prove to me that god is real

thedevilsreject said:
great yet another religious fanatic, STOP QUOTING RELIGIOUS TEXTS FOR FUCKS SAKE

Why should the "Religious Texts" be left out? Only in this way will you know that I'm not making this stuff up off the top of my head.
I suppose I could... you know lay off of Atheists in general for a while.. and concentrate on ruining YOUR LIFE DEVILSREJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11
John Mark E said:
Why should the "Religious Texts" be left out? Only in this way will you know that I'm not making this stuff up off the top of my head.

sorry maybe i was a little harsh, but people around here use religious texts as proof. welcome anyway and sorry for being harsh a little too soon
Athiest Hater #1 said:
I suppose I could... you know lay off of Atheists in general for a while.. and concentrate on ruining YOUR LIFE DEVILSREJECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11

your are neither important or intelligent enough to even try so take your quran and shove it up your ass sideways
Wow.. A gay joke. My God I'm so scared. I suppose I could *yawn* um, say aahh.... There you go, wow, you're so fun to battle it out with.Man I'm so scared of you. Ad you little Atheist brigade *yawn*. I'll figure some way out of this horrible situation you have put me in....
Athiest Hater #1 said:
Wow.. A gay joke. My God I'm so scared. I suppose I could *yawn* um, say aahh.... There you go, wow, you're so fun to battle it out with.Man I'm so scared of you. Ad you little Atheist brigade *yawn*. I'll figure some way out of this horrible situation you have put me in....
so thats your crude contribution to an argument, well done i am speechless at your intellectual might
*bows down before religious nutter*
thedevilsreject said:
great yet another religious fanatic

Ya' me crazy, but I guess I would have to take that as complimentary. Thank you. I can handle being "another religious fanatic".
Rickie said:
crunchy cat and snakelord, read genesis 4. adam and eve have two sons, cain and abel. cain kills abel. then cain goes out and meets his wife. all of that was before they have their third child seth. where did the other people come from? I think evolution is the explaintion for the other people.

The bible says all mankind sprung from Adam and Eve and you are saying that evolution was also a source of mankind in an effort to resolve the obvious contradiction you pointed out? Resolution of the contradiction in this manner creates another one as it goes against biblical assertion of Adam and Eve being the originators of the human species.
Crunchy Cat said:
The bible says all mankind sprung from Adam and Eve and you are saying that evolution was also a source of mankind in an effort to resolve the obvious contradiction you pointed out? Resolution of the contradiction in this manner creates another one as it goes against biblical assertion of Adam and Eve being the originators of the human species.

I agree, this would be a big contradiction...thousands of years compared to 6 days to the creation of mankind. Only one can be true. If something in the Bible is proven to be false, then how can any of the rest of it be proven true. Who could say which was true, which was false, or which was symbolic and not literal.

Basic sociology points to a centralized point of origin of society. This central point lies in the area around Mesopotamia. Study would show that this is the area accepted as the location of 'The Garden of Eden'.

The law in the Bible was not given until years later that immediate family members could not marry.

One more belief of mine is that the Genesis account of creation is literal.

By my faith, I do not have to have evidence of the accuracy of scripture in order to accept it. When I do find it, the discovery is that much more enjoyable.

One more belief of mine is that the Genesis account of creation is literal.
Ahh good, a Christian who realizes that the A&E story must be true otherwise the whole Jesus storyline would be a sham. It was their original disobediant actions that condemned the whole of mankind to death and created the need for a savior. If they didn't really exist then there would be no basis for Christianity, right?
Welcome John..

Just thought I'd question a quick error in your last post concerning evolution. You said: "BY CHANCE". What do you mean by chance?

I believe

You said that some 12 times in your earlier post. How can you go through life like that? But I would be interested to 'know' why you believe. If you could fill me in I'd be grateful.

crunchy cat and snakelord, read genesis 4. adam and eve have two sons, cain and abel. cain kills abel. then cain goes out and meets his wife. all of that was before they have their third child seth. where did the other people come from? I think evolution is the explaintion for the other people.

Well a christian apologist would tell you that gen 4 also states that 'had many other sons and daughters', and that of course daughters weren't mentioned. Indeed in the family tree shown shortly after, it mentions the sons that were born and then just says "had other sons of daughters". It does this all the way down to Noah. The argument is that Adam and Eve had daughters as well, they just weren't mentioned.

However, I would just say you are entitled to your belief that Adam, Eve and all the animals in the GofE were 'made', and that everything outside of the GofE evolved. As far as reality goes, the idea is complete codswollop - but don't let it stop you.
John Mark E said:
Why should the "Religious Texts" be left out? Only in this way will you know that I'm not making this stuff up off the top of my head.

YOU are not making this stuff up, but the clowns that wrote the scriptures certainly were.
John Mark E said:
....I believe....

I believe that I have great big wings on may back that allow me to fly. I believe it so much I'm going to attack evolution science and claim it's all bollocks since evolution cannot explain how I (a human) have wings on my back.
Do I sound like a nutter? :p
Athiest Hater #1 said:
Wow.. A gay joke. My God I'm so scared. I suppose I could *yawn* um, say aahh.... There you go, wow, you're so fun to battle it out with.Man I'm so scared of you. Ad you little Atheist brigade *yawn*. I'll figure some way out of this horrible situation you have put me in....

How was that a gay joke?? Shoving books up your arse isn't homosexual, is it?
God has never been proven scientifically. It would not be.
How does anybody prove that I have experienced a dream?
LiveInFaith said:
God has never been proven scientifically. It would not be.
How does anybody prove that I have experienced a dream?

On what grounds do you say that god has not been proven scientifically?
On what grounds do you say that perceiving god is the same as a dream?
Statement no 1, in common term used in this thread, instance of evidence.

Statements number 2 is not saying what you think, it's merely a question that I need other to answer.
LG, I think I need to declare that I have faith in God. Then you could see my question with different meaning : I am begging anybody to prove, wether or not I have experienced such dream? say, last night when I slept so tightly.
LiveInFaith said:
LG, I think I need to declare that I have faith in God. Then you could see my question with different meaning : I am begging anybody to prove, wether or not I have experienced such dream? say, last night when I slept so tightly.

It's not clear what you mean by this. We know that people dream, you're a person, so if you say you had a dream last night then why wouldn't anyone believe you? :confused:
John Mark E said:
Basic sociology points to a centralized point of origin of society. This central point lies in the area around Mesopotamia. Study would show that this is the area accepted as the location of 'The Garden of Eden'.

I'll have to ask you for evidence of these claims.