Pure manifestation needs a station????


Registered Senior Member
dose any one have an experience of manifestations in the dream world that had their own significant effect on your own Real world. if so please explain

once i manifested a estatic lucid fantasy with a close friend of a friend uncontiously offcorse,, but the very next day this friend of a friend told me that she loved me which was definatly unexpected..

very weird most definately
You could have known that anyway and the dream came from that, I've done the same thing on a few occasions, and all were things that I had some incling of beforehand, If you'd never meet the person before, and accurately dreamed her apearance and the situation it might be something, not that your dream wasn't, but something closer to obtaining information unknowable by any other way than pure pre-cognition
but friend i only met this person once!!!

i did not have any feelings for her she just popped up in the dream world and there we were...