

Should prostitution be legalized?

Pros: Removes stigma, allows it to be regulated, making it safer, removes man power required, encourages prostitutes to report abuse

Cons: Encourages growth in a sector that is inherenty "immoral," and thus attracts criminal types. Encourages abuse. Click here for more reasons why it's bad.

Actually, if those interested could just read the link, and explain why they agree/disagree, that'd be great. I'm sort of ambivalent on the issue, but I'd love for someone to convince me that it needs legalizing.
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One of the major arguements against prostition that i have heard in the past is that it promotes infidelity. It seems to me that the arguements against prostitiution don't have to do with safetly and aids (as it could be regulated ) but more with married men have sex on the side. The problem with that is that a married man who is committed to having sex on the side (without prior consent) is already unfaithful and the official act can only be delayed not stopped unless the husband himself has a change of heart.

I would contend that making prostitution legal is not a deterient to prostitition but an obstacle that can cut into the frequency but eventuality of infidelity.

If it was such an issue that the some conservative groups would say anything that can be that damaging to marriage should not exist than it would be just as possible to have the state agency created to moniter it issue registration cards to potential customers. Married people would not be eligable for a registration card and non registration meant non partipation with heavy fines being a deterinet for the establishment that offered its services to married men.

Prostitiution already exists in diluted forms and has been recieved by the public

People in the pornography industry are prostitutes inasfar as they get paid to have sex and those who view it are paying voyers. Topless dancers from what I have read in books and on the net have stories of dancers getting offers to go home with paying clients. I would be suprised if all of them always passed up such offers. Many massage palors, espically here in texas are one step away from being prostitution houses and I had one friend in college who paid for his roommates oral gratification at one for a bday present.

If one were to say prostiution should be illegal they should also be ready to say why topless bars, pornography and sensual massage palors should be too.
The bottom line is that the religious right views prostitution (like all sex outside of marriage) as morally bad, and they wish to impose their morals on everyone else by turning them into laws.
I don't see why it shouldn't be legalized, myself.

I wouldn't plan on taking advantage of such services, but I'd like to actually be allowed to take advantage of it. This way, I can change my mind later if I need/want to.
robtex said:
If one were to say prostiution should be illegal they should also be ready to say why topless bars, pornography and sensual massage palors should be too.

Pornography was once criminalized in such a way ... people being paid for sex, therefore it's prostitution ... producers of porn were arrested. It was fought under the auspices of First Amendment rights. That fight was won, therefore porn is legal.

Yay! Porn!
I used to think that prostitution should be legalized, as it would allow prostitutes to report criminal activity, legitimate business men could run the drug dealing pimps out of business, and it could be regulated like any other service industry. But then I got to thinking about what a future with legalized prostitution would look like. I doubt little mom & pop style brothels would last long against some corporate juggernauts. Imagine if you will the Wal-Mart of prostitution. The Nike of prostitution. All of the girls being required to have the company logo tattooed on their butts. Advertising in America already encourages girls to become anorexic sexhounds, imagine how the sex industry woudl grow feeding on the existing memes in American culture.

Could we live with corporate managed sex? The standardization of sexual encounters available to the consumer? The poor prostitutes trying desperately to get you off as quickly as possible to meet some sort of unrealistic time sheet, needing to service x many customers in a night or else fail to get a raise at their next performance evaluations. All you could get is formulaic mass produced company sex. It would be a nightmare. Eventually you would probably have to do it in a cubicle underneath buzzing fluorescent lights.

Leave sex-for-hire to the imaginative extra-legal entrepreneurs I say.
Prostitution is legal...:confused: ...but then again, I am not living in the USA.

I think it is all right being legal.
it still happens whether its legal or not, thus, since the only affectees' are the participants: legalise it and stop wasting police time beating up ho's with truncheons, since there are drunks on the street they should be beating up instead.