Protection from harassment act 1997

lucifers angel

same shit, differant day!!
Registered Senior Member
i was served with a warrant of action against me earlier today:


How can someone protect themselves in this country when the police will willingly come along beacsue someones solicitor asked them to? Apprently he is making a counter claim, and i dont know what to do,

The police know all about the hassle and the protection i needed from them, and now they slap this on me, where do i go from here?
1) get a decent solicitor (or at least advice - just talk to one if nothing else).
2) It's most likely a counter-suit in an attempt to get you to drop your case - if he (presumably Jayzon) pursues it the facts should come out and leave him with egg on his face.
I wouldn't worry about it (of course that's easy for me to say, but...).
...The police know all about the hassle and the protection i needed from them, and now they slap this on me, where do i go from here?

the police didn't do this, his lawyer did. The police in this case are gonna be your best witnesses. I'd ask his ex if he did this to her as well. She might have insight to this.

And in the mean time, please quit stalking him. Its obviously upsetting him. :D
the police didn't do this, his lawyer did. The police in this case are gonna be your best witnesses. I'd ask his ex if he did this to her as well. She might have insight to this.

And in the mean time, please quit stalking him. Its obviously upsetting him. :D

damn i knew there was somthing i shouldnt be doing LOL :D
get a lawyer, there are various legal services if you can afford one, sometimes your employer will give you access to the company lawyers.
you have his messages here. Print them out and send them to his lawyer. He was stalking you.

Anyway this looks like he is using any means available to stay in contact with you.

If you prefer it, you can just ignore the wanker.
call legal aid, im assuming there is a program like it in the UK. The police maybe able to put you onto a service if needed. However if you said he is counter suing im assuming that means your sueing HIM in which case im assuming you already have a lawyer.

Oh and as far as advice here i would suggest you PM bells because she MIGHT be able to give you some GENERAL advice that is better than what we legal lay people can
Shit... Lucy

How exactly are YOU Harassing him? This sounds like it could end up costing you a lot of money. You said that he lives very close to you right? If I was in your shoes I think I would just consider moving and putting the whole thing behind me.
Shit... Lucy

How exactly are YOU Harassing him? This sounds like it could end up costing you a lot of money. You said that he lives very close to you right? If I was in your shoes I think I would just consider moving and putting the whole thing behind me.

i am moving MILES away!!

and also he is not around right now because they have him for assesment,

and trust me i am NOT harassing the idiot, he just cannot let go
What are the implications of this action against you? Do you have to stay away from him or something? It's not like you were going to harrass him anyway, right?
I agree with Oli Lucifer, its proper good advice.

Do you want to move or do you feel you have to move? Do whatever your instincts tell you. If you move make sure no one of your mutual friends if there are any knows or tells him. Do not underestimate an obsessive freak.

Its section three that's in your favor:

England and Wales
1Prohibition of harassment
(1)A person must not pursue a course of conduct—
(a)which amounts to harassment of another, and
(b)which he knows or ought to know amounts to harassment of the other.
(2)For the purposes of this section, the person whose course of conduct is in question ought to know that it amounts to harassment of another if a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of conduct amounted to harassment of the other.
(3)Subsection (1) does not apply to a course of conduct if the person who pursued it shows—
(a)that it was pursued for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime,
(b)that it was pursued under any enactment or rule of law or to comply with any condition or requirement imposed by any person under any enactment, or
(c)that in the particular circumstances the pursuit of the course of conduct was reasonable.

DO NOT talk to his ex. It can too easily be misconstrued as meddling in his life. Take legal action only. Do not involve yourself in any way in any aspect of his life. Take legal action only and the advice that your lawyer gives you. If your lawyer wants to ask questions of ex's for legal defense that's fine but not you.
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Also, change your identity in sciforums (make new one), because you seem to update info about yourself here from time to time. Otherwise, he'll be able to find you wherever you go.
Also, change your identity in sciforums (make new one), because you seem to update info about yourself here from time to time. Otherwise, he'll be able to find you wherever you go.

I bet even if she made a new profile we could all spot her a mile away.
Each one of us has a certain style about us. Do you really think she could
hide it that well?

My advice to Lucy...If you stay on and post where this jackass can track your posts, STOP getting all personal. Don't talk about anything going on in your personal life, giving hints to anything.
I bet even if she made a new profile we could all spot her a mile away.
Each one of us has a certain style about us. Do you really think she could
hide it that well?

My advice to Lucy...If you stay on and post where this jackass can track your posts, STOP getting all personal. Don't talk about anything going on in your personal life, giving hints to anything.

She doesn't need to hide herself here just not put personal info on her profile. And yeah like you said keep personal stuff to PM's with those you've known a long while.
She doesn't need to hide herself here just not put personal info on her profile. And yeah like you said keep personal stuff to PM's with those you've known a long while.

Yeah that's what I kinda meant, I guess hide was the wrong word. :eek:

Just don't make threads about her personal life or what's going on in it like
she sometimes does. It would be a shame to move and then have this jackass
find her because of something he read on here.

If this kind of thing had happened to me, I wouldn't post anything personal anymore, knowing that he can frequent this place at anytime, using any name.
It's part of the game

If it comes in front of the bench, make sure your own representative knows how to mock the other properly, so everyone gets a chuckle.
What are the implications of this action against you? Do you have to stay away from him or something? It's not like you were going to harrass him anyway, right?

i have stayed away from him, FAR AWAY!!

and no i was NOT harassing him, the implications are this, i have to appear in court, i could either get community service or a fine, however after speaking with my solicitor yesterday, he thinks i have nothing at all to worry about, so i'm not (for the most part)
I bet even if she made a new profile we could all spot her a mile away.
Each one of us has a certain style about us. Do you really think she could
hide it that well?

My advice to Lucy...If you stay on and post where this jackass can track your posts, STOP getting all personal. Don't talk about anything going on in your personal life, giving hints to anything.

I would have to agree with you, even though Lucifers Angel is a friend of mine she is prone to being to trusting, and she doesn't always know when to relax!

I have been with her through all of this and will continue to do so