prosthetic eye

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The Bob
Registered Senior Member
Is there such a thing as a prosthetic eye that allows the user to actually see? Is any research being done in this field? Thanks.
Chiraque said:
Is there such a thing as a prosthetic eye that allows the user to actually see? Is any research being done in this field? Thanks.
you could try using google, but I have heard that an extremely primitive artificial eye was developed in recent years but that doesn't mean its application is in any way practical.
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I do remember seeing a conceptual design of some implantation that was suppose to be placed behind the eyeball which would then transmit to some grafted nerves, however I don't know if they ever got as far as actually getting a guinea pig to test it out considering that technology is constantly evolving and implantation is pretty permanent.

I mean it could be possible for a person to have multiple operations for replacement, but every operation is considered a risk.
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