Prophets from the Bible


Registered Senior Member
What kind of "powers" did the prophets have besides visions of the future? Did any of them have healing powers and such?
Thanks for your time. ;)
The prophets had no power at all.

Seeing people as having the power to do miraculous things is like looking at a switch and then looking at the light bulb shining and then stating the power that makes the light shine originates from the switch. Of course the power comes from a massive power station and flows through the little switch to the light bulb. So to the powers that you speak of are not held by humans. Ones who seem to hold such powers are merely switches through which that power flows from its source.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
According to the Bible, what powers did God give to the prophets? Whether it is possible or not, true or untrue, what did the Bible say?
OverTheStars said:
What kind of "powers" did the prophets have besides visions of the future? Did any of them have healing powers and such?
Thanks for your time. ;)

The most Powerful of the Prophets was Elijah and his powers were mostly used for aggression and demonstration.

It seems that with the Advent of Christ the entire level of Miraculous Powers picked up. The Saints of both the Catholic Church and other Higher Religions of the World noticed a new quality of miracle -- the Healings, the multiplications of food. Miracles have even seemed to evolve and esculate over time. Christ never levitated or bi-located, that we know of, but the most recent Saints of His Catholic Church have done these and other remarkable things.
The Devil Inside said:
what is a greater miracle: bi-locating, or being deified against your wishes?


Being misunderstood is rather a counterindication to Sainthood. This is not to say that there were those of evil heart who chose to ignore or defy the greatest of Saints, but that was an Evil against Goodness dynamic. When speaking of being Deified against one's wishes, this is not a hardness of heart issue, but one of projecting an understanding, which a good Saint should not have much trouble with.

For instance, there was Vincent Ferrer, the Greatest Saint in all of History, who would have been easy enough to deify. It was often suggested that he was the 2nd Coming of Christ. But he was able to deflect personal Deification by insisting that he was only the Angel of Judgment from Revelation Chapter 14.

But, anyway, who do you know who has been deified against their wishes. it is not something that happens very often, I should think.