Protoscience Challence to Second Law of Thermodynamics


Registered Member
I was granted U.S. patent 3,890,161, DIODE ARRAY in 1975 on a chip typically consisting of billions of nanometer scale diodes which absorbs macroscopically uniform ambient surrounding heat, transforming it into an equivalent release of electrical power. The diodes, in consistent alignment, rectify and aggregate internal radio frequency thermal noise within electronic components (not involving antennas) into D.C. electricity. The diodes are in parallel first so the diode currents bypass each other. The forward current that a random half of the diodes release intermittently overwhelms the low reverse current released by the other half of the diodes. The net forward current of the diodes is aggregated in parallel into useful power at low voltage. Balanced groups of diodes in parallel are then connected in series to build higher voltage. The slight thermal noise of the load is unimportant because it is vastly overwhelmed by the great preponderance of net rectified power.

The electrons move uphill into the buss voltage within the source diode so they loose momentum so they become colder. The loss of thermal energy is equal to the gain of electrical energy released from the buss when electricity is drawn off.

The power needed to alter the width of the depletion region at the junction, which determines the conductivity of a diode, is deducted from the thermal noise leaving net rectified power meaning that less power is needed to sort the random power than is supplied by the random thermal power. This means that a variant of Maxwell's demon, M. Von Smoluchowski's trapdoor, applied to electrons, will work. This is a challenge to the Second Law of Thermodynamics.

The concept was tested in 1993 where more power than ~2 nanowatts, the power a single diode can yield, 1 /2 kTB where 1 / 2 accounts for rectification, k=Boltzmann's constant, T=temperature in Kelvins and B= 1 THz, the upper frequency limit of thermal noise, was measured from a chip consisting of ~5,600 Au dot anodes surrounded by SiO2 on a n GaAs substrate. The chip produced ~50 nanowatts as ~50 millivolts across 50 K ohms under professional test conditions including a uniform temperature bath of stirred pure inert oil, showing feasibility. Unfortunately the documentation of this test is poor.

This experiment should be corroborated. Chips better than the one used in 1993 are available though adaptation by adding a conductive layer to the face is needed. I would be pleased to advise at arms length.

Practical diode arrays require nanofabrication of arrays containing a great number of nanometer scale diodes. A test array can be assembled with carbon nanotubes selected to be semiconducting placed between Au and Al rails.

If this works, future appliances would get all the energy they were designed for from ordinary air or water. This energy would be clean, cheap, widely available, safe, quiet, reliable, and not emit greenhouse gas. Furthermore, air conditioning would release electricity instead of consuming it, which is basically more sensible. Small appliances would work cordlessly anywhere in the world out of the box. Many kinds of electric vehicles would become practical. Diode arrays in computers with minor inputs and outputs would recycle the heat from the operating chips so the system would not release heat or need external power while using lots of high power high speed logic.

I want this to be commercialized without fussy licensing restrictions on the diode array or its applications so all humanity can be involved in its synergistic development.

First, a prototype development group with great team strength needs to emerge. Later, many application development groups should emerge. Micro angel capitalization is the cleanest form of financing. A smooth, free, and fair market should support useful applications using commodity chips made by commodity equipment.

This is the latest version of an evolving presentation.

Charles M. Brown
Kilauea, Kauai, Hawaii
CharlesMBrown said:
I was granted U.S. patent 3,890,161,

And with that obvious appeal to authority, the rest of the post can thus be ignored. It's not as if patents haven't been granted for complete bullshit in the past.
Re #2:
One of the statements of the Second Law of Thermodynamics (2LoT) is that it is impossible to make one reservoir of heat colder while work is exported by any continuous self sustaining process. The diode array works intermittently whenever the nanometer scale conditions allow rectification and then aggregation of electrical power so there is merit in saying that 2LoT is evaded rather than violated. The important part is that heat is consumed in one reservoir so Carnot efficiency can be exceeded.
Re #3:
A patent holder is within the bounds of good etiquette when mentioning the patent once in the beginning. A patent has been found to be an original useful device by the patent office. I am resolved to be non authoritarian about developing the diode array because it is so widely useful that it is best developed by many people in open communication. The patent is now in the public domain so its art is available to everyone.
OK, so 31 years after the fact, why are you posting about this now, and here? Seems you failed to set the world alight, so why try again? Your patent has expired, so what do you have to gain?

I don't see anything that your chip offers that a thermocouple doesn't apart from the claims, (which are unfounded it seems) about the amount of energy it would generate.
A thermocouple needs a temperature difference through it. The diode array draws the heat out of ambient material at a uniform temperature producing colder ambient material and electrical power. I have been perusing this for more than 40 years. I think that the technology to do it will become easier until it is eventually tried. Johnson noise is well understood except that I believe that it can be rectified as if it was a small signal and some people do not think it can be rectified. I next believe that the power of many diodes can be aggregated by being connected in consistent alignment parallel. The device efficiency is unknown but even low efficiency leads to useful power density - the overall result of heat being converted into an equivalent amount of electrical power occurs at any device efficiency. The prototype supported the hypothesis though the documentation is poor - similar prototypes can be made by people with moderate skill. Arguments supporting 2LoT are weak for something purported to doom the universe to heat death but strongly held. The patent position allows anybody to develop the diode array with little fear of infringement suits. If the diode array eventually works sustainable prosperity will be possible for a large population. I believe that the Internet is a fair way to give everyone a chance to participate in the diode array's development so I am finding forums to post it on.

My reaction now is to publish in a peer-reviewed journal when I can be a strong participant in proof of concept prototype experiments that succeed in showing feasibility. This is likely to happen because my poorly documented experiment was promising. I am not a scientist so I need coaching. The coaching will be will be more affordable and the publishers will be more accepting if there are interesting results.

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I sold my electrical materials book back to the bookstore last semester, so I can't explain exactly why, but you can't generate a net current that way. you can create in internal current, but it will be opposed, internally, due to carrier-hole interactions.

basically, you can change the resistivity, recombination time of carriers, and (I think) junction voltage, but you will not get a net current out of it.
The diode array's diodes will be made of an n type InSb common cathode with billions of C nanotube Schottky anodes abutting it straight on. There are millions of mobile electrons in the semiconductor. These try to move away and expand the depletion region until more +charged dopant ions in the crystal lattice are uncovered until these two tendencies balance. Johnson noise is one overall imbalance like a small signal that flows through the entire circuit and is subject to rectification.
