Putin propagates hateful gay stereotype

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
MOSCOW — "President Vladimir Putin said Friday that gay people have nothing to fear in Russia as long as they leave children alone.

Putin met with a group of volunteers in the Olympic mountain venue at Krasnaya Polyana near Sochi on Friday to wish them success at the Games. During a question-and-answer session, a volunteer asked him about Russia’s attitudes toward gays, a subject that has provoked worldwide controversy, and Putin offered what was apparently meant to be a reassuring answer for visitors to the Olympics.

“One can feel calm and at ease,” he said. “Just leave kids alone, please.”

That phrasing — with its intimation that gays might prey on children — hardly seems the kind of guarantee sought by the United States and other Western governments and human rights activists.

Gay rights have become a contentious issue at the Olympics, which begin Feb. 7, because Russia passed a law last year prohibiting “propaganda of nontraditional sexual practices” among *minors. The law has been used to ban gay rights parades — children might see them — and to curb discussion of gay issues on television and in newspapers for fear that those younger than 18 might hear or read about homosexuality. Teachers ignore the subject, isolating gay teenagers. Some homophobes have interpreted the law as encouragement to beat up gays. And there has been talk of taking children away from gay parents.

Sarah Kate Ellis, president of GLAAD, a U.S. advocacy group, said her heart went out to gay and lesbian families who had to live under harsh Russian laws. “Mr. Putin can peddle fear and misinformation, but the global community is increasingly siding with equality for all people,” she said.

The law has provoked deep concern in the United States and other Western countries, where it is seen as an infringement on human rights. European leaders have decided to stay away from the Games, and President Obama sent a protest message by choosing a delegation to represent him that includes Billie Jean King, a well-known gay athlete.

“I think the best thing that can be done is that the media continue to shine a light on this issue,” said Norman Bellingham, former chief executive of the U.S. Olympic Committee. “There is always the hope that having the Games in an environment brings the full force of the world’s media on the issues in that particular country or region.”

The International Olympic Committee has steadfastly refused to criticize Russia, saying it believes assurances that there will be no discrimination.

Activists think otherwise.

“Putin’s promise that gay and lesbian Olympians and spectators will be safe in Sochi is meant to distract from his country’s oppression of its LGBT citizens,” said Andrew Miller, a member of Queer Nation, a gay rights group based in New York. “That gays are dangerous to children is an obvious lie meant to justify his violation of the human rights of gay men and women. We are not fooled, and neither is the world.”

Children are everywhere, said Julianne Howell, reached at home in Loveland, Ohio, where she has organized a petition drive on Change.org to persuade sponsors to drop their support of the Olympics to protest the gay law. “Simply being gay in front of children is wrong under the law. It means you can’t be yourself.”

Speaking to a room full of volunteers dressed in their Sochi warm-up gear, Putin attempted to put Russia on higher moral ground than other countries. Homosexuality is not a crime in Russia, as it was in the Soviet Union. Homosexuality was legalized in 1993. Police, he said, do not pluck gays off the street. In the United States, he asserted, some states impose criminal penalties for homosexual relations. Not Russia, he said. (In 2003, the U.S. Supreme Court declared that laws prohibiting gay sex were unconstitutional.)

“We have no ban on the nontraditional forms of sexual intercourse among people,” Putin said in remarks carried by the Interfax news service. “We have the ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia. I want to stress this: propaganda among minors. These are two absolutely different things: a ban on certain relations or the propaganda of such relations.”

One more question: Why, a volunteer asked, do Russia’s Olympic uniforms contain the colors of the rainbow, the rainbow being a symbol of gay rights?

Don’t ask him, the president said. “I didn’t design the uniform.”===http://www.washingtonpost.com/world...f8c47e-7f7d-11e3-95c6-0a7aa80874bc_story.html
Well, Yeah

MagicalRealist said:

Putin propagates hateful gay stereotype

Well of course he did. That's what closeteers do in order to feel empowered. You know, because being President of Russia isn't empowering enough.
Warning: Images below may be inappropriate for minors.

Sure, because nothing about gay parades could possibly be seen as inappropriate for children.



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What does that have to do with "leaving children alone"? Do children get molested at gay parades?

Who said anything about "leaving children alone"? That and molestation seem to be a complete non sequiturs that were not even mentioned in your OP. The closest thing your OP included was: “We have the ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia. I want to stress this: propaganda among minors. These are two absolutely different things: a ban on certain relations or the propaganda of such relations.”

Do you feel that it is appropriate for all minors to exposed to the vagaries of adult sexuality?
Who said anything about "leaving children alone"? That and molestation seem to be a complete non sequiturs that were not even mentioned in your OP. The closest thing your OP included was: “We have the ban on the propaganda of homosexuality and pedophilia. I want to stress this: propaganda among minors. These are two absolutely different things: a ban on certain relations or the propaganda of such relations.”

Do you feel that it is appropriate for all minors to exposed to the vagaries of adult sexuality?

Didn't you read the OP? Putin said it: “One can feel calm and at ease,” he said. “Just leave kids alone, please.”

That phrasing — with its intimation that gays might prey on children — hardly seems the kind of guarantee sought by the United States and other Western governments and human rights activists."

As far as propaganda getting into minors' hands, what exactly counts as propaganda? A Lady Gaga concert? A biology textbook showing how homosexuality is common among many other species? Movies depicting being gay as a healthy and normal orientation? Two men walking down the street holding hands? What exactly is it you and your comrade Putin are afraid minors might discover about gay people? That they have sex and love just like heterosexuals do? OMG..how that might traumatize little Susie! lol!
I like putin, but this is the only thing i disagree with him on. Heterosexuals are far more likely to be harmful to young people. Look at amount of abuse years ago in families.

First time i do not agree with putin, but he has his own opinions on this and of course demographics is important to russia.

I am sure russia like every country has alot of abuse issues in families without gay people, so gays are hardly the worst offenders in this.
As far as propaganda getting into minors' hands, what exactly counts as propaganda? A Lady Gaga concert? A biology textbook showing how homosexuality is common among many other species? Movies depicting being gay as a healthy and normal orientation? Two men walking down the street holding hands? What exactly is it you and your comrade Putin are afraid minors might discover about gay people? That they have sex and love just like heterosexuals do? OMG..how that might traumatize little Susie! lol!

Already answered in the form of the above posted pictures of gay parades.
Already answered in the form of the above posted pictures of gay parades.

What you did was scan the web for pics of nudity and of one of a guy straddling another guy (Oh my!) from gay events all over the world in an attempt to smear all gays as doing the same. If I searched long enough I could find the same displays among heterosexual events like Mardis Gras and Solistice. But then I'm not propagating hateful stereotypes like you and Putin enjoy doing.

You seem quite the expert on what is typical gay behavior at parades. So how many gay parades have YOU attended in your life?
What you did was scan the web for pics of nudity and of one of a guy straddling another guy (Oh my!) from gay events all over the world in an attempt to smear all gays as doing the same. If I searched long enough I could find the same displays among heterosexual events like Mardis Gras and Solistice. But then I'm not propagating hateful stereotypes like you and Putin enjoy doing.

First, if gays are born such, why are gays from one country inherently different from gays in another? OMG, could it be that the difference is in the decency laws of said countries?

Second, I have already said elsewhere that Mardi Gras and Solstice are generally inappropriate for children. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fremont_Solstice_Parade
Look, things never change fast but they do change, especially if your willing to get violent about it, the LGBT community is no different than the Christian missionaries of the past, eventually it's going to get ugly while they try to indoctrinate the world with their agenda, but don't try to pass off that gay/lesbians are fighting a good fight, they are as self serving as any other organization that is trying to get numbers on their side. There is never a one sided answer to issues involving societies, most of the major changes involved violent upheavals, people will get hurt, things will change, calm will ensue for a short time so everyone can catch their breath for the next one, whatever it may be.
First, if gays are born such, why are gays from one country inherently different from gays in another? OMG, could it be that the difference is in the decency laws of said countries?

So because you found a few pics of nudity and intimacy at gay parades, that's an indication of how most gays are? Like I said, I could give you the google image results for "nudity Mardi Gras" and claim that's indicative of all heterosexuals. But I won't stoop to your pathetic level.

Second, I have already said elsewhere that Mardi Gras and Solstice are generally inappropriate for children. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fremont_Solstice_Parade

So again, how many gay parades have you been to? Do you see many children brought to them? See any behavior that might traumatize them?
Look, things never change fast but they do change, especially if your willing to get violent about it, the LGBT community is no different than the Christian missionaries of the past, eventually it's going to get ugly while they try to indoctrinate the world with their agenda, but don't try to pass off that gay/lesbians are fighting a good fight, they are as self serving as any other organization that is trying to get numbers on their side. There is never a one sided answer to issues involving societies, most of the major changes involved violent upheavals, people will get hurt, things will change, calm will ensue for a short time so everyone can catch their breath for the next one, whatever it may be.

Gays resorting to violence in the attempt to teach tolerance? That'd be sorta self-defeating now wouldn't it? What newsstories can you cite showing that this is the case? On the contrary, it's always gay people that get beat up and spit on by mobs of homophobes at gay events. Here's some examples of that:




Sure, because nothing about gay parades could possibly be seen as inappropriate for children.
Perhaps you could explain then, Syne, if you feel they are inappropriate for children, why you keep posting the images repeatedly on this site without a warning for the many children who peruse and even post on this site?

First, if gays are born such, why are gays from one country inherently different from gays in another? OMG, could it be that the difference is in the decency laws of said countries?
If gays are born as such?


The language of homophobes..

Tell us Syne, do you agree with Russia's laws, which result in gays being beaten and killed and their attackers going unpunished? Is it more decent to beat and kill homosexuals? Is that decent? Don't hold back now, we already know how you feel about homosexuals, you have made that clear enough.

Already answered in the form of the above posted pictures of gay parades.
You believe they are inappropriate for children enough to let the homophobia shine through, yet you see fit to post them here as examples of why they are inappropriate for children by your reckoning while ignoring the minors who post here?

Why are YOU deliberately and repeatedly showing children who post and read this site, images you have openly stated you believe are inappropriate for children?
So because you found a few pics of nudity and intimacy at gay parades, that's an indication of how most gays are? Like I said, I could give you the google image results for "nudity Mardi Gras" and claim that's indicative of all heterosexuals. But I won't stoop to your pathetic level.
Religious conservatives, especially the evangelical ones, often have issues with things like knowing what the difference is between paedophilia and homosexuality. Then of course you have people who are simply too stupid and bigoted to know better, such as people like Putin and those who advocate homophobic decency laws to 'protect the children'.

So again, how many gay parades have you been to? Do you see many children brought to them? See any behavior that might traumatize them?
I've taken my kids to the one in Sydney. They still have the rainbow coloured whirly's and slinky's from them.

The people marching and dancing past often have sweets and little toys and stuff they give to kids as they walk past and take photos as well. Kids had an absolute ball. Then again, the one we have here in Sydney have police officers, firefighters, paramedics and members of the defence force marching as well. It's great fun to be honest.:)
So because you found a few pics of nudity and intimacy at gay parades, that's an indication of how most gays are?

"Intimacy"? That is called simulated sex. But I guess you think that is appropriate in front of children, huh? After all, it is just "intimacy", right?

That is a very broad term that describes everything from a kiss to actual sex. Where do you propose drawing the line of what is appropriate in view of children? Do you even draw such a line?

Like I said, I could give you the google image results for "nudity Mardi Gras" and claim that's indicative of all heterosexuals.

Lol. Gee, you can find images of nudity if you google "nudity Mardi Gras"? I am shocked.

Perhaps you could explain then, Syne, if you feel they are inappropriate for children, why you keep posting the images repeatedly on this site without a warning for the many children who peruse and even post on this site?

Why? Do you think they should have a warning?

What "many children"? Does SciForum's lax policy on profanity reflect these children?

First, if gays are born such, why are gays from one country inherently different from gays in another? OMG, could it be that the difference is in the decency laws of said countries?
If gays are born as such?


The language of homophobes..

"If" is the language of science, as scientific findings are generally qualified and provisional. Are you calling science homophobic now?

Tell us Syne, do you agree with Russia's laws, which result in gays being beaten and killed and their attackers going unpunished? Is it more decent to beat and kill homosexuals? Is that decent? Don't hold back now, we already know how you feel about homosexuals, you have made that clear enough.

Violence is illegal and should continue to be fully enforced.

You believe they are inappropriate for children enough to let the homophobia shine through, yet you see fit to post them here as examples of why they are inappropriate for children by your reckoning while ignoring the minors who post here?

Why are YOU deliberately and repeatedly showing children who post and read this site, images you have openly stated you believe are inappropriate for children?

Quite honestly, I am unaware of children posting and reading here. While I am aware that they are allowed to register, if over 13, I would not allow my own children, even over 13, to read or post here unsupervised. SciForums allows profanity and debates/insults here often go beyond what I would have my own children subjected to.

So if you ARE aware of children actually posting and reading here, the question is if YOU consider those images to need a warning?
"Intimacy"? That is called simulated sex. But I guess you think that is appropriate in front of children, huh? After all, it is just "intimacy", right?

Yeah..it's fine. See, in the 21st century we have this ritual called dancing where couples get together and have "simulated sex" in front of all sorts of people. So If you and your buddy Putin wanna censor the world to "protect the children", I'd suggest you start by banning public displays of dancing everywhere. And good luck with that!

That is a very broad term that describes everything from a kiss to actual sex. Where do you propose drawing the line of what is appropriate in view of children? Do you even draw such a line?

We already have laws against public sex, or haven't you noticed? So why are you worried about where I draw the line? The line's already been drawn.

Lol. Gee, you can find images of nudity if you google "nudity Mardi Gras"? I am shocked.

Yeah..just like you could find images of nudity when you typed in "nudity gay parade." But like I said, I don't post sleazy pics online "to protect the children." lol!

"If" is the language of science, as scientific findings are generally qualified and provisional. Are you calling science homophobic now?

Are you claiming science hasn't found orientation to be inborn? You're lying then:

"There is no consensus among scientists about why a person develops a particular sexual orientation; however, biologically-based theories for the cause of sexual orientation are favored by experts, which point to genetic factors, the early uterine environment, or both in combination. There is no substantive evidence which suggests parenting or early childhood experiences play a role when it comes to sexual orientation; when it comes to same-sex sexual behavior, shared or familial environment plays no role for men and minor role for women. While some hold the view that homosexual activity is unnatural, research has shown that homosexuality is an example of a normal and natural variation in human sexuality and is not in and of itself a source of negative psychological effects. Most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation."---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality
Yeah..it's fine. See, in the 21st century we have this ritual called dancing where couples get together and have "simulated sex" in front of all sorts of people. So If you and your buddy Putin wanna censor the world to "protect the children", I'd suggest you start by banning public displays of dancing everywhere. And good luck with that!

We already have laws against public sex, or haven't you noticed? So why are you worried about where I draw the line? The line's already been drawn.

So anything shy of actual sex in front of children is fine, huh? Like adults exposing themselves to children?

Also, most places where adults dance like that are age restricted due to selling alcohol.

Lol. Gee, you can find images of nudity if you google "nudity Mardi Gras"? I am shocked.
Yeah..just like you could find images of nudity when you typed in "nudity gay parade." But like I said, I don't post sleazy pics online "to protect the children." lol!

Actually, I just double-checked. I simply googled "gay pride parade" to find ALL of those images. I did not need to presume nudity in my search.

But wait, are you calling those pictures "sleazy"?

Are you claiming science hasn't found orientation to be inborn? You're lying then:

"There is no consensus among scientists about why a person develops a particular sexual orientation; however, biologically-based theories for the cause of sexual orientation are favored by experts, which point to genetic factors, the early uterine environment, or both in combination. There is no substantive evidence which suggests parenting or early childhood experiences play a role when it comes to sexual orientation; when it comes to same-sex sexual behavior, shared or familial environment plays no role for men and minor role for women. While some hold the view that homosexual activity is unnatural, research has shown that homosexuality is an example of a normal and natural variation in human sexuality and is not in and of itself a source of negative psychological effects. Most people experience little or no sense of choice about their sexual orientation. There is insufficient evidence to support the use of psychological interventions to change sexual orientation."---http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Homosexuality

Again with the attentional bias. Maybe you missed this part of your own quote:

"There is no consensus among scientists about why a person develops a particular sexual orientation"

So yes, if.