In the few years that I have been on this forum I have probably seen countless threads concerning human free will. The standard argument is that if god knows everything, we don't have free will. While for now I will not comment on those charges, I would like to focus on other aspects of free will and god.
I doubt there is a religious person here that would not allude to certain godly acts that hinder or prevent free will. Classic examples would include Lori's "miraculous testicle cream" and Woody's "miraculous job offer". While we could argue semantics, indeed questioning why god would rather help Woody earn $3.50 an hour than save a bunch of tsunami victims, or why god would rather provide Lori with testicle cream for a back rash instead of curing all children that are suffering from leukemia, I would still rather focus on another aspect of humans and free will.
Now, if everyone could kindly turn to Exodus and the case of the ten plagues. It can be stated from the text that the Pharoah was a stubborn old mule. Several times indeed he refused to let Moses people go. However, in the later plagues we see the Pharoah relent and yet..
It is god that makes the plagues continue and the slaves remain slaves:
ex 10:20 'but yhwh made pharoah stubborn..'
ex 10:27 'but yhwh made pharoah stubborn..'
ex 11: 10 'but yhwh made pharoah stubborn..'
ex 14:4 "I shall then make the pharoah stubborn.."
My question, and the point of this thread, is how do I know, how do any of us know that it is not god making us stubborn? Can any religious person out there give me a substantial and decent answer to that?
I have been an atheist since birth, and know all too well that regardless to what anyone ever says, I can never be a religious man. So, how can you justify that my atheism is because of me and my free will, and not god making me stubborn - and thus removing my free will?
"For what reason would god do that?" You might ask. The answer can be found in exodus 14:4 -
"I shall then make pharoah stubborn and he will set out in pursuit of them; and I shall win glory for myself at the expense of pharoah and his army"
So, I must conclude that it is entirely possible that myself, and all atheists, are merely puppets on god's string - designed to somehow make him look better.
Are we being led to our demise just as pharoah was? Do I have free will, do I have a choice in the matter, or is god giving himself glory by leading me to a pit of death merely for kicks?
Any decent answers?
I doubt there is a religious person here that would not allude to certain godly acts that hinder or prevent free will. Classic examples would include Lori's "miraculous testicle cream" and Woody's "miraculous job offer". While we could argue semantics, indeed questioning why god would rather help Woody earn $3.50 an hour than save a bunch of tsunami victims, or why god would rather provide Lori with testicle cream for a back rash instead of curing all children that are suffering from leukemia, I would still rather focus on another aspect of humans and free will.
Now, if everyone could kindly turn to Exodus and the case of the ten plagues. It can be stated from the text that the Pharoah was a stubborn old mule. Several times indeed he refused to let Moses people go. However, in the later plagues we see the Pharoah relent and yet..
It is god that makes the plagues continue and the slaves remain slaves:
ex 10:20 'but yhwh made pharoah stubborn..'
ex 10:27 'but yhwh made pharoah stubborn..'
ex 11: 10 'but yhwh made pharoah stubborn..'
ex 14:4 "I shall then make the pharoah stubborn.."
My question, and the point of this thread, is how do I know, how do any of us know that it is not god making us stubborn? Can any religious person out there give me a substantial and decent answer to that?
I have been an atheist since birth, and know all too well that regardless to what anyone ever says, I can never be a religious man. So, how can you justify that my atheism is because of me and my free will, and not god making me stubborn - and thus removing my free will?
"For what reason would god do that?" You might ask. The answer can be found in exodus 14:4 -
"I shall then make pharoah stubborn and he will set out in pursuit of them; and I shall win glory for myself at the expense of pharoah and his army"
So, I must conclude that it is entirely possible that myself, and all atheists, are merely puppets on god's string - designed to somehow make him look better.
Are we being led to our demise just as pharoah was? Do I have free will, do I have a choice in the matter, or is god giving himself glory by leading me to a pit of death merely for kicks?
Any decent answers?