

Friend to world's children
Registered Senior Member
Has anyone heard of the dish 'Faggotts'? It's an old english dish...well, it can't be called such 'bad' things, due to homosexuals being called 'faggotts' also.....

more pc bollocks, so any word that anyone now uses to mean 'black' or 'gay' (that word will soon be taken out of the dictionary) you cant use. So, if someone started saying 'spoon' as a way of meaning doughnut puncher....you'd have to ask for the metal object that is neither knife or fork from now on......

I hate liberals!!!!!!!!!!!
liberals are ok, they should just talk.... russian or something. then they dont keep messing with my language. not that ive got anything against russians, its just that i dont know a word of it and i only know 1 russian, and he never speaks it so it doesnt matter....
another example of extreme prejudice and hatred towards old english dishes.

rise up ye faggotts in the name of justice and liberty!

The faggotts are revolting!!!!!!!

Has anyone heard of the dish 'Faggotts'?

Heh, I still think about this whenever my sis goes with me to an English pub. When she was younger, we used to go all the time to them with my grandparents. Anyhow, she was looking over the menu and freaked when she saw "spotted dick" on the menu and we all cracked up.

- N