

Registered Senior Member
I would like to get some answers from some of you. Please try and answer some or all of the following questions.

<B>1.</B>What is your purpose towards yourself?

<B>2.</B>What is your purpose within your family?

<B>3.</B>What is your purpose amongst your friends?

<B>4.</B>What is your purpose within your society?

<B>5.</B>What is your purpose on Earth?

<B>6.</B>What is your purpose amongst the stars (the Universe)?

<B>7.</B>What is your purpose in general?
I will try and answer some of them myself.

1. My purpose toward myself is to be true to myself and never give up. I owe it to myself to try and get the most out of life and always try to learn new things.

2. My purpose toward my family is to provide a part of our combined security. I must make sure that my family survives and are feeling well as well as I can.

3. My purpose amongst my friends is to try and help them in any way I can and also make use of their help when it is offered to me.

4. My purpose within my society is to give as much as I can, and if I cant give my purpose is to take enough to survive.

5. Don't really know yet.

6. Don't really know yet.

7. To learn, to ask questions and to contribute as much as possible (for me) to other beings.
1. To educate and learn as a person
2. To educate them, to argue about assorted things with them (debates, not brawls)
3. To educate and learn from them
4. To change the way they think as a species forever
5. To change it forever (in a good way)
6. To never be forgotten by anyone, or almost everyone
7. To write, to think, to learn, to educate
My purposes.

Oooohhh, this was deep.....:p

1. To keep a close connection to my soul, higher self and the world around me. To be honest and learn and always do my best and always try to see the larger perspective. And to love myself, trust myself and care for my evolution.
Also to challange myself by boldly doing things that I have never done before, that I really like. Maybe I´m just a sucker for novelty....:p

2. To be a part of a growing entity, and to support , help and love them.
And care for their individual evolutions. To be a mother, a fridgeopener to the cats and a scoulding presence to my love. ;) To engage us in plans for a better future together. To enjoy eachothers presence. To be spiritually connected within the flesh. To really care deeply for those who have chosen to live their lives so closely to mine. A family is a symbiotic existence.

3. To inspire their ambitions. Be there, when needed. Engage myself in social gatherings with them. Intrigue them with my thoughts, and let them intrigue me. See our incarnational journey together , and the different roles we play and to honor the collaboration that is taking place between our souls.

4. To ruin it...muahahahaa...:D, well illuminate it then. Confuse it, in order to inspire to new ways of thinking. Enjoy it with how my presence interacts with it. To be the artist. The creative force that is needed for progress.

5. To bring illumination to the population of Earth. :D To learn within the physical realm. To help, to spread love. To feel every cell of the planet as it were my own. To go trough the whole chain of different existances that are available on Earth, to be able to truthfully and with compassion share the earthly experience with other non-earthly existences. And help the planet in its journey as an organism.

6. To contribute with my existence to the evolution of the consciousness of the universe. To ultimately become one with the universes consciousness.
Which already is a reality, since time is only an "illusion" , all happens now. But my linear -mind- body-brain hasn´t quite caught up with that, but will, soon.

7. Have fun, annoy people with my colourful presence, tickle strangers and cats, and LOVE! :D

1.What is your purpose towards yourself?
To constantly better myself

2.What is your purpose within your family?
to help as much as posible in making their lives more enjoyable

3.What is your purpose amongst your friends?
same as 2
4.What is your purpose within your society?
as society sees it, to contribute as much as possible while living under strict social rules; as I see it I'll do whatever I want legal or not, regardless of social mores, providing I don't hurt anyone else.
5.What is your purpose on Earth?
To consistently better myself through experiencing as much as possible

6.What is your purpose amongst the stars (the Universe)?
same as 5

7.What is your purpose in general?
To live by my own standards, regardless of anyone else's feelings of it.
*Originally posted by Bebelina
annoy people with my colourful presence

Pink, perhaps?
1 & 7
My purpose to get somewhere...
Where I don't know as I am looking...
looking for what, I won't know until I find it...
Find what, I'm not sure butthere must be a purpose

apparently to be the outcast or person to blame.

To be there to listen and perhaps cast a view if need be.

In society I am again generally walked upon.

To fight just causes, Crusade against oppression and views that are irresponsible. Beat up those bullies that need a kicking to learn some respect.

To act like a small one celled organism within a bucket of sand.

That sounds rather depressing. I think you can come up with something better if you try. Maybe if you considered how you want it to be instead, what purposes would be great for you to have ? :)
Well it might seem depressing but that's just what ails, of course I mentioned a purpose at number 5 that kind of points out that I don't intend to be oppressed for much longer.

Grand Master Flash<BR>
<CENTER>"It's like a Jungle out there... sometimes I wonder how I keep from going under!"</CENTER>

Apparently to be the outcast or person to blame. In society I am again generally walked upon.

Do you feel that your family and society are alienating you? Do you se yourself as an outcast? I don't se the reason for you to feel that. You seem like an intelligent and nice person on this board. And if you really are an outcast then what are you willing to do to change that?

To be there to listen and perhaps cast a view if need be.

I am sorry! with my limited skills of the english language I do not know what you mean by "cast a view", care to explain?
Well, lets see Holy...
Myself being alienated is pretty much due to the fact that my family doesn't bother themselves with any type of philosophical understanding, and have little time for anything from me.

I suppose that I have also been alienated because Supposed "Professionals" misjudged me (doctors) and claimed that I was suffering some illness, when in reality I've just become an unwitting test subject in some covert experiment.

Of course explaining it so, gets those professionals claiming alsorts of outdated bogus assumptions of it being a mental ailment.
In truth it's a University poking around in my head and writing papers on how the mind works, and I'm annoyed because they don't come forwards and nobody has believed me. That's why I titled myself a Cybernautic labrat. Caught in some maze without the ability to see the walls or the path out.

I said "Cast a view" that means to Project a perspective, to give my understanding of a situation or solution to a problem.
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Thank you.

Is there nothing written and released about your predicament? I mean can I read about it somewhere?

Is there some purpose to what the University is doing or will it result in making the world a better place somehow?
Well I haven't totally released any information as of yet, because I'm not too sure how they would react. I know though that I am in the process of writing some information, but I know I'm going to have to clean it up a couple of times to make it coherent.

There is information available on the internet, for instance:

C.A.H.R.A. (Citizens Against Human Rights Abuse)

Of course the information within the "book" document is based upon alleged mindcontrol equipment. Of course some of the information contained is taken from Papers written by Professors at some of the most renound universities.

I does seem that although the professors might be Busy writing great lengths of literature about how the mind works and if it can be linked to a computer (similar to Penrose). That they let their research students "Play" and some of them don't seem to take their responsibilities seriously which causes people like myself to have their lives ruined.

What annoys me is that:

I'm not getting paid for it
I'm not getting qualified because of it
I'm not working because of it
I'm seemingly not going to get any recognition for information that I have researched and they have had access to.
Thank you all

Thank you all for those great purposes, I think I will adopt some of them for myself cause I am not as sure of my purpose as most of you.

I believe most of us have multiple purposes in our lifes. At least I feel like my purpose towards my familly is not the same as to society or my friends.

<B><U>Now for the next question</B></U>
Do you feel you already are fulfilling those purposes or any of them?

If not, why and what can you do to fulfill your purpose?

Maybe you should change the original questions instead to "what is your purpose and HOW do you fulfill that?" , so we don´t have to see those lazy answers 1-7= love, evolution and so on. ;) Because , of course the purpose for everything is love and evolution! Duuuhhh....The hard question is to tell HOW you make that a CONSCIOUS REALITY in your life, don´t you think?! :p

Yes, I noticed

I should probably have made the original question "What is your purpose toward ..., and how will you achieve it?". However, I am grateful of all the purposes in the above posts, I have personally some problems finding a purpose for myself in some areas, and I was hoping to get some ideas as how to se myself in different contexts.

Though I believe I wont actually find all purposes until I have had a family (children of my own) and lived a full life. Now I just study all the time and that can not be my only purpose.
1.What is your purpose towards yourself?

Short term: To stay fit and healthy long enough for science to find a cure to the disease of aging. Without the certainty of a long term future nothing is of any value.

Long term: To survive and hence to experience everything possible.

2.What is your purpose within your family?

Encourage and teach them individual independence.

3.What is your purpose amongst your friends?

To show support and understanding and enjoy the relationships.

4.What is your purpose within your society?

To fight for individual freedoms.

5.What is your purpose on Earth?

Short term: To live and let live.
Long term: To leave it before it is hit by an asteroid or destroyed by volcanic eruptions, or is destroyed by other means.

6.What is your purpose amongst the stars (the Universe)?

To explore them as soon as I can.

7.What is your purpose in general?

To survive and hence to experience everything possible.
