psychoneurolinguistics bio/neurobiofeedback

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Originally posted by automaton
anyone into
either of the above

any post thetans out there
r.s.v.p:m: :confused:

Have heard of it but too lazy to go to google and check it out. Please post more on the subject. Thank You:cool:
symphony in the brain

heres a hopefully new toy its a new search engine with a map and button interface and gets hits google doesnt
university of michigan has good n.b.f.t. link and at harvard via mass general theres a website and forum "neuromancer"
however youllv have to kartoo to get that
the subect above
symphony in the brain is an excellant neurobiofeedback book
nbft is hooking you up to all thru the computer and new diagnostic tech cat pet mri eeg etc and training you to have awareness and control of various processes via their feedback
psyche =mind neuro=brain linguis= language
given our words have a psychic footprint we can condition with language
tell me if you like kartoo
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