Protein expression


Valued Senior Member
I was thinking about a study I read a while ago. It correlated a specific protein expression with religious belief. I can't quite remember the protein D1 something? 4d? Anyway, I was thinking that perhaps some populations have a higher expression and thus are more religious. Perhaps the greater the expression the more zealot. If we can narrow down the function of the protein if may be possible to administer a blocker or partial blocker and then, perhaps, for a moment or two, theist on this board could have a rational conversation with us :) Now wouldn't that be interesting! They take the blocker, think rationally, stop taking it and revert back. Could be fascinating watching someone debate themselves on and off the blocker :)

Not to mention the benefits of fluoride-like admin? Hmmmm..... maybe that's going a little too far.
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I was thinking about a study I read a while ago. It correlated a specific protein expression with religious belief. I can't quite remember the protein D1 something? 4d? Anyway, I was thinking that perhaps some populations have a higher expression and thus are more religious. Perhaps the greater the expression the more zealot. If we can narrow down the function of the protein if may be possible to administer a blocker or partial blocker and then, perhaps, for a moment or two, theist on this board could have a rational conversation with us :) Now wouldn't that be interesting! They take the blocker, think rationally, stop taking it and revert back. Could be fascinating watching someone debate themselves on and off the blocker :)

Not to mention the benefits of fluoride-like admin? Hmmmm..... maybe that's going a little too far.

Awesome, this implies a cure is possible someday !
definitely, I think we can all agree that sever religion zealotry is on par with schizophrenia and we should thus expect there to be a biological bases for this mental state. In the past schizophrenia was thought to be the work of the devil - whispering words into the poor susceptible persons mind. Well, I'm sure in the future religious zealotry will be thought of as schizophrenia is now. While at present many people think it's he work of God - whispering words in the Prophets mind, in the future this will be understood to be an effect of too much of a particular proteins expression and simply be treated with a pill.