You will find that the same energy healers use to heal with is now measurable and we can also reproduce it with machines nowadays. Electro magentic energy that moves through the quantum field. Thus you can be on mars and I can heal you there because distance does not affect the quantum field. Nicola Tesla knew this years ago. http://soundenergy.net/dnamod.htm http://www.ocnsignal.com/tesla/

You can also find out what a "Scenar" I think its called is. Electro healing device that gives the proper electric feedback to heal people. Doctors are beginning to use this in the east block countries already and you can order one if you are a Doctor yourself. http://www.energetic-medicine.net/scenar.html

Scalar energy can be used to change weather, create Tsunamis, and many other things. It can heal you of anything from cancer to a cold on a low level and if you increase it you can fry your Pc circuitry. Tom Bearden Fears they are using it already to create disaters. He calls it "Scalar wars." http://www.cheniere.org/books/aids/priore.htm


"Sceptics will always be limited to the latest measuring device." Wayne Dyer.

I told him it sounded like the placebo effect.
There is significant evidence to support the notion that the observer can effect the outcomes and results within the observed.
In fact this is well known in physics but as yet not understood and is constantly mystifying the scientists as to why the expereiments return consistant results.

A Japanese Scholar in Tokyo has proven in many experiments that water can be significantly efected by ones thought projections. He has proven it by studiying the shape of crystals that form as the water is frozen.

Masaru Emoto (江本勝, Emoto Masaru?, b. July 22, 1943, Yokohama, Japan) is an author known for his controversial claim that if human thoughts are directed at water before it is frozen, images of the resulting water crystals will be beautiful or ugly depending upon whether the thoughts were positive or negative. Emoto claims this can be achieved through prayer, music or by attaching written words to a container of water.

Since 1999 Emoto has published several volumes of a work titled Messages from Water, which contains photographs of water crystals next to essays and "words of intent".
Randi is mentioned in the article so it must have hit home as a possible reality.
having studied his work it is obvious that he has some difficulty adhereing to "Randi" proofs but as he says under his breath "who gives a f*ck"

It is not hard to understand that the intent and thoughts can have a profound effect on the subject of those thoughts.
As the body is >60% water it is understandable from Dr Emoto's work that the possibility of healing using prayer and thought and intent is possible by simply effecting the water content of a persons body [ ie blood ]

So the notion of QT or quantum touch is not just as quaint as it may first seem but has some evidence to support it.

Placaebo effects and psycho-somatics are extremely important in a persons well being and should not be discounted as mere self delusion.

And just because something is not determinable and repeatable means jack shit as to whether it is a reality [real] or not. all it does it expose sciences inadequacies and inability to accept transient proofs and truths.

"A fly landed on my shoulder yesterday"
"can you prove it?"
"Of course not"
"then it didnt' happen and you are deluded!"

sort of crap