Punish Those Bad Companies, Punish Them Hard


Registered Senior Member
I haven't a clue where to put this. So it goes in EM&J because it's about companies and evil stuff... Economics are here to, so are World Events... This might even make history. So I don't know where to put it! :bugeye: (Move if it if needed, Tiassa)

Companies that send jobs overseas could kiss their state contracts goodbye if two Colorado lawmakers have their way.

Democratic state Sens. Deanna Hanna of Lakewood and Terry Phillips of Louisville said too many companies are moving jobs out of state or overseas, hurting the state economy.

Hanna said she was shocked when workers for EDS, a Texas-based company that has a contract for computers for the state human services programs, recently told lawmakers it was sending technical support jobs to workers in India and Pakistan.
Article - Denver Post

I always thought a law like this was needed. It would stop Nike from using those kids in their "work places". (I dare not say factory, because that's what it's not.)
Let me make this very clear, Nike does not make shoes! Nike does not make anything, and they certainly do not own factorys or employ children. All they do is contract various existing factorys around asia in special tax free export processing zones where slaves and children work, to send them shoes which they "add value" to by putting the Nike logo on. See, its all totaly on the square *wink*. Nike manages a brand that is the earthly representation of all things athletic, they are not factory workers and shoe makers. They spend a LOT of money on advertizing to try to let you know this, but apparently its not working.
Funny & true about Nike. The Colorado lawmakers may see a backlash. While moving jobs to India may hurt jobs, it saves money. It’s a NIMBY issue--Not In My Backyard. People want jobs to go to cheaper countries as long as it’s not their job. That’s why Wal-Mart is more loved than hated.