Proving "telepathy" exists


There are so many things I could say. But I am going to prove to the scientific community in my hounor that telepathy exists. If I have a crowd that agrees, I will emphysise that one either (naturally) proves or says at least something aganist what that person says, or else :eek: Anyhow. I am going to type up first a writing that I myself wrote.

But first.
This thread also is for discussion of the psychic realm. And all that exists psychically. This is an area that is drastically underconsidered by the scientific crowd, and NEEDS attention. I know several people who would agree with me.:cool:

Okay. The writing. Then let us start the hounds. Not that I am going to pay you much attention if you're an asscrack or a butloafer....

Commentation on this issue from my perspective.

First, allow me to give a first writing which by itself is interesting. Although you can pick-pocket me all you f*ing want to, this first writing serves at least some interest.

"In bond w/ society," I wrote so long ago. Indeed there is another way to say this important phrase, perhaps "social infrastructure?" How about social skills? Everyone has this sociatial requirement and infrastructure as a very inate quality to their very being...

Mine, just so happens to be very messed up. Let me describe this infrastructure further: We all act & must act. Simply, we all act! Very, very easy! Indeed so. We all do & must act. This quality of the person is sort of interesting. I actually had meant when starting this paper to elaborate a deal on th is infrastructure. ...! Damn!

Ok. Sure. This societial structure is neat... It's sorta fun... thinking about how our "societial structure" lays a very important essence to our life. Indeed interesting! Most surely take this for granted...."

Before I go much further i would like to clarify something about my username. "existabrent" For many this would first strike the cord of existentialism. ANd that is a major point in this sort of line of thought. Presented above, too. That reality is responsibiliy etc... not that I wish exactly to go into a philosophical discussion here, though...

Now for the next writing in support of telepathy.
What exactly is telepathy anyway?... :)

What is especially halarious is the fact that "telepathy" AND the 'psychic realm' are denied- and: even in regards to my life and experiences! What I had wanted to write about here, is exactly that: telepathy OR the psychic realm.

It is especially interesting that I myself, cause the interactions of others to dramatically differ, and while I even... am- in another room, pretty far away! It truely bewilders me.... There of course are though more serious connections. All evidence for "telepathy" and also this psychic realm.

A different sort of evidence thou it may be: a sort which is like the show ripleys believe it or not. You cannot simply refute this sort of psychic evidence without a remaining bad conscience, as then you would be refuting something alltogether different.

Okay! Those are the writings, guys.
I should also in support to this "proving of telepathy and the psychic realm" give a link to a user who posted some incredible things which simply were not refuted... his name is ozzie. Incredible mind. Anyhow, here we have it. Let's see how this starts shall we?
ha, ha... no more being a butloafer please. I have no eartly clue what message exactly it is that you sent.
It is especially interesting that I myself, cause the interactions of others to dramatically differ, and while I even... am- in another room, pretty far away! It truely bewilders me.... There of course are though more serious connections. All evidence for "telepathy" and also this psychic realm.

This sounds like it could be done with two people and two brainwave readers in two different rooms. Why don't you do that and end all debates?
This sounds like it could be done with two people and two brainwave readers in two different rooms. Why don't you do that and end all debates?

Haha... at least I am getting some positive feedback!
Good idea. Set me up with that, and we will have it done ;-)
Anyways if you want to control the telepathic ability. First learn to play games that use the brain waves to control game characters. That way after practice you will realize which images and thoughts create which brainwaves...and perhaps those brainwaves can be amplified and be heard by others who do the same.
Hi Brent,

Just some questions for the board:

1] Does something have to be predictable and repeatable at will to be proven as true?
2] Does a persons or peoples reaction to free floating pheromones in the air count as telepathy?
3] How far can air borne pheromones travel and
4] How acute is our ability to sense subliminally?
5] How does quantum entanglement effect notions of Faster than light speed communications and how could this be relevant to the issue at hand?
6] How strenuous would some one act to protect their hidden secrets do you think? [ we all have many secrets that we wish to remain as such]

Like your thread Brent.....

Tell me what sort of fears are associated with the revelation of true psychic abilties do you think? I think you already know the sort of anxiety that is experienced.

The fear of broadcasting your intent and thoughts is not just the priviledge of those deemed to be suffering Paranoid Schizophrenia. The general population also has tremedous concern about their internal privacy. In fact it is this paranoia of a loss of privacy that drives the desire to deny the reality of the psychic realm. [ Putting persons in psychiatric institutions as a consequence of their own instinctive fears instead of dealing with the reality]
Thus they will instinctively attempt to shut down someone who appears to be invading that privacy. Instinctive Self protection will function even if the person is a willing and voluntary participant in a telepathic experiment. This is manifested directly in the denial by society and the medical profession of the reality of their instinctive fears and how they will instinctively deny an "out of control psychic" the right to proper therapy and training and seek only to destroy or inhibit or obstruct any ability that person may have.

Best of luck!!
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Wow good post ozzie, nice to see some critical thinking on this forum for once, tis a rarity for us :p
Unfortunately it has all been argued countless times before.[ by me and others ].. Changing instinctive behaviour is like trying to change someones sexual preferences...aint going to happen hey?

Printed your post, will give what you are asking. Just hard to formulate exactly the answer to your question. (ie. what "fears" are associated with the realization of true psychic ability. and that I know already this anxiety)