Quantum Gravity = Psychic Powers


This is a brief interpretation of George Hammond's Psychoquantumphysical theory from here http://geocities.com/scientific_proof_of_god/ :

The physical laws lay the foundation for the physical, while the mathematical laws orchestrate them. Stochastically speaking, the abstract contains the concrete.

Within the universe transformations occur on every scale. But only on the quantum level do creations occur (e.g. double-slit experiment). While on the macroscopic level we see transformation alone (2nd Law of Thermodynamics).

Quantum Gravity controls the elemental processes of the brain including brain growth.

The psychometric matrix is the result of a probability distribution.

In terms of Quantum Gravity, the curvature of "space-time" is a Gaussian probability distribution.

Our physical and chemical aspects originate from transformations in the universe's physical and chemical aspects.

Are there other aspects of us that originate from "universal material" and what are they?

The complex biochemical machinery of our brains house the etherial aspects of our being popularly known as "The Mind" which is isomorphic to reality, specifically the one we know, and has its origins recorded as data in space-time forever.

Elemental processes of the brain are quantum behavioral. At its most fundamental level space-time is quantum behavioral. Data is continually transforming and being percieved as the chemical and the physical but being orchestrated by the abstract.

So we see that data can be tranferred between mind and space-time.

ENP stands for Extraversion, Neuroticism and Psychoticism.

The psychometric matrix corresponds to the Einstein tensor:

X axis = motor-sensory
Y axis = Right-Left hemispheres
Z axis = stem-limbic-cortex

The 3 neuropsychological divisions correspond to the 3
psychometric dimensions of E,N,P

E = motor-sensory
N = Sperrian Lateralization
P = Neuraxial cleavage
The psychometric matrix corresponds to the Einstein tensor...

Please show me how.

What are the components of G<sub>ab</sub>, according to Hammond?
Show how these are related the components in General Relativity.
What happened to TheMatrixIsReal? He's typing a bunch of giber-jabber that doesn't make any sense. It's like his brain has melted.

I must say I found your post rather extraordinary at all levels....

From my own experience and understanding, psychic pheno ( and not just your usual pop psychic pheno) is definitely a quantum transfer of information at an instantaneous rate of exchange.

The only error I see apart from the fact that gravity it self is undescribed, is that you talk of transfer of information to spacetime and this I think is quite wrong.

Even using the words "though space time" is incorrect.

My personal belief is that the universe is essentially distanceless at a quantum level, distance is irrelevant except for the stronger energies such as physical light and other EM.

It is these larger energies that give us 3 dimensional space even though at a quantum level it is essentially 2 dimensional or probably more correctly zero dimensional. Which means that a grain of sand contains the entire univese at a quantuum level whilst at the same time the universe contains the grain of sand also at a quantum level.
This means that you and me are the same thing and if I want to listen to you at a quantum level I only have to listen to myself or the quanta that is within everything.

The notion of travelling instantaneously any where in it self stops teh ability simply because you don;t have to goi anywhere becasue you are already at a quantum level there.

In the realms of the imagination and thought informations are transferring instantaneously universally. And of course this is yet to be proved.

The sensitivity of our senses is dependent on awareness and belief structures the more aware and open minded the more sensitive we become to these instantaneous transfers.

The human body is capable of sensing universally but our minds in the most are unable to decipher this information in a way that is comforatable.

However every now and then we get a glimps or a flash of insight that teases us as a potentiality. An outcome for some who experience these glimpses is a state commonly known as insanity.

The persons mind incapable of coping with the information it recieves with in the persons awareness.

So whilst I agree conceptually with the premise I have a problem with the detail.
After having a quick read of the link provided I se no proof of God, just mathematical gibberish.

It's not good enough to describe space time as God with out describing spacetime.....
What is gravity?
If the psychic was subject to the constraints of relativity it would simply not function at all.

The whole coheasion of the universe would fail to function.