Psi Balls


I am the great and mighty Zo.
Registered Senior Member
Ok, this is more of a biology question, but since it may fall into the pseudoscience realm I'm posting here.

For those who don't know, a psi ball is considered to be a ball of energy which you can feel. The general suggestion to make one is:
visualize energy flowing into you, and into your hands
move your hands like you are crafting a ball of clay
slowly move your hands towards and away from each other, and you will feel the ball

Now, my question is... what is this? I'm aiming towards some effect of the mind... but is it due to the power of suggestion, or is it neurological?

I'm thinking it may be a natural mechanism to stop you from squeezing too hard (such as eggs)
Big dangly fuzzy psi balls.

I can't say that I have any idea what you're talking about, unless it's your own determination to convince yourself you're experiencing something slightly out of the ordinary. You’ve made a completely tepid attempt at it, I might add, go take psychotropic drugs or hang out with that Fluid guy for a while like everyone else if you wanna’ get into the hard stuff.
Sounds like a visualisation technique used by Kung Fu and Chi Kung practitioners. You visualise energy, which makes you think about the relavent parts of your body. Chi is centred in the 'dan-tien' (according to Chi Kung), and you can visualise taking a ball of chi in your hands.

The 'dan-tien' is located in the stomach, under the diaphragm. So it's basically an exercise which makes you concentrate on your breathing, and moving chi to the hands is an exercise to improve circulation of the blood, as belly breathing is part of this action, and the motion of the hands encourages blood flow. It's yoga with a layer of mysticism, basically.
I'm thinking it may be a natural mechanism to stop you from squeezing too hard (such as eggs)[/QUOTE]

You 100% correct try this reach down and grab your Khahunas take a deep breath and sqeeze them as hard as you can. It wont hurt I promise! :D
Mystech said:
I can't say that I have any idea what you're talking about, unless it's your own determination to convince yourself you're experiencing something slightly out of the ordinary.
Well, I usually don't feel stuff that isn't there... so this would be out of the ordinary. My question is about why the feeling is actually there.

You 100% correct try this reach down and grab your Khahunas take a deep breath and sqeeze them as hard as you can. It wont hurt I promise!

Lol... it was just an idea. Never said it was a well thought out one. Either way, that doesn't really have anything to do with my question. It's a fact that the mind does a hell of a lot of processing to get what we determine as 'touch'. I'm wondering if part of this is based on what we view of the world.
Persol said:
Well, I usually don't feel stuff that isn't there...

Dont get me wrong, I'm a mechanist, and a skeptic, but I've tried some Chi Kung, and you can feel something. Increased blood flow in the fingers, firstly, and when your hands are close to each other, holding the 'ball' each hand can feel the heat from the other, which is interpreted as holding a ball of heat, or energy. The feeling in your stomach is increased blood flow. Something is happening, something is there, it's just more mundane that some practioners claim.
Phlodge - Try this.

Clench your fist as tight as you can for sixty seconds.
Then open it as slowly as you can.
You will find that, even when it feels like you are exerting muscular effort, your fingers will not open unless you open them fairly quickly. It feels almost as though your hand is being constricted by something...

There are a lot of sensory illusions of one type or another - I personally believe that they show up interactions between your autonomic and voluntary nervous functions that don't relate quite the way they should. They may not necessarily have "evolved" to serve a purpose in the usual sense, but rather be capacities of the system that behave unpredictably because they have never related to survival.
Press your hands and arms tight against your sides for a couple minutes, you get the same effect. Your arms tend to rise of their own accord. Like they float up all by themselves.
They may not necessarily have "evolved" to serve a purpose in the usual sense, but rather be capacities of the system that behave unpredictably because they have never related to survival.
That sounds the most likely actually
Blasphemers. Do not take the psiballs name in jest!

They are real balls of energy. They are all around us, you just cannot feel them unless you concentrate.

Oop, there goes one.

And... and... WHOA! I saw it! I saw it! It had the face of JESUS on it!

It felt like love!!!

YAY pseudoscience!
No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DO NOT GET INTO THAT BS!!!! Psi balls are just a complete and utter little fanci some retards made up for absolutely nothing. I have heard of it only once but the kinda of arguement I got into it was astouding. There is no proof of there being such things. No research group has even gone into such a thing because of how rediculous it is. Don't even bother. PSI BALLS ARE NOTHING!!! Consider it a fantasy of dragonball z addicts.
Everything I have ever argued against in this forums always had some kinda evidence that gave it a glimmer of truth. Telekinesis, remote viewing, esp, astral projection, each of these things had a small glimmer of a possibility of it being true no matter how small that was. Psi balls, they don’t have any kind of possibility of being true. Not even paranormal addicts get into such ridiculous ideas.
Hold on vortex, phenominon dont just come out of nowhere, there has to be some real basis. I mean, if this wasnt for real then we would all just be sitting here talking about something completely insane. And I know THAT couldnt happen here on the psudoscience board. If there are no psi balls, then why is the government trying to cover them up?
I used to have this trick whenever I had to blindly select something. Like in a card trick. I would simply hold my right hand about three inches above the cards until I felt heat in the palm of my hand. Now, there are plenty of explanations, but for entertainment's sake, let me say it's not a mere statistical corellation; I score ridiculously low on Zener cards, and I once botched--intentionally--a school achievement test, the kind with the bubble-cards for your answers. Theoretically, I should have scored no lower than 20%, and should have scored between 20-25% (the answer sets were in groups of four and five). I scored 16% or something like that. My school counselor even mentioned that if I was really just filling in the dots at random, I should have at least scored something like 22%. Well, it wasn't random, either. I tried making visual patterns with the dots. Oh, and there was a set of two answers--a series of true/false questions. Random? Not entirely. Knowing that no standardized test I had ever taken had more false answers than true, I specifically made that a reality. But in the end, I scored way lower than I should have.

So of course I was impressed when I was able to find a card or pick the lot I wanted. But I also did a probability experiment in which 19 out of 25 coin flips came up heads, including 17 in a row.

In the end, it's all a matter of what I pay attention to.

However, that said, this whole concept sounds like something I am familiar with through modern systems of witchcraft and also New Age. It is a mind trick one plays on oneself, but strangely, I can't explain that unless--and this is a peculiar gender restriction--you're a male who has suffered hematuria. (For what I think are obvious reasons, I have not developed a template that regards women.)
I see the King! He is in my Psi Ball! The aliens didn't abduct him! Elvis Lives!!

Errm, 'scuze me.

As far as psi balls go, I'm skeptical. I have yet to see the effect of a single one, and it seems more likely that they were conjured up to satisfy those who can't accept that you CANNOT throw fireballs out of your hands, no matter how hard you try. ;) So of course, they go for the next best thing. PSYCHIC BALLS. Awesomeness, hm? :rolleyes:

Overall, they just don't seem very possible. I can't think of any concrete evidence for it, but I do recognize this is the Pseudoscience forum, so I give you some slack on the 'evidence' part.

But until someone can give me a thorough and logical explanation [without being over-complicated and using terms I'm not familiar with] of what Psi balls 'are,' and how you 'make them,' I will remain over here. With the sane people. :D
I'll tell you how you make the psi balls.

1. Get a ball

TADA! There ya go! You can even make it really cool! Like this:

1. Color it blue.
