pterosaur brain structure study


Valued Senior Member
There was a thread here a while ago which ended up in a discussion on how large winged dinosaurs could fly (and some very - *ehem* - "unique" theories on the subject).

New Scientist is reporting on a new study of the brain structure of the pterosaur, and a couple interesting points that were discovered. things like that pterosaur's barin had a structure used for balancing that was more than 3 times the size of those in modern birds (in comperison to total brain volume).

just an FYI post. enjoy!
Consider it enjoyed!:)
That is strange, if they were that much bigger in proportion to their size then compared to swallows and falcons etc what kind of freaking aerial manuveurs were these giant things pulling off?
Damn time machines won't come soon enough!!:mad:
Maybe it's not the acrobatic flights that makes pterosaurs' brains that unique.... I remeber reading a book mentioning that pterosaur would have to keep their 'wings' unscratched, or they would be unable to fly anymore...... though it bothers me if pterosaurs would look like those 'flying mammals' (not bat, but some species which developed membranes to hover).....