Pure Ham

"Muslim prisoners are considering suing the authorities for £2 million after they were offered ham sandwiches to eat during the holy month of Ramadan."

They were "offered" the sandwiches, no one forced them to eat it!

Baron Max
"Muslim prisoners are considering suing the authorities for £2 million after they were offered ham sandwiches to eat during the holy month of Ramadan."

They were "offered" the sandwiches, no one forced them to eat it!

Baron Max

You know, the combination of the British, pork, and Muslims once caused an uprising in India. Really, this shouldn't be as funny as it is.
However, the Prison Service, which yesterday confirmed the incident, said it was a mistake which was "corrected immediately".

It said Muslim prisoners had been given "inappropriate" menu cards for their packed lunches but denied that any had actually been given ham sandwiches.
What Zak said. Ex-cons on the make.
You know, the combination of the British, pork, and Muslims once caused an uprising in India. Really, this shouldn't be as funny as it is.

So we should cowtow to the demands of the Muslims at every such turn of events? ...for fear that the Muslims might riot and burn our towns and villages?

Baron Max
"It said Muslim prisoners had been given "inappropriate" menu cards for their packed lunches but denied that any had actually been given ham sandwiches."

I thought muslims fasted during ramadan so they wouldnt be eating lunch anyways.
Baron Max said:

So we should cowtow to the demands of the Muslims at every such turn of events? ...for fear that the Muslims might riot and burn our towns and villages?

O ... tay. I hope you brought enough for everybody.
"It said Muslim prisoners had been given "inappropriate" menu cards for their packed lunches but denied that any had actually been given ham sandwiches."

I thought muslims fasted during ramadan so they wouldnt be eating lunch anyways.
Hey Milkweed

how are you

Excellent point, case closed!!!

These criminals will get laughed at from one side of the planet to the other..

Anyways i go to many resturants and i bet those criminals have too when pork is on the menu!!! In fact the entire menu card should be made from pig meat apart from one appauling disgusting alternative, they are criminals so they should not get a choice.

How fuckin ridiculous??? What... did they force the ham down their bloody throats or something???
How fuckin ridiculous??? What... did they force the ham down their bloody throats or something???

Hey reiku

i think these crimianls are just trying t pull a fast one so they have some funds for when they get out of jail.

iT IS so absurd i assume it will be luaghed off befor it got annywhere near court
