

Valued Senior Member
Ever since I've been a member I've had this idea about how reality might differ from what we currently understand. As of now the model being used is only able to explain physical interactions, while a seperate more varied one is used for the mental world. I'd like to explain something before I'm banned (which I believe shall happen tommorrow) which is going to change how you look at life.

When I began hearing about ghosts, demons, angels, and all the similar notions humanity has had over the ages I began noticing something. For all these there was a common factor, they are said to have occured. What this means is that for the person witnessing the event there is a reaction within their mind, a perception of that event. With this I came to a pause, what might explain interactions between the physical world and the mental? It was then I began formulating my theory of Psychoenergetics.

I know this sounds fanciful, and I haven't worked out all the details, but I truly think it's worth looking into. I'll begin with an example to help you grasp what this concept entails...

pretend for a moment you're reading your favorite novel, it's by Isaac Asimov. During this time you are looking at lettering on the pages, it's black (as it all written text). Now imagine that suddenly the wavelength of light actually changes and the text that was black becomes white... what would happen to the words you were reading? In a sense they'd still be there but you wouldn't be recieving anymore information from that book. How does it tie into my theory? I propose that all psychological reactions and physical ones revolve around energy, and that while they seem seperate physical energy in the form of light, or other such phenomena can actually interact with our psychological makeup (in very direct ways).

So if suddenly I were to change the wavelength of all light so black text appeared white, well.. you'd be unable to read anything! It's important to understand because what I'll be saying next is simple, light is energy (photons) and this energy seems to only impact the surrounding environment, however I am saying it also impacts the internal world we each have. That through changing this energy we would effectively stop all forms of written text from being visible.

This can be used to understand the world in a very different way than we are now. That pain you have when you're cut, that person you like but never say hi to, in a sense we can say there must be a form of energy (just like light but not required to be the same) causing this reaction. So, for example, you are crying... in it's most intimate sense this is an emotion, however it also means there is a form of energy acting on you to allow this emotion to surface. The energy may be mental, it may be physically real, but non-the-less it's there.

How can this help us?

The mentally ill for starters. When someone is mentally ill we assume it's a chemical imbalance within their brains, but using my theory this wouldn't be the case at all. Instead we'd say there is some energy, some medium, which is allowing all these disorders to progress and proliferate. Only by locating this energy (mental or physical) can we hope to free them from their problem. The same is true for other psychological difficulties people may have. Wherever there is a disorder there is energy, and it's not specific to physical reality either.. past events can carry their own energy, and it is this causing the behaviors troubling those today.

It's also valuable for science to, it offers us a way to perceive reactions within the context of "how it effects psychological + mechanical systems" and so forth. For example how would making a computer screen larger effect a humans perception of it? Would that change how they did their work?

The model right now would look like this:

Reaction - Medium - Reaction

For any psychological or physical reaction to occur there must be a medium for it to occur by. This means emotional, physical, etc. Light is a good example of 1 medium, without it there wouldn't be a psychological response to the presented textbooks we use everyday in class. So that being the case we see how a psychological reaction is solely dependant upon a type of energy (that being lightwaves).

I suggest to you all that this is essentially true for all reactions, not just mental but physical. It's not cause an effect but more definite than that. It gives us a compass by which to measure our accuracy.

A few more examples for you to ponder are:

You cut yourself, you bleed, you hurt mentally. This effect can last well beyond the physical damage itself, in the case of loosing a limb for example. What this theory would say is that if you feel pain even though your damage is gone then energy of some kind, a medium, is present by which this mental reaction is occuring. It would then be your job to determine what that is..

You're attracted to someone, according to this theory there's a medium causing this attraction, an energy directly interacting with your mental world. It would be how she/he looks but also other factors. Light could be one playing a role as without it you'd never see their face/body. But then if you didn't see them would you feel drawn to them? Maybe not... in that case light is the energy allowing a transmission to occur accross the distance seperating you both, bringing a mental reaction.

Any thoughts?
Another facet of this theory is the paranormal. It indicates that for any ghost, apparition, or entity you see there must be some sort of energy through which this psychological reaction occurs. Thus a presence of a ghost would indicate the presence of some unusual medium by which this ghost is able to manifest to you. The same is true for any other unusual / unexplainable phenomena... there must always be a medium allowing it to be percieved.
The "mental world" IS a physical reaction.

There is no "paranormal".
Nice theory, but no cigar. :) Killjoy is correct in that the mental world, as you call it, is simply a reaction to the physical world. There's absoultely no indication whatsover of the "strange" energies which would have to exist to make your idea work. While it's a bit difficult at times to say exactly what energy is, we seem to be aware of all the various forms it can take. Nothing mysterious there.

All the things you've described can easily be explained in terms of chemicals, hormones, dreams, wishes and actual physical events - even though the latter is not always obvious to the one having the experience. At the same time, neither are they aware of the hormonal or other chemical effects, either.
You see a ghost, it appears real. Just as text appears real to you because of light.. thus there must be a medium like light interacting with you, between you, in order for this ghost to exist.

I'm sleepie
You see a ghost, it appears real. Just as text appears real to you because of light.. thus there must be a medium like light interacting with you, between you, in order for this ghost to exist.

I'm sleepie

No, sorry, not at all.:) The mind is perfectly capable of making many things seem very real that aren't. Consider drunks and the stories of pink elephants and other imaginary things.

There are many, many drugs that are classed as hallucinogens and to the one using/taking those drugs the hallucination is every bit as real as the text on the paper you mentioned.
Actually, it's all just energy. There is no material world, there is no mental realm. It's all simply the interaction of energy and force. Everything else is artificial.

Thus a presence of a ghost would indicate the presence of some unusual medium by which this ghost is able to manifest to you.
Perhaps the perception that a ghost is present is an indication that the perceiver needs to see a shrink or stop with the drugs, booze hallucinogenics, et cetera.
Actually, it's all just energy. There is no material world, there is no mental realm. It's all simply the interaction of energy and force. Everything else is artificial.


Indeed !

I'd forgotten that bit.
I agree with Killjoy that there is no "Paranormal". It is a realm of normal we cannot fully detect yet.

I liked the metaphor about changing the inks color on the page, and it is a unique perspective.

I can see no argument in the "we are energy" phrase. Everything is built from atoms structured in unique elements. Kudos for the abstract thinking darksidz, many would argue that the medium for "ghosts", etc. could be your memory.

See the medium must be something that produces the effect, so in essence memory alone will not cause you to percieve an apparition. There must be, on some level unseen, an interaction of 1 type of energy with another kind, like ink is matter but without light you cannot read. So a ghost, whatever it is, must have some unusual energy causing you to percieve it, memory is a normal function of the brain. Thus I concluded ghosts, when interacting with, means a secondary source of transference, like light must be present to allow it. What that source is could be unusual magnetic fields, etc who can say..

See the medium must be something that produces the effect, so in essence memory alone will not cause you to percieve an apparition. There must be, on some level unseen, an interaction of 1 type of energy with another kind, like ink is matter but without light you cannot read. So a ghost, whatever it is, must have some unusual energy causing you to percieve it, memory is a normal function of the brain. Thus I concluded ghosts, when interacting with, means a secondary source of transference, like light must be present to allow it. What that source is could be unusual magnetic fields, etc who can say..

Actually, you can forget all the business about energies, mediums and magnetic fields. The driving 'force' behind apparations is the human imagination - nothing more (except drugs which may be aiding it).;)
The driving 'force' behind apparations is the human imagination - nothing more (except drugs which may be aiding it).

Speaking from experience?
I personally dont think there's anything new in your theory to warrant a new theory being created.
Everything you describe is known to science and philosophy and has been for a long time, still interesting - but theres definitely not anything new there.
peas :)

See the medium must be something that produces the effect, so in essence memory alone will not cause you to percieve an apparition. There must be, on some level unseen, an interaction of 1 type of energy with another kind, like ink is matter but without light you cannot read. So a ghost, whatever it is, must have some unusual energy causing you to percieve it, memory is a normal function of the brain. Thus I concluded ghosts, when interacting with, means a secondary source of transference, like light must be present to allow it. What that source is could be unusual magnetic fields, etc who can say..

Darksidzz, the human brain simulates reality and produces hallucination. Have you ever had a dream? That's a natural human hallucination. When normal people perceive the 'paranormal' while awake (and not on drugs), their brains are undergoing Hypnogogic or Hynopompic hallucination. This means that the cause of the effect is the human brain.