Pro's and Con's of believing in God and not believing.

Overall pro or con,

  • Pro

    Votes: 1 20.0%
  • Con

    Votes: 2 40.0%
  • Im being a filthy neutral.

    Votes: 2 40.0%

  • Total voters


Not debating the existence of god, there are 50 other threads to choose from to do that and jump in on, so flutter on ahead to one of those threads for said debate.

Just simply weigh up direct cons and pros as to why believing in a god is positive or negative. Try to refrain from talking about religious scriptures and beliefs, focus simply on the idea of a god existing, it created the universe and everything you see. thats as far as we go, not any deeper into weather heaven and hell exist, they are not important right here for now. Simply god is all powerful and it created the universe with its own design.

weight up pro's and con's like this, Pro "because etc etc" Con "etc etc".

From the last paragraph of the last chapter of A. E. Haydon's "The Biography of the Gods": "For too long, we have put off unto the gods those things that we should be doing for ourselves."
Not debating the existence of god, there are 50 other threads to choose from to do that and jump in on, so flutter on ahead to one of those threads for said debate.

Just simply weigh up direct cons and pros as to why believing in a god is positive or negative. Try to refrain from talking about religious scriptures and beliefs, focus simply on the idea of a god existing, it created the universe and everything you see. thats as far as we go, not any deeper into weather heaven and hell exist, they are not important right here for now. Simply god is all powerful and it created the universe with its own design.

weight up pro's and con's like this, Pro "because etc etc" Con "etc etc". peace.
M*W: God is a negative. God doesn't exist. Anyone who believes in a god is delusional. Take S.A.M. for instance. She/believes in god, but she is delusional. There is no challenge. I would only hope that people can discern the truth. I will always speak the truth on this forum!
Such belief appears delusional from the evidence that I have seen.

But to answer the question--neither. Believing is a function of the mind after evaluation of information. It falls into the realm of amorality.
Pros. Not only does religion serve valuable social, psychological, and cultural functions in society, but also people can get peace of mind, worth, and comfort.
From the last paragraph of the last chapter of A. E. Haydon's "The Biography of the Gods": "For too long, we have put off unto the gods those things that we should be doing for ourselves."

Instead of praying we should be doing, true in most cases excluding a few.

M*W: God is a negative. God doesn't exist. Anyone who believes in a god is delusional. Take S.A.M. for instance. She/believes in god, but she is delusional. There is no challenge. I would only hope that people can discern the truth. I will always speak the truth on this forum!

Why would it be negative for me to have faith in a gods existence?. I think god exists, maybe not the way most people do though, I still see plenty of challenge the universe and reality is amazing and we havent even uncovered/discovered how it functions yet. Sometimes your truth is not good enough and people want more, you wish for more people to follow your beliefs and renounce god, like a dark side of the force serpant trying to bring down te belief in others.

look at your warlike agenda on god and ask if its an obsession that holds you back.

Such belief appears delusional from the evidence that I have seen.

But to answer the question--neither. Believing is a function of the mind after evaluation of information. It falls into the realm of amorality.

God/an eternal energy is a theory if you look at it with the evidence we have, energy cannot be destroyed or created, empty space has no actual physical form to be destroyed or created. The big bang might have happened but was not the pure creation of everything in existence, energy must still have existed prior to the bang thus meaning the universe already existed so talking of the big bang as the starting point is not correct. Something cannot come from nothing, everything must have a source going down to the root source of everything, one that cannot be exausted or used up, that always existed time has no meaning or effect on it.

Pros. Not only does religion serve valuable social, psychological, and cultural functions in society, but also people can get peace of mind, worth, and comfort.

Religion needs to be updated, we need to use our own good judgement to correct the flaws in the scriptures and not blindly follow rules that were made to control others. You can read the old texts and evaluate what is true goodness and what is corruption and evil tainted.

Why would it be negative for me to have faith in a gods existence?. I think god exists, maybe not the way most people do though, I still see plenty of challenge the universe and reality is amazing and we havent even uncovered/discovered how it functions yet. Sometimes your truth is not good enough and people want more, you wish for more people to follow your beliefs and renounce god, like a dark side of the force serpant trying to bring down te belief in others.

look at your warlike agenda on god and ask if its an obsession that holds you back.
M*W: Religion held me back intellectually, so I shed it. If religion/god works for you, so be it.

As far as my "warlike agenda," one needs to pick his own fights. I chose to fight religion. It has had a devastating impact on humankind, and it's all myth.
M*W: Religion held me back intellectually, so I shed it. If religion/god works for you, so be it.

As far as my "warlike agenda," one needs to pick his own fights. I chose to fight religion. It has had a devastating impact on humankind, and it's all myth.

You are not fighting religion though, your directly fighting the belief in god. I fight organized religion and reject it, you go 5 steps further like a full on assualt on god himself as if it were personal vendetta.

God/an eternal energy is a theory if you look at it with the evidence we have, energy cannot be destroyed or created, empty space has no actual physical form to be destroyed or created. The big bang might have happened but was not the pure creation of everything in existence, energy must still have existed prior to the bang thus meaning the universe already existed so talking of the big bang as the starting point is not correct. Something cannot come from nothing, everything must have a source going down to the root source of everything, one that cannot be exausted or used up, that always existed time has no meaning or effect on it.


Since God can't be proved or disproved, it is better to study the universe without saying it is proof of a living God. If there was a god as we speculate, we don't know if said being still exists. We are like God to ants, but we may go extinct, even. It actually looks likely to me.
Since God can't be proved or disproved, it is better to study the universe without saying it is proof of a living God. If there was a god as we speculate, we don't know if said being still exists. We are like God to ants, but we may go extinct, even. It actually looks likely to me.

Depends on what your idea of god is, if it is an eternal energy that is the source of everything then to me that has already been proved. but a conscious living god that would require leaps of faith. Also it depends what you mean by better.

Proved? :eek:

How's it going Chi?

Good =], and yourself?.

Yes, Theres no doubt in my mind that an eternal energy exists. Due to many factors, empty space/energy transformation/existence itself/the fact that something cnnot come from absolute nothingness.

I 100% believe and am convinced that an eternal energy source exists, if it is conscious and plans with direction is another question and that I am not decided upon yet, but by observing the beauty and artistic quality of everything I need more years of thought before making up my mind.

Good =], and yourself?.
Don't ask mate.

the fact that something cnnot come from absolute nothingness.
Ha! I knew that would be your argument.
Only true under current conditions.
And since we know that physics doesn't work for the big bang itself then the rules were different.
So "something can't come from nothing" wasn't necessarly true at that time. ;)
First problem: this thread isn't about "debating the existence" of god, apparently.
Except the majority believe that word has a single, very restricted meaning (which I don't).

So saying "it's all about religion", is incorrect, for starters. The assumption always seems to be that it's about something other than we humans (but it really isn't, 'coz I know). So far, so misguided.
Depends on what your idea of god is, if it is an eternal energy that is the source of everything then to me that has already been proved. but a conscious living god that would require leaps of faith. Also it depends what you mean by better.


Why call the physical, non-sentient thing, energy, god?