Psychic pheno. and fear paralysis

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Hi Guys and Gals'

A while ago a thread was posted about the problems of proving the existence of the psychic ability.

I have since given it a lot of thought and realised that the answer is actually quite simple and even logical.....

I have found ( not original I might add) thyat the main reason is Fear. Fear of the paranormal. by both the operant and the skeptic.

When we talk of the psychic we are talking about the paranormal.

Nowe if one thinks about the paranormal there are normally great fear associations to it.

Most Horror Films are about the paranormal, nasty ghosts, werewolves vampires and all sorts of nasty entities.

You say but this is just for fun yes it is but it is fun because it is scarey.

Why is it scarey? Because we fear that it may be true. ( not confirmed fear but paranoir) Fear of the unknown.

So, some one says he can read minds or levitate or talk to the dead.

Can't prove it why, because he senses the fear of the people he is trying to prove to.....fear of the paranormal.

When you are afraid your body tenses and you end up in a state of fear paralysis which stops paranormal functions.

This fear response is essential for mankind to function properly.

With out this fear of the paranormal everybody would be fiddling about in ways that are not necessarilly beneficial.

People intuitively know this and fear or an adrenal reaction occurs which stops the ability from being used in a way that is consistant.

Most ghost stories are about intense fear, and most ghost stories are a creation of the imagination as a reaction to fear.
yet stories of angels and miracles exist becasue they are not as feared but are also paranormal in nature.

When people go to church or pray they are praying to something that is paranormal.

prayer is a paranormal action. But is accepted as quite normal.

Fear of God = fear of the paranormal
Fear of Satan = fear of the paranormal
Fear of talking to dead people = fear of the paranormal.

When persons go to a clairvoyent and get their cards read they experience a certain fear, some people like this fear and some don't.

The main reason for skepticism is fear that the psychic is possibly true.

Our Instictive reaction is able to cripple just about any psychic ability due to tensing caused by fear.

When some one says they can read your thoughts your imediate reaction is to protect those thoughts ( tensing ) but if the person is read with out being aware of being read then the results are more profound.

Any true psychic knows that their are many less desirable outcomes possible to thier work and this creates fear that limits the ability.

This Fear response should be respected as it is almost the same as the fear of going insane. AS we all probably would if we didn't fear the paranormal.

Just my thoughts on the subject and I look forward to your "courageous" responses.