Psychic attack? Communism? Question!


Registered Member
okay, has anyone else had this experience. I was dating this girl, blah blah blah, turns out she is highly gifted and a fan of communism. Anyways, she did something to me, and I am still trying to figure out exactly what. The thing is, whenever I walk past certain males, and I can pick them out instantly, I can almost sense an attack is on the way. Not physically, its a more primal sense than that, its like they can just think something and chemicals start flowing in my brain and I feel like shit for a while, sometimes a day or two. Its almost like being in a nature show on TV where the dominant male gets what he wants and fucks over the weaker ones... I'm gonna have to swallow my pride here and say for now I am the weaker one. Now most of the general population is fine, but there are a few here and there that get me. This all just started happening to me and I am trying to make sense of it. :confused:

From some psychic attack website...
The primal part of the back brain, called the medulla oblangata, is responsible for automatic bodily functions such as breathing, substance assimilation, digestion, elimination, and various involuntary physical movements. It is the control center for the central nervous system, which is also in charge of our habitual emotional responses. When we feel threatened, anxious, or fearful, the primal brain reacts by stimulating a big-chemical reaction called "flight or fight." Neurotransmitters release a rush of adrenaline into the bloodstream, which then floods the vessels of the back brain. As a result, we may experience any number of uncomfortable physical and emotional sensations: heart palpitations, cold sweats, hot flashes, numbness, shock, anger, sadness, fear, panic, feelings of dissociation, and even thoughts of impending death.

This describes what happens, I can feel chemicals released fromt he back of my brain.

Can I protect myself?
To start with usually the human mind does it's best to develop an answer to a problem, your suffering a problem that you feel is related to being involved with a girl that you probably know most people during the 50's and 60's would have been torching her house over, however the reality might be far different.

If your having some weird brain effect, then I would suggest consulting a Doctor about it to get checked out as to if you've got any brain anomolies, since the first port of call is to identify if what is happening to you is a natural ailment or an artificial one.

Otherwise I would suggest visiting a local Amusement Arcade, the idea here is that Arcades are noisy places which means there are hundreds of different sounds from different directions and distances to yourself occuring, it causes an overload of your brains capacity to single out noise and therefore causes a decent amount of stimulation, you might find while in an Arcade your "effect" is less than normal. (However don't go there if your an impulsive gambler, last thing I want is a guy coming back saying "I tried that and now I'm $100 down")