Pure adaptationism!!!



Does anyone belive that all caracters of life are selected adaptations? I find it hard to believe. Our cognitive capacities, for example, were they selected by natural selection? If not, why are we capable to calculate things like the Plank Time... Do we need that to survive... I mean... the pre-historic people had the same intelectual potencial that we have in our time... so i bet they could do it if they had the right cultural context
Hey Spurious... are you constantly bored? I've noticed that in you... It seems that you see yourself way above everyone... like an Olimpo god that says: "Those dam mortals again. They don't know anything". Don't be like that... my doubt is honest.

...and religion is not my thing...
our culture is not genetically based. Calculating 'plank time' or 'knowing how to hit the enter button to start downloading porn' or not quite things that are encoded straight into our genome. We have just the potential to develop such knowledge.

Our cognitive power certainly had benefits during our early evolution. So, your if not is not a valid assumption to start with (in my bored opinion)
i'm not sure in what way u question the darwins theory of evolution, but a book i read had an article in it that really make me think. "From Gaia to selfish genes" . Its just different ways of looking at things that everyone 'knows'. its easy to read, so give it a go.

Does anyone belive that all caracters of life are selected adaptations?

Probably some people believe that. However, I think you'll find that most biologists do not.

Our cognitive capacities, for example, were they selected by natural selection?

That covers a lot of ground. Which cognitive capacities? Some are undoubtedly selected for. Others may be biproducts of other adaptations. Some may be accidental.

If not, why are we capable to calculate things like the Plank Time... Do we need that to survive...

No. That one is a biproduct of other features of our brains, which have been built up through natural selection and accident.

I mean... the pre-historic people had the same intelectual potencial that we have in our time... so i bet they could do it if they had the right cultural context

i agree.
I've read some books that theorized about the evolution of the mind. What was selected for was pattern finding. Our ancestors (as well as us) needed this ability to adapt to a sparse savannah lifestyle. Constantly roaming, looking for food. Pattern recognition helps us to determine what is safe/dangerous, good to eat/not good to eat, where water may be found, where food my be found, etc...

Also, a lot of our minds (the conscious mind) is devoted to social skills. As our social groups became more and more complex, we needed larger brains to determine social status and other things. What I read spoke of compartmentalization of the brain. Our early ancestors shaped tools without understanding what they were doing. They didn't think about it, they did it. Much like a bower bird. It's like when you try to explain to someone how to perform a complex task. You struggle to find the words to explain it and most of the time eventually give up and have to show them. It's not your conscious mind that knows how to do these things, it's the darker portions.

There is a lot of debate going on about how the mind works (left-brain/right-brain, id/superego/ego, etc...). The truth is we don't know. But our rational mind tries to explain it, even if it's unexplainable. Free will falls in this category as well. Do you actually mean to do the things you do? Or does your rational mind merely explain to yourself why you did what you did?

It's interesting to note a difference in selection criteria. Women largely select their mates not on their intelligence (solving quadratic equations and the like) but rather on social skills. Which is more taxing to the mind? Does selecting for social intelligence result in increased scientific type intelligence? If not, then we're in trouble.

It's possible that future evolution might reduce the size of the brain. As resources grow more scarce, the brain might be too expensive to maintain at it's present size. Our descendants might be as pea-brained as our ancient ancestors.

Patterns, my friend, it's all about patterns.
gOn said:
Our cognitive capacities, for example, were they selected by natural selection?

Why not?

If you consider the possibility of more spatial dimensions than the classical "space-time", like for instance the possibility of an "internal degree of freedom", don't you think that it if somehow this were true, random mutations would "take advantage" of that possibility and if it proved to be a reasonable survival tactic, it would be successful and thusly advance into more advanced forms?

A quick on topic note, from he who wanders.

Does anyone belive that all caracters of life are selected adaptations? I find it hard to believe. Our cognitive capacities, for example, were they selected by natural selection? If not, why are we capable to calculate things like the Plank Time... Do we need that to survive... I mean... the pre-historic people had the same intelectual potencial that we have in our time... so i bet they could do it if they had the right cultural context

Adaptionalism, i.e. the belief that all features of a species have a specific funtion, is nonsence IMO.

After all, some random mutations may bring about more than one feature at a time - only one would need to influence a selective pressure to make the rest also prevailent.
gOn said:
Does anyone belive that all caracters of life are selected adaptations? I find it hard to believe.

What are characters of life?

Our cognitive capacities, for example, were they selected by natural selection?

Absolutely. We do not have powerful brains by accident. The capacity has been 99% selected for.

If not, why are we capable to calculate things like the Plank Time...

I think u meant to say"If so, why are we capable to calculate things like the Plank Time... " here!!! As JamesR said, it is just within that capacity granted to us so we can do it. Visualising 4D space is something we cannot do......yet!

Do we need that to survive...

Do we need fingers to survive? Why do we have them then?

I mean... the pre-historic people had the same intelectual potencial that we have in our time... so i bet they could do it if they had the right cultural context
