I was just joking, but if you guys want this subforum to be more active, you have to losen up the rules a bit...
Also most threads in politics and religion are already debates, just informal...
You know what, just for the mental challenge, I will make it a Catch of 22:
1. For a decent and intelligent debate we need strict rules and heavy moderation.
2. No decent and intelligent person would debate with strict rules and heavy moderation.
Do you wish to have a Formal Debate on your topic?
If not, I will move your thread to Open Government.
That's cheap, coming from someone who won't answer my thread...:shrug:
Look, i know you banned him. Explain the equalibrium where he has been executed more???
let's say A and B started a debate. But C and D are reading it and they would like to add very good arguments or point out incorrect things but it is kind of hard if not impossible.
For the affirmative?