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New Discovery...

B elieve to have existed 6,000 years ago in Western Cuba.
TORONTO, Canada The discovery of what appear to be the remains of a city off the Cuban coast by a group of Canadian researchers has fired the imaginations of many who have begun dreaming that fabled Atlantis could have been a reality. Following a series of explorations using an underwater robot, the couple formed by Russo-Canadian researcher Paulina Zelitsky and Canadian Paul Weinzweig--together with the former's son, Ernesto Tapanés, a Cuban national -- believes that the structures form part of a city erected over six thousand years ago on the slopes of a volcano. This information, based on images taken by the underwater robot and by a modern sonar system, places the construction of the Cuban city fifteen centuries earlier than the building of the Gizeh pyramid in Egypt. While the researchers have still not obtained any physical evidence to date the remains, the possibility that a lost civilization had built highly specialized buildings in such a distant age seems too enticing to restrain the imagination. One of the hypotheses suggested in the past--and which could be confirmed with this discovery--is that Cuba was linked to the Yucatan Peninsula by a land bridge which sank into the Caribbean due to volcanic activity. To others, the notion of a civilization submerged under the Caribbean brings to mind the stories of the Greek philosopher Plato concerning lost Atlantis. Zelitsky told the Canadian press that the megaliths located both by sonar and the underwater robot are of "a type similar to the one found at Stonehenge [Great Britain] or on Easter Island. Images taken with sonar and converted into photographs have been shown to U.S. and Cuban scientists who belive that pyramids, streets and buildings can be discerned. An antrhopologist with the Cuban Academy of Sciences consulted by the Canadian couple has pointed out that some of the images contain "signs and inscriptions" and that the shapes are reminiscent of the pyramidal designs of the Mayan or Aztec cultures. Zelitsky and Weinzweig, while currently residing in Cuba, are the owners of British Columbia-based Advanced Digital Communications (ADC), which has specialized in locating underwater treasrue in the Caribbean. ADC has participated in the search for old Spanish galleons lost in Cuban waters and which could contain great riches. The team has scheduled another venture in January in the Guanahacabibes Peninsula area, where the archaeological remains were located. In the summer of 2002, they plan to use an underwater excavator to explore the find. ####################################################Translation (C) 2001. Scott Corrales, Institute of Hispanic Ufology. Special thanks to Gloria Coluchi.
B elieve...what appear to be...the imaginations of many...dreaming...fabled...could have been...believes...have still not obtained any physical evidence...the possibility...seems too enticing to restrain...imagination. One...hypotheses suggested...the notion...brings to mind... Institute of Hispanic Ufology.

So many qualifiers, so little supportive empirical evidence. Boat floating made pedsestrian.
I recall hearing a few years back that the Phoenicians traded with central America. And Giza is not the earliest Egyptian pyramid. It wouldn't surprise me at all if the Phoencians took the idea of pyramids over to central and south America.
Kent Steadman has identified from satellite photos pyramid-like structures off the Oregon-California coast -- which has also been the epicenter for numerous earthquakes for the last decade. It's hard to tell what's on the ocean floor from the satellite photos, but there's a reasonable possibility the structures could be sunken pyramids.

Photographs made by satelite are to be found at the following website.
Wasn't Kent Steadman the same person who, in 1996, said that Jupiter would explode by year's end sending large pieces of itself sunward to collide with Earth at the beginning of the new millenium?
The Orion Mystery,Unlocking the secrets of the Pyramids

The Greeks looked at the pattern of bright stars dominated by Betelgeuse and Rigel and saw a great hunter who claimed superiority over all Earth creatures. Nearby was the brightest star, Sirius, in Canis Major, one of the two faithful dogs that the Greeks said traveled with Orion. The other is Canis Minor. But the Egyptians considered Orion and Sirius to be the home of Isis and Osiris, gods that came to earth and created a kingdom in Egypt from which they also created humankind. After Osiris and Isis departed Earth, each Egyptian king wanted to follow and return his soul to Orion and Sirius upon death. The Giza pyramids were built on strict alignments with those stars, and Sirius was the star of rebirth depended upon to breathe new life and resurrection into dead kings. Mummification was part of the complex ritual of magic that linked terrestrial life to an eternal life with Osiris and Isis.

Reinforcing the idea of that intimate relationship between the pyramids and the Orion constellation are shafts inside the largest pyramid at Giza. Two carved channels come out of the Queen's Chamber and two out of the King's chamber. At first, archaeologists thought the shafts helped ventilate the pyramid. But contradicting that theory is the fact that the two channels leading from the Queen's Chamber are blocked at both ends. Other theories suggested the shafts were used like telescopes to observe stars from within the pyramid. But the shafts go from a horizontal level and bend upward making line of sight through them impossible.
Pyramid power

And these "shafts" point to specific constellations...hmmm


Pyramids(giza) r lined up wwith true magnetic north,south

Layers upon layers of alternating quartz and granite r directly above the main chamber, where the sarcophagi lay, also where the initiates were sent for trial of the gods.

These layers, now called piezo electric procceses, created a great electrical field, because of the pressure cause by the stone above these layers.
This , in turn with the natural harmonics and energy accumulating properties, is one of the highest energy containing places on the planet, aside from the human heart

A type of "stargate", where only the pharoahs and highest level initaites were sent
Ancient Pyramids of Mexico...

Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings
By Charles Hapgood (1966)

“I am aware of a good many other indications of this kind [ancient scientific knowledge], scattered all over the world, suggesting the ancient tradition of an advanced culture, but as yet their investigation is so incomplete that there is no point in mentioning them. There is one matter, however, which I cannot forbear to mention, despite its rather controversial character because I did investigate it myself.

“Just outside of Mexico City there is a round step pyramid, which, long ago, was swamped by lava from a volcano not far off. This is the pyramid of Cuicuilco. The pyramid is not a mere mound, but a complex stone structure reflecting a comparatively advanced society. The lava flow swirled around three sides of the pyramid and covered about sixty square miles of territory to a depth of from five to thirty feet. The layer of volcanic rock thus formed is called the Pedrigal.

“Geologists have examined the Pedrigal and tried to estimate, by the condition of its surface and the amount of loose sediment accumulated over it, how long ago it was formed, came up with a figure of about 7,000 years. This would have meant that the Mexican pyramid was older by far than the pyramids of Egypt, the oldest of which date back about 5,000 years. Archaeologists could not accept this, and generally took the view that the pyramid probably dated no earlier than the 7th or 8th Centuries A.D. The development of the new technique of radiocarbon dating after World War II threw new light on this question.

“Radiocarbon dating was developed by the nuclear scientist Willard F. Libby, of the University of Chicago. It was based on the discovery that a very small percentage of the carbon contained in the carbon dioxide of the atmosphere is radioactive, and, like all radioactive substances, loses mass at a measurable rate. Radioactive carbon (Carbon 14) radiates away half its mass in about 5,000 years. All living things taking carbon dioxide from the air will, during their lifetimes, contain the same percentage of radiocarbon as the atmosphere, but after their death any new supply from the atmosphere is cut off, while the amount already absorbed continues to decay. After a time the percentage of radiocarbon in the body of the plant or animal will be less than that in the atmosphere, and by accurately measuring the difference it becomes possible to determine the lapse of time since the death of the plant or animal. This gives us a method of “absolute dating” for archaeological and geological materials. Despite many complexities, it is regarded as generally dependable, within a certain margin of error, for the period of the last forty thousand years.

“The first radiocarbon date for the Cuicuilco Pyramid was found by Dr. Libby. He used a sample of charcoal found under the Pedrigal in direct association with pottery fragments similar in style to the pottery of the known “Archaic Period” of the Indian civilization of Mexico. The result was a finding of an age of 2,422 years, with a margin of error of 250 years either way. It appeared from this that the carbon came from a tree that died or was destroyed some time between 209 B.C. and 709 B.C. It was not certain, however, that this dated the lava flow, for the charcoal was not directly associated with the lava. The wood might have been burned by humans (perhaps for cooking) sometime before the lava flow. But the position of the charcoal directly under the lava suggested that no great period of time may have elapsed between the burning of the wood and the lava flow.

“Additional radiocarbon dates subsequently amplified our information on Cuicuilco. Between 1957 and 1962 a number of samples of charcoal, collected from different depths beneath the Pedrigal, were dated in the radiocarbon laboratory of the University of Southern California (UCLA). One of these samples was directly associated with the lava, and gave an age of 414 A.D., but was considered by the archaeologists, in the light of other evidence, to be probably about 200 years older. The consensus of specialists was that the flow probably occurred about 200 A.D.

“This would appear at first to demolish the claim that the pyramid was very old. It would appear that it might have been built by the same people who built the other pyramids near Mexico City. There is, however, another aspect of the matter which would appear to have been overlooked. It seems that the archaeologists who have discussed the date of Cuicuilco have not, in some cases, attentively read the text of the report made by the man who excavated the pyramid for the Government of Mexico in 1920. He was Byron S. Cummings, an American archaeologist.

“Cummings dug down through the Pedrigal, below which he found a stratum of earth with fragments of pottery and figurines of the Archaic culture. He then dug further. At the bottom of the Archaic layer he found a deposit of volcanic ash. He extended his excavation down through the ash, and below it found evidences of an entirely different culture, one that must have preceded the Archaic. He considered that the evidence of the pottery and figurines here showed a level of culture higher than the Archaic, but unconnected with it. As he sank his trenches deeper, he came to the bottom of this layer, and to another layer of volcanic ash. He dug through this, and came upon another layer of artifacts – fragments of pottery and figurines. These resembled those in the second layer, but they were cruder. Finally, at a depth of eighteen feet, Cummings came upon a pavement that had surrounded the Pyramid of Cuicuilco and which had evidently been built when the pyramid was built.

“Cummings made an estimate of the time required to accumulate the eighteen feet of sediment between the underside of the Pedrigal and the temple pavement. He estimated, first the age of the Pedrigal lava flow at 2,000 years, and here came very close to the truth. Then he measured the thickness of the sediments that have accumulated on top of the Pedrigal since it was formed, and used this as a measuring stick to estimate the time required to accumulate the sediments below. He came to an estimate of 6,500 years for the time required to accumulate those eighteen feet of sediments.

“In answer to the argument that the rate of accumulation of the sediments may have been different and more rapid in the period before the eruption of the volcano, Cummings pointed out that a great lapse of time was clearly indicated by the nature of the sediments themselves. The three culture layers are separated by two layers of volcanic ash, and over each layer of ash is a thick layer of sterile soil, with no indication of vegetation. In each case the development of a new layer of humus-rich topsoil over the sterile layer probably took time on the order of centuries, and only after this process was completed did a new layer of artifacts appear. The evidence, according to Cummings, suggested that, first, the pyramid was abandoned, for some reason, by the people who built it; then, much later, a crude people with crude pots and tools occupied the region around the pyramid. After a lapse of time, an eruption of one or more of the neighboring volcanoes eliminated the occupation, depositing a layer of volcanic ash. A further considerable period elapsed, new topsoil was formed, and the area was again occupied, this time by an advanced people whose artifacts suggested they were the descendants of the people preceding them. A process of cultural development would appear to have taken place in some other region perhaps nearby. Again, after a considerable time, another eruption of the volcanoes seems to have eliminated this advanced culture, and this time resulted in a complete culture break, for the third people to occupy the region, those of the archaic culture, appear to have had no connection with their predecessors. Only after all these things had taken place was the Pedrigal formed.

“A check on Cummings’ estimate of 6,500 years, for the time required to accumulate all the sediments, is provided by the radiocarbon samples referred to above. They were taken at various depths below the Pedrigal, though a distance of about 1,000 feet from the pyramid. They all consisted of charcoal…

“If we accept the dates of 414 A.D. and 2160 B.C. for the top and bottom of our column of sediments… we can suppose that 21-1/2 feet of sediment accumulated in 2,574 years before the eruption of the Pedrigal, at an average rate of a foot in 199 years. The variations in the rate may mean simply that the sediments were much disturbed in ancient times, or they may reflect changes in the rate of accumulation related to periods of volcanic eruptions, when the rate would have been rapid, and to periods following eruptions when there was no human occupation and very little vegetation, when it would be very slow. The samples were all taken from a human occupation site, that is, from mounds under the Pedrigal containing the ruins of buildings, where the rate of accumulation of sediment would naturally have been faster. The essential point is that while the radiocarbon samples taken near the pyramid give us approximate dates for various phases of the Archaic or Pre-Classical cultures in the area, they have not, so far, dated the pyramid. No excavation appears to have been made below the pavement mentioned by Cummings as surrounding the pyramid. It appears from the evidence that the structures near the pyramid under the Pedrigal, that have now been dated, were probably the work of people occupied the region after the abandonment of the pyramid.

“If this is the case, we have the date 2160 B.C. as the minimum date for the abandonment of the pyramid. This does not date its construction. Cummings gives reason to believe that the structure was in use for a long period of time. Since its scale and advanced construction imply an advanced people possibly flourishing in Mexico four or five thousand years ago, we may have here a relic of the people who navigated the whole earth, and possessed the advanced sciences necessary to make our ancient maps. “