Pushy sales people


Kiss my dark side
Valued Senior Member
im so furious right now,
my partner and i went out to by a wii and she decided to buy a new LCD TV while we were there.

We went to harvy norman to get them which was all well and good and the guy in the computer section was GREAT, he lissioned to us, he answered our questions and he was compleatly ethical.

now we decided to buy it all on finance which was fine, they do a great interest free and we can easerly aford it but we had to buy the TV first and then go back to the computer section and buy the wii

so anyway we are standing looking at TV's and i ask the usual questions i would and we decide yes we want to buy one. this guy litterally ignores us and TELLS us what we he is going to sell to us, no input from us period. he throws in over $150 worth of cables without either a) telling us the price or b)explaining why we even NEED them

he asks did we have a DVD player and when we said YES he adds one anyway. in this case its not that big a deal because we did actually need to buy a second DVD player and its not that expencive but the principle is compleatly unethical

not only that but when he was "selling" this to us we didnt even know which fucking tv he was selling, he didnt let us imput into the discussion at all. he just walked off grabbed stuff and added it to the list.

so now i have to go and return these stupid cables and they have a "no returns policy" well thats fine they can have a no returns policy if they want but they WILL take these back because otherwise im going to department of buiness and consumer affairs

sorry rant over
why did you buy it if he was being so pushy? i would have just done what we do here with sales reps that come round and hassle us endlessly, tell them to shove it, then call their head office and tell them we will stop using all of their products if we get hassled again.
not only that but when he was "selling" this to us we didnt even know which fucking tv he was selling,

So why did you buy? I am an easy pushover too, but there is a limit. Those cabels can be had online for 5-10$, by the way, but that is one of their biggest profitmakes %-wise...
well i went back to the store and explained the situation and the people there were great:) the store manager was a bit like you people (BTW it wasnt my decision, it was up to PB wether she bought it or not) but the checkout chick said "thats compleatly unaceptable, hes new, heres your refund":)

oh and BTW, i can actually get the cables for free from my brother anyway if i want them:)
not anymore i havent:p

my brother is a manager for dick smith so he can send me this kind of stuff:)
why shouldnt i take advantage of the connections i have? isnt that the capitlist way?
i bet you would if you could

When in a situation with a really really pushy salesperson the first thing I do is seriously low ball.

As for the TV, start with a price of a minimum of 2/3 cheaper and if I buy it, I get the Wii for free. Act very serious and then see what you get.
do what i do, just walk away saying, "i'll go somewhere where the people are not this oushy" i understand sales assistants being pushy to a certain degree because they ahve to sell so much stuff, but not to pushy
actually i dont really get it at all, the store gives them a $50 commission for each sale (not each item sold), so he had already made his commission just on the TV. he would have been better off being nice to us so that when we wanted a suround sound system we came back to him.

the reason these people piss me off so much is that i come origionally from a retail background before i went into hospitality and now health and the very first thing that was drummed into us back when i joined Woolworth's is "customers are really everything"

this is because the woolworths chains are HUGE and strech across everything and if you piss of a customer in safeway they wont buy stuff from big W or liquor from dan murfeys.

there are ways to make a sale without taking over and the customer leaves much happier
But...but... YOU bought them. How can you be mad at another person for a decision YOU made.???
But...but... YOU bought them. How can you be mad at another person for a decision YOU made.???
He is mad at himself for being weak willed.

I recall being in a department store in Houston a few years ago looking for bed linen. (We have an American King size bed back in the UK and as these are larger than British King Size you can't readily get the right size in the UK.)
A saleslady, kept asking me if she could help me, even though I had told her each time I was just browsing.
Finally I said, "Look Madam, I am going to be buying a few hundred dollars worth of merchandise here. I don't need any help to find what I am looking for. I want to look for it by myself. When I have decided what I want, I shall look specifically for you and make the purchase. Until then please leave me alone. If you choose not to leave me alone, if you approach me again, then I shall leave the store and you will lose the sale and any commission associated with it."
Two minutes later she approached me and pointed out a special they had on some of their items. I shook my head and turned around and walked out of the store. She shouted some snide comment at my back.

im so furious right now,
my partner and i went out to by a wii and she decided to buy a new LCD TV while we were there.

We went to harvy norman to get them which was all well and good and the guy in the computer section was GREAT, he lissioned to us, he answered our questions and he was compleatly ethical.

now we decided to buy it all on finance which was fine, they do a great interest free and we can easerly aford it but we had to buy the TV first and then go back to the computer section and buy the wii

so anyway we are standing looking at TV's and i ask the usual questions i would and we decide yes we want to buy one. this guy litterally ignores us and TELLS us what we he is going to sell to us, no input from us period. he throws in over $150 worth of cables without either a) telling us the price or b)explaining why we even NEED them

he asks did we have a DVD player and when we said YES he adds one anyway. in this case its not that big a deal because we did actually need to buy a second DVD player and its not that expencive but the principle is compleatly unethical

not only that but when he was "selling" this to us we didnt even know which fucking tv he was selling, he didnt let us imput into the discussion at all. he just walked off grabbed stuff and added it to the list.

so now i have to go and return these stupid cables and they have a "no returns policy" well thats fine they can have a no returns policy if they want but they WILL take these back because otherwise im going to department of buiness and consumer affairs

sorry rant over

Asguard, I've got a big bag of air over here, and you're going to buy it off me.
I would have walked out and spent my money somewhere else - and told the management why.
A matter of priorities

I can't believe all of you people who want economies around the world to fail.

Okay, more reasonably, as annoying and ridiculous as such sales tactics are, we in pseudo-capitalist nations like the U.S., Australia, and others, have built our economies around a system that rewards deception, and even graft, in pursuit of self-interest.

Think about it this way: We're enduring a financial crisis brought on by the subprime meltdown. However, our American economy has long depended on people running irresponsible debt. I mean, you would think that consumers not spending themselves into crisis would be a good thing. However, until that behavior inspires a full-blown systemic crisis—and it would appear that moment has arrived—saving money and not outspending one's resources is bad for the economy.

So, yeah. These pushy sales people are simply doing their part for the greater good. And if that sounds really stupid, well, it is. But it's what we do, and how things work.
actually no tiassa, as much as i was slightly worried about the reception i was going to get when i returned the items the store didnt have a leg to stand on. There are reasons for a statitory refund and these include deceptive behavor by sales staff.
I have never been pressured into buying stuff from anyone. When we bought out our new flatscreen the guy was showing us all these cables we supposedly needed for better picture quality. We knew they were way overpriced and said that to the guy, even though he still went on. He also was showing us bigger TV's then we wanted. We wanted a specific size to fit over our fireplace. When ppl start getting pushy, I pretty much stop them and tell them I am not interested. I also always ask questions about warranties and exhange or refund policies.

You can't blame anybody else but yourselves for caving in and buying the extra stuff.